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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Like a Thorn to the Holy Ones [Mast]

    Time had gotten away from him. How long ago did he walk up to Chamber? How long had it been sense he last saw Mast, Magnus, or hell Keeva? Bitterness stung the back of his throat as the fae's name crossed his mind. He had promised not to think of her again. She had left him, vanished without notice, without a sign of where she went. He had left Chamber and searched for quite some time, he hadn't told Straia, but the invisible raven that tattled on him was sure to have updated her. The young stallion was sure Straia wasn't pleased with him, but it was something he had to do, Straia be damned. The search had taken him all over Beqanna. He had over heard many tidbits of information, but nothing too specific. The necromancer was a failure as a spy. He had managed to spend a long time tie jsut existing and yet had no information. Ok that was a bit of a lie, he had plenty of information, but how much of it was useful? That would be up to Mast...and Straia.

    He had dreamed of his meeting with Mast many a time. How would it go? Would Mast still trust him? The autumn sun warmed him, as he moved, the brisk night chill just rolled in as he moved out of Chamber, towards the common lands in hopes to find the deer king. Nymphetamine was glad he didn't have to act like he didn't know the leader of Gates, He was glad he was about to be as much himself as possible. The tricky part was navigating the conversation with the Raven.  The babysitter that held him captive to the raven queen's will. Even if he didn't want chamber to have the upper hand, he had little choice but to allow it. 

    The blood bay moved with ease, it was nice to get out of the ash infused air, to stretch his legs, to flee from all the drama. So much had happened, but so little of it was related to the spy game. The sun was setting as he entered the forest. Long shadows stretched across the ground from the trees, that grew more dense as he moved further in. Nyhpetamine slowed his pace, the Deer King could be anywhere, and with his shifting form, it was hard to tell him from the legitimate deer. He didn't look for a clearing, he wanted the shadows to conceal their meeting, if he would be so lucky. 

    Mast was hard to track down, but the bay whispered for him, hoping some forest spirit would hear is plea and send on his message. Not that the necromancer believed in forest nymphs or anything, but it couldn't hurt. "Come on Mast.... where are you hiding..." The words were not really directed to Mast, but more a whispered plea. Nymphetamine needed to prove useful soon, of surely Straia would make good on her promise to make his life hell. 

    As he waited to see if Mast would appear his thoughts turned to Kimber, and their rather intense encounter in the shadowed woods of Chamber. He smirked, at least he had managed to take that from Warship. He sighed, the young stallion would have to go find Warship again- they never did finish their conversation. Warship would have to wait until he had delivered on the promise to spy for chamber...and for gates. 

    cold was my soul, untold was the pain I faced when you left me: a rose in the rain

    ooc: ADHD post....@[Mast]
    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]
    fall on your knees…oh hear the angel voices

    To say that he was comfortable with the plan Nymphetamine had concocted would be a flat out lie. Every single ounce of it reeked of bad idea, but he had been powerless to stop it. Nymphetamine hadn’t been under his rule when he had volunteered to throw himself into the lions den, and even if he were, Mast wasn’t that type of ruler. He had heard enough whispers to know that the Chamber was actively trying to mobilize their troops, but even still he had no idea where Nympethamine stood in that plan. By all accounts the bay stallion had taken his role seriously, blending in with the evils almost too effortlessly. It was that alone that planted a seed of doubt in Masts mind; a seed that given the chance, would bloom into something untamable.

    That process had already begun. The doubt had already taken hold in his mind, making his stomach churn and his breath hold tight in his chest. While he was not foolish enough to put all of his proverbial eggs in one basket, it still made him uncomfortable to know he had put one egg in a basket currently living amongst the enemy. He knew that for this to work successfully, there had to be a certain amount of trust between the parties, but he was having a hard time giving that.

    It wasn’t often that he strayed this far from his kingdom. Not now, in this late hour, not with war looming heavy over them all. But today he gave himself a reprieve and allowed himself a moment or two of solitude, in a place where hopefully no one was looking for him. His own kingdom had been quiet lately, almost eerily so, but even being there reminded him of what lie ahead. So with a heavy sigh he slipped into the forest, shedding the deer form and giving himself over to his natural born form. The trees and the wind blowing through them seemed to whisper to him, reminding him of the dangers that were steadily approaching. He tried to ignore them by shutting his mind down, but it was almost impossible. Amidst the whispering pines though there was a new shape, and a familiar one at that. Nymphetamine, the blood bay spy. Mast stopped short, leaning into the shadows and trying his best to stay concealed. There was still a good bit of distance between them and for now Mast preferred to keep it that way. On the wind he heard a whisper, and his eyes narrowed slightly. He should show himself, but for now? For now he would stay put and use this opportunity for a little practice. Closing his eyes he concentrated, and soon a mist appeared near Nymphetamine. It was there but not, misty but tangible. It was also in the form of a magnificent white tail deer. The form cocked its head at the blood bay stallion, blinking slowly over its large liquid eyes. “Ask and ye shall receive. What message do you bring, Nymphetamine?” it said, and its voice was Masts. Noiselessly it glided forward, ever watchful and ever curious. From his shadows Mast watched, a small smile barely curling the corner of his black lips.

    M A S T
    King of Heavens Gates

    ooc - so, mast sent his patronus form out to do his talking. he's still hiding Wink

    Time seems to move to fast, there is so much to do, and yet there seems to be little fruition. The blood bay seemed to be frozen, with no foothold to go any further. Straia had been less than forthcoming with information, and Nymphetamine had been unable to contact Mast, until now. Nothing about this situation was comfortable for the young stallion and he wanted to make headway. The raven on Nymph's back was barely a thought anymore. While it still sat there (invisible to everyone else) and reported everything he did back to Straia, Nymph was to the point he had to just ignore it. He would play off any backlash as just doing what he had to do to get information. The night wouldn't last forever and Mast needed to show, Nymphetamine had to bring something back to Straia.

    The night was still, there was no motion, no sounds. The blood bay has sure Mast would not show. It had been long enough if Mast were to meet him the deer shifter would have shown by now. Nymphetamine was ready to leave when a smoky stag formed in front of him. The sound of Mast came from the physical mirage. If the young necromancer hadn't seen so much oddity in the Chamber he would have been confused or worried, but the mirage was nothing in comparison. With a simple dip of his head, he welcomed the ruler, "I am glad you came Straia is eager for information, and I have information for you as well." He paused to give the ruler time to address him prior to getting into the thick of it. "The war is getting closer and closer, as I am sure you know Straia has made many leadership changes, and I would say they have made the land stronger. Killdare is the lord, and Warship is head of the army. Shaytan is head of the peace caste now. Gyffen still has not returned...and the biggest bit of news, well I can't tell you that yet. I need something first. I have to have something to take back to Chamber. Something that they might not know. Otherwise, Straia will know something is up."

    He didn't beg. His situation is what it is, the thing is, if mast didn't give him something- he would be forced to gather the information on his own though he would confirm all information anyway. Nymphetamine didn't need masts full trust. Mast would never fully trust him- but the arrangement was made, and mast had to accept the terms or let the conjurer know so he could get out. But for now, the ball was in Mast's court, and the waiting game was in play.

    cold was my soul, untold was the pain I faced when you left me: a rose in the rain

    [Image: nymphetamine_zpsmlx48otf.gif]

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