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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Home is Where the Heart Is- Miku
    The air around her had started to grow warmer as they walked to his home. The land grew misty upon entering the rapids. She stopped and her eyes widened slightly with excitement seeing the rapids. She loved the water, her age showed in her face as she grinned moving quickly towards the water. The rushing water and even temperature in the area was perfect. She looked back at Zeik smiling wide. "This is wonderful!"The little mare exclaimed. Her eyes were bright with joy as she lowered her muzzle touching the water carefully placing her hooves on the moss so not to slip. She was terribly clumsy sometimes, she hoped this was not one of them.  

    Lifting her head she turned looking at the blue roan behind her. She moved back towards him prancing slightly in her movement. "This is a lovely place Zeik. I love the rapids and the temperature here is very fair. Not to cold at all" She chuckled a little and began walking around the rest of land, her eyes scanning left to right quickly. She stopped and felt embarrassed a moment at how she was acting. So childish. She thought. She turned around to face him once again. "I'm sorry I'm getting carried away." She looked at the ground feeling a little guilty. He was so kind to invite her here and she was not being polite.

    Miku’s reaction is exactly what Zeik was hoping for. As she darts from his side to peer at the rapids, he encourages her with a smile, easing into a comfortable position so that he can rest for a moment. The journey here had been relatively quick despite the fact that they had walked, but the stallion still aches from not using his legs so often. The mist that surrounds them permeates his skin and soothes his tired muscles, but he keeps a close eye on his newest companion. “I’m glad you like it.” He calls out, black tail swirling at his hocks. “Just be careful near the water. There are some stone bridges that go over the river, but not all of them are safe.” He explains, head tilting gently.

    Miku seems … alive, and Zeik cannot help but feel happiness at having caused this new excitement in her. She was a curiously entertaining thing, someone he could easily spend time with. Her legs give away an inner beauty, with her lithe dance movements. He enjoys simply watching her and the smile that grows on his lips shows this. “Please, go ahead and get carried away all you like.” He says, trotting forward himself while his neck shakes side-to-side, displacing his inky black mane. “This is your home now as much as it is mine.”

    He balances then over the lip of the riverbed, gazing up and down the stream for a safe place to enter. Choosing then to walk a few feet downriver from where they are, he finds a sunken lip of earth and makes his way confidently into a rather calm area of rushing water. The icy mountain water is shocking at first, but the numbness that follows feels like heaven to his weary hooves. He keeps his eye on Miku though, speaking to her over the murmur of the river.

    “There’s another mare here already, her name is Felinae.” He tells her, smiling at the thought. “She’s wonderful and I’m sure you two will meet soon.” He tells her hopefully. They’re similar, Miku and Felinae, and he hopes they find friendship and comfort in each other here.

    Z E I K

    -everything we are and used to be is buried and gone-


    I'm so excited, delighted. I won't deny it or fight it.

    Just like the old times she had chosen the form of the little bluebird, feeling more secure this way as she was alone. She knows that Zeik hasn’t left her behind to not return again, after all, this was their home, but she had gotten used to his company a little too fast. On top of that she feels restless and uneasy, yearning for the presence of another. Before, when Felinae had felt this way, she had always shifted to her birdform, to seek the company of the other birds. Today is different though. Today she spread her wings to explore her newly found home from the sky.

    Therefor it took the bluebird a while before she notices that he’s back and that he isn’t alone. She dives down as a happy chirping sound leaves her beak. Her wings carry her towards Zeik and the mare. And instead of landing on the ground she flies a few circles around them, still chirping to express her joy, before landing on the stallion’s hindquarters. Felinae ruffles her wings and stretches them before folding them against her small body again. Curious eyes take in the stranger, hipping a little on the male’s behind before she suddenly – playfully – uses her beak to pick his muscular butt. Simply to say that he shouldn’t have left her on her own, and of course – even though she wouldn’t admit it just yet – that she had missed him.

    OOC: Sorry not sorry, for butting in <3

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