"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
I'm so excited, delighted. I won't deny it or fight it.
”Hey!” she calls out as he shifts before her. Her facial expression turns to a sulking one, she would’ve pouted as she could. Her head had been resting against Zeik’s body and on top of that he hadn’t given her any time to reply. Yet a smile adorns her lips as she steps back to shift herself, changing the form of the blue horse for a small little bluebird. Oh yes, his words couldn’t have been any more right. Next to the predatory Falcon her form was a little more delicate, if he wanted he could end her life with those big claws of him. Though Felinae felt totally safe as she spreads her wings and joins him in the sky. She calls out to him with a chirping sound, following him as he leads her to their new home.
They fly across the snow covered lands, lands that are mostly unknown to her and sometimes slightly familiar. It takes her a little time to realise why she feels like she had seen those places before; it must have been from her once trip to the Deserts. She had once been there to search her father. There is a twinkle in her eyes as she forces her wings to move faster, attempting to come by his side. Her speed would never match his, but she experiences it as a true pleasure to share this feeling with him. Yet it was no longer the feeling of the wind underneath your wings that she thinks is the best, no, instead it is the feeling Zeik is able to give her, the fluttering feeling in her stomach and the rush of blood underneath her skin.
As she stands beside him she can’t stop her eyes from roaming around, trying to take it all in. The mist is what stands out the most, spreading from the crashing waterfalls. The air is humid and cold, unlike the clear cold she experienced in the meadow. Felinae experiences it as strange, as the air is harder to breath, but she knows it will only take time to get adjusted to it. Whinnying softly she steps forward, her neck curved and stretched as her ears tip forward. Home. Even though the place was still unknown and unfamiliar to her, she instantly felt at home. With a louder whinny she turns a little to the side to look at the blue roan male behind her, a wide smile decorating her lips as she neighs to him. ”Home.”
OOC: Yes they are! I love how well they seem to be made for each other <3. I wish I could've given you a better post, but yeah, I just needed to write Feli. Even though I'm somewhat sick..
Their trip home is divine. Zeik hasn’t flown with anyone besides his mother, and even she lacked the skill and quickness to maneuver with him. Though he could easily out-pace Felinae in his falcon form he stays with her, enjoying the feeling of having a true companion in the sky. In the beginning he drifts above her, casting a long shadow over her bright blue body as they soar together over the frozen lands. Below him the scenery is unreal and magical, but he attributes this to his current mood and the fact that Felinae is actually a bird and actually flying with him. She’s certainly something else.
His protective eye never strays far from her though. When she struggles to rise to his side he dips one wing and sinks to her level, swooping beneath her to create a faint updraft that will make her effort a little less exhausting. He’s proud of her for making the journey so well, even though he can see how it taxes her. In encouragement, he opens his beak and gives her a breathy screech, drifting lower to the earth as they approach their new home.
Misty rapids is just that - a noisy river blanketed in moss on either sides with a thick, verdant forest. Everything about the land is alive and soft, tangible, even the air. They shift easily and come together again, both gazing at the world around them. Zeik had fallen into a fascination with this place due to its secluded nature. The constant mist kept them hidden from prying eyes on all sides, and the springy earth was easy on the joints. They had favourable seasons - never too hot, never too cold, and the supply of sustenance was never-ending. It was … perfect.
He watches her, hoping to see some spark of interest and no disappointment. Felinae’s elegant head extends to the space around her in bright curiosity, and Zeik takes the opportunity to press himself closer to her, fascinated with what she’ll decide. If she doesn’t approve, he’ll find a new place. However, to his delight, her lips spread into a smile and her pleasant voice quips the word ‘home’. Zeik nods, smiling briefly at her. “Home.” He agrees. A moment passes, and then he moves forward to walk the through the quiet woodland. Zeik turns to look back at her, head swinging softly to motion her to join him in his exploration.
“Talk to me, please.” He asks, quirking one side of his mouth upwards in a grin. “I want to know everything about you. What you like, what your passions are.” He knows her, knows the touch of her skin and the sound of her heartbeat under his lips, but he wants so badly to know Felinae. “Just tell me anything.” He insists, laughing softly.
-everything we are and used to be is buried and gone-
ooc: Doesn't matter! She always gives Zeik muse. lol
I'm so excited, delighted. I won't deny it or fight it.
Her eyes take in their environment, curious to discover it’s every little secret. Even though the air is humid – probably even because it is so humid – its less cold than the meadow, which her stiff muscles can appreciate. She fights the urge to stretch her wings and instead only rolls her shoulders in an attempt to get rid of the feeling. Felinae had never flown such a distance, only having used her wings to bring her across small distances. Another thing that comforts her is Zeik’s body, which is pressed close against her side. She finds herself leaning into him, as a silent promise that she would stay at his side. Shivers are sent down her spine as he repeats the word ‘home’ and the blue girl cannot stop her smile from growing wider.
The frown and confused expression that had been on her face changes in an enthusiastic one as he asks her to follow him. She does, softly neighing, and with a quick trot she soon finds herself at Zeik’s side again. At first his question confuses her, but in the end she laughs alongside him, not able to not get happy from the warm sound that they produce together. A sly smirk pulls up the corners of her lips as she turns to look at him, a mischievous glitter in her eyes. ”Only if you will do the same” she replies. Just as he wants to know her, Felinae wants to get to know Zeik. She guessed he wouldn’t be much older than herself, but she felt like he had seen and experienced much more than she had.
As she follows the blue roan male to lead the exploration of their new home she gets lost in thought for a moment. He wants her to tell about herself, about what she likes and dislikes, possible things she has experienced and things she still wants to do. ”Well.. Like I said before I was born in the meadow, where my mother raised me too. I guess you can say that she was good for me, but at the same time she resented me because of my father and the fact that I was born with his color. Yet she was quite protective over me, it was some sort love-hate relationship I would say..” she started off and pauses for a moment, only half paying attention to where she was going, as long as Zeik was near she guessed she would be fine. ”She even named me after him, his name was Felidae. I once followed some lead to the Deserts, but sadly enough I couldn’t find him back then and went back to the meadow that I knew.” With a soft snort she presses her nose against Zeik’s side. Just to make sure he was still there and it help her remember he had given her a home, something her parents had failed to do.
The Deserts is another thing they have in common. Unlike Felinae though, Zeik was raised on the outskirts of the scorching sands until he left his mother. He suspects though that it’s harder for a mare - especially one who is so willing to trust and see the good in the world. Zeik has seen his share of kindness and monstrosity, but he likes to think that the goodness in life outweighs the bad. Especially when Felinae presses her nose against him in the way that she does. He unconsciously leans into the sensation, rumbling somewhere in his chest with contented pleasure.
“I’m sorry to hear that Felinae. I never knew my father either.” He comments, following the gurgling river. It wasn’t uncommon for the sire to be some sort of ghost in this place - Zeik wouldn’t know his father even if he was standing face-to-face with him. But it wasn’t the bloodline that made the man, it was how he chose to live his life. Zeik looks softly at Felinae then, knowing he’s made a good choice. “My mother was a bay roan, with gigantic bubblegum pink wings.” He tells her, laughing softly. “When I was a colt and I misbehaved, she used to stretch out one wing and knock me straight over.”
Celestina had never hurt him, but she’d been a strict parent. Zeik was grateful for this, however, because she’d prepared him for the world the best she could. She had always known he wouldn’t stay and Zeik had never felt bad about leaving her. That mare was a tough old bird. He thinks about this place, their home, and decides to talk of other important matters. “It won’t just be us here.” He says, slowing to a halt near a large stone bridge that stretched precariously over the river. “There are other mares who need a safe place to call home too.” He says, hoping that Felinae will understand.
This doesn’t mean she’ll be forgotten, or even looked over. It just means that she won’t be so terribly alone in this giant forest. He moves ahead, crossing the bridge carefully and testing its strength. “Safe.” He thinks as he reaches the other side. He waits patiently for her, his precious bluebird, and watches over her for any indication of sadness.
-everything we are and used to be is buried and gone-
I'm so excited, delighted. I won't deny it or fight it.
The more she gets to know about the blue roan stallion the more she thinks that they are destined to be. Of course the young girl doesn’t even think about it all as a mere coincidence and it matches the bubbly feelings in her stomach. To think that they were destined to be makes it easier for her to accept the butterflies, even though she cannot name the feeling. The only thing Felinae knew was how damned good it actually feels and that she doesn’t want to give it up.
Once again she presses her blue nose against him, softly smiling as to say she’s sorry for the same thing. She honestly didn’t feel bothered by it anymore and has accepted the fact that her dad was and would always be a mystery to her. Zeik’s words have her giggling slightly, already picturing the scene he had just painted, seeing the bright pink wings stretch out to give a young Zeik a motherly beating. When the sound dies down the grin stays on Felinae’s lips, shaking her head slightly in her own amusement. ”My mom used her telekinesis when I did something she didn’t approve of” she tells him in return, remembering how the palomino roan mare used her power to both entertain and rebuke her. ”But she also kept me busy for hours by making flowers hover and fly to the sky” she can’t help to add as the smile on her lips grows wider.
Even though she curiously takes in her surroundings she stays utterly aware of the male ahead of her. Her ears twist around to listen to the sounds of the misty rapids, but she doesn’t miss a word that Zeik says. The change of subject surprises her and Felinae can’t help to not tilt her head slightly as she let his words sink in. The first thought is that she would love a bigger family, the more the merrier, right? But soon after comes the fear of being lonely again. There had always been quite a big amount of other horses in the meadow, but she had been alone as they ignored her presence. But as he says, there are others like her too. And she knows she doesn’t want that others feel the way she felt, so it should be okay. …Right?
Hesitantly she eyes the bridge. Her body had tensed when Zeik crossed it, afraid that it might collapse or that he would lose his balance. And now he waits for her to cross it. She doesn’t like the idea one bit, but she trusts him. Without even thinking of shifting she steps forward and slowly makes it across the water. Only to rush the last few steps and trot forward once she feels the ground underneath her hooves again. ”Zeik.." she mumbles his name before casting her gaze down again. For a short moment she presses her nose against his blue roan coat again, almost too shy to speak up. ”It will be different.. right? Different from the meadow? We will be a family, right?”