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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Make Way for a Queen, Esileif

    ♦ Fynnegan ♦

    I led us out of the meadow explaining I would tell her all about everything on the way. The tall grasses became shorter as we went until they were scattered by the trees. I easily fell into step with the mare. She, who had allowed me to achieve my herd, was kind and gracious. I was thankful for her, she would surely be a kind and thoughtful lass to have at my side. I looked at the young mare with respect. I can't say there were feelings there but I respected her for what she was, no matter how unrefined. I lead the way eager to show her and eager to recruit.  

    I kept walking towards Dale, the landscape slowly changed as we went. I kept conversations light as we which allowed comfortable silences to fill the voids. After awhile I decided it would be a good time to tell Esi all about the Dale, my Kingdom. "So you have never heard of the Dale? Well it is a grassy land with a lovely river keeps everything vibrant. I haven't met many of the inhabitants but those I have met are kind. Overall it is a quiet Kingdom, but it is part of my home. It is a good place."  I paused to let her ask any questions she might have before moving on to other topics. "Where did you grow up then? You didn't seem to like your father, from the comment earlier."

    They had entered the Dale and were now close to his lands. As a whole he thought of his lands as a miniature Dale. He had trees and large clearings, and a small creek. He was proud, and while some may think it was not a big deal, to him it was. Once they came to a clearing, he stopped. "Well, here we are! I think it will me a grand place given some more time, and more members." I let her take everything in, he was sure she would have more questions.  

    » death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily «


    I'm your Queen, you're my Ruler.

    She wasn’t aware of the fact that their views on this mutual agreement were different. He had offered her a position, a title, and she would gladly accept it. But to Esileif it was only a temporary solution. She couldn’t say she disliked Fynnegan, he had only been kind to her (even though she hadn’t been that nice to him), yet that didn’t meant Fynn and his herd could give her that what she wanted. To the bay and faint orangey white mare this was a perfect solution though. Esileif would have a title, a home, and something to grow in while she could take her time to decide on the winning side of the war.

    Her two toned eyes take their environment in as she let the short stallion lead her to her new – yet temporary – home. She hadn’t seen that much of Beqanna thus far, but if she wanted to achieve something within a kingdom it would become handy if she knew how to navigate around. Meanwhile she listens to the things Fynnegan tells her about the Dale, another kingdom in these lands. ”That does sound to fit you, Fynnegan” she kindly replies, already managing her mask of statue much better than before. With her heart and mind at ease for now that had become much easier.

    Hearing his question she cannot help but look at the short dark male with an amused grin. ”What did I say to make you think that?” she asks, her head tilting a little to the side. Her eyes don’t leave his, yet her white (faint orangey white) and bay ears keep alert for the sounds around them. ”I grew up in the Mourning Mountains. If I’m correct those lands are a part of the Chamber. My father ruled the mountain herd during my youth” she continues after a short pause, answering his question after first having asked hers.

    It was as if they crossed some invisible border, yet the way Fynnegan changed and showed his pride made it clear for the Spanish influenced mare to know they had arrived. Curiously she takes everything in – although she may not look like it with all the masks and appearances, she still is a young girl in her heart – and Esileif can only admit that the herd land is almost just as pretty as the Gates. It was truly beautiful and she wouldn’t mind to spend some time here. ”It’s gorgeous” she tells him, turning her head back to look at him with a small smile upon her lips. ”What do you seek in herdmares?” she asks, partly out of curiosity, partly to learn more about him and his intentions.


    Belgarath x Alasia
    Photograph by Filmwerx Studio

    ♦ Fynnegan ♦

    I watch her closely, she has composed herself, so closely is the only way to catch any fracture of reaction of initial thought.  Her father was something he had mentioned and it felt raw, so obviously I am interested. "You mentioned something about your father when we were leaving the meadow. Well, I guess it was more about his lands.... But as for my lands, I would like it to be filled with people like us- courageous, kind-hearted, honest." As we stood there enjoying the peace and quiet I saw what it could be, and would be in the future with further recruitment. 

    There was much to do still, but for now I just wanted to relax here. and take in the moment. My body was tired, I had been back and forth around Beqanna multiple times. My mind, however was spinning with thoughts. I want so much to see this group thrive. "Maybe we should get all the new herd members together soon, so everyone can meet eachother."  

    » death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily «

    ooc: this is sooo short. i'm sorry but I didn't want it to sit stagnant given her new babeh

    I'm your Queen, you're my Ruler.

    She cannot help but to feel somewhat amused at his words. So much that she even stops to walk and turns to look at him. The way she looks down on him is only literally, because he somehow has grown in her eyes. He stood above her behaviour when she hadn’t treated him nicely, he had seen through it – although she wasn’t that fond of the fact that he could apparently read her like an open book – and even offered her something that she wanted, no needed. ”Well, then I have to tell you that you understood that wrongly. I don’t think bad about my father” she answers him, even grinning somewhat before looking around again.

    These lands were different, clearly different, from the lands she had been born and raised in. Yet that didn’t mean Esileif dislike it, on the contrary, she could clearly imagine herself living here. Temporary that was. ”I look forward to that, Fynn. And yes, it would be a good thing to get to know everybody.” Her voice is soft, but loud and clear enough to be heard. Meeting the rest of the herd would be the perfect opportunity to make it known to all of them that she held the spot next to Fynnegan, and that she wouldn’t accept any rivalry.

    As she sighs deeply a content smile spreads on her lips and she settles herself comfortable while the wind plays a little with the tips of her mane. The change she had gone through since she had met the short stallion in the meadow was huge. From a frustrated and fit throwing spoiled princess the bay and faint orangey white mare has grown into a sophisticated queen. Or at least, that was what Esileif liked to believe.


    Belgarath x Alasia
    Photograph by Filmwerx Studio

    OOC: We should finish this thread like it's before the whole quest thing. Think it's easier like that, if she isn't pregnant right now. Would you like to have a thread in which Esi returns after the quest all wounded and with a somewhat swollen stomach? (since it's feb 1st already, she actually should be close to delivery xD)

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