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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Crown of Bone and Thorn[Any]

    The Chambers illusionist grows restless within the confines of her pine kingdom.  There were few bodies within the land, the ones she has met she is sure have escaped some time ago.  Well perhaps not the trickster, but she has not witnessed any jackassery lately so she assumes he took his leave with the nereid.  Others, drawn to the solitude of the thick trees, are lost within its depths (likely on purpose).  She allows them to remain as they are.  As they wish to be. Undisturbed.


    Fall was by far my favorite season, if I were to have a favorite anything.  The cool crisp air siphoned through my coarse coat, ruffling it as I flank the edge of the Dale.  I assume that is where the fiery girl resided, along with her inattentive parents.  They were lucky I was such a forgiving creature; fore trespassing was punishable by more than just twisted visions.  I hadn't seen them return so they must have learned their lesson.

    The Dale was not on my list of places to visit, not today anyhow.  After the run in with the zombie creature of Pangea, I decide to visit once more.  Perhaps there were others there now, having been nearly two years since I visited upon my return to this realm.

    My cloven hooves give to the compressed dust of the dry kingdom.  I take pause at the border, slowing rotating my head from left to right and back again.  My silver gaze looks out across the barren expanse.  I note again the lack of greenery and the rocky flats that looked minuscule next to the mountains I was used to skirting along.

    When several minutes go by, I decide to push onward.  They would find me, if they were here.  I wasn't hard to miss, though the color of my muddy pelt did blend quite well into the majority of the land.  

    Overhead a raven calls out, causing my ears to twist and my head to rise.  I stop, observing the winged creature that sat perched on the top of a dead tree trunk.  Curious things they were, birds.  Those shifty eyes and oil slick feathers, I remember my wings just then.  The ones I had ripped from my body, dreadful things they were.  All that remained of them were scars on either side of my body.

    My attention returns to the land around me.  Something shimmers in the distance, and I squint my eyes to try to gauge it better.  Could it be an illusioned image of heat off the dry earth?  Or was there actually something living in this wasteland?


    Crown of Bone and Thorn
    //Fear Illusionism-Trait Immunity-Goat Mimicry\\
    Goat Mimicry Characteristics- Goat hair, Goat horns, Cloven hooves 
    *Illusions intensity is up to player*
    -Immune to mental traits-

    There was once a time when Margot was as fatalistic as they come. She did not yet understand her own power, the simple strength behind one’s own force of will, nor the ebbs and flows that come with each generation. With the tide, she was swept away. Negative but not quite bitter yet—luckily for her, she caught that negativity before the permanence of bitterness could settle in. That catch allows for the dark whimsy and strange honesty that colors Margot's interactions.

    She may no longer be fatalistic; but she certainly is not a positive creature. As the day draws on, it is becoming increasingly clear that the Pangean queen's propensity for negativity far outweighs the positivity.

    To put it simply, Margot is bored. Such boredom has lead the porcelain mare to trouble more times than she can count, but such an insufferable itch is not something she can abide by. She is delighted - and surprised, for the mare is nearly imperceptible against the clay - to discover a stranger. Margot draws toward Kreed, not quite eager.

    "Hello!" the little mare calls once within earshot. A wide, almost unsettling smile turns her face into a doll's. "Thank gods! A stranger. My, it had gotten quite quiet around here, save for the scuffling of a few . . . mischievous ones," she adds, a secretive look passing over her face. There were whisperings of the zombie's actions - ones she only hears because she spends so much time in her kingdom - but alas:

    "I'm rambling," Margot finishes with a laugh.

    "My name is Margot, guardian of Pangea. Who are you?"


    What appears was somewhat off putting.  Not in the way it looked but in the way it rambled with such chipperness and without pause, until it too realized it is chattering away.  The illusionist simply stares, unblinking at the pale creature that has come to stand before me.

    My blood tear-stained face tipped as I studied the way Margot smiled.  It seemed almost fake but deep down a feeling gnaws at me that it is quite real. I had come here to find life so I cannot complain in my discovery of it, so I say nonchalantly, "I am Kreed, keeper of the Chamber."  My silver eyes turned from the porcelain mare and to the land she says she is guardian of.  "It is a fine land Pangea.  One my own kind has called home," I say as my silver gaze fell upon her once again, "My grandfather Pollock once ruled here."  I had only heard the stories since my own birth was long past those times.

    "I visited once some time ago but found it to be deserted.  Only recently was I made aware others resided here," my mind thinks to the festering creature that had found its way to my eternal flame.  He had been looking for something and I wondered just now if he had found it.

    I shift my body slightly to redistribute the weight of it across my legs, the crown of horn upon my head tilting and shifting my view.  There is a curious rock formation in the distance, unlike the others that are dotted across the landscape.  I stare, long enough for the other to notice I am deliberating over what it could be.  But I do not ask as it wasn't my place to meddle in such affairs.


    Crown of Bone and Thorn

    @ margot
    //Fear Illusionism-Trait Immunity-Goat Mimicry\\
    Goat Mimicry Characteristics- Goat hair, Goat horns, Cloven hooves 
    *Illusions intensity is up to player*
    -Immune to mental traits-

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