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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  The Kill List | Obscene

    I see us written in the Stars

    What else is there? She thinks. He could ask the world of her and she'd do her best to give it, and she knows (is more aware than ever) her power is useable by others. Her power, the kind without a specific name or constant outcome, could be altered and managed by another source. That should be enough to keep him guessing for many, many years to come. She smiled in secret, answering him with a heated kiss instead of telling him anything.

    He could have anything his heart desired.

    "Now, that's a truly dangerous question." Cheri shivered when he nipped her with his teeth. They definitely weren't blunt, yet she enjoyed the little flare of sharp pinpricks as he peppered them over her skin. This lover's play between them was anything but gentle, anything but dull or boring.

    He knew as well as she did how quickly their sparks ignited into flames.

    Just the sound of his voice changing into a deeper, more desirous tone caught her attention, and without realizing it Cheri pressed closer to him. Like this, she was flush against the Fae Prince's warm chest and could feel the erratic beat of his flustered heart. Her smile grew.

    "For starters, I'd like to make us 'official'." And she didn't mean by way of ceremony or announcement, she meant just between the two of them. A magic bond like she shared with Aela, but more... permanent.

    Obviously, she knew Ob's natural response might be filled with suspicion. The dark Prince had always been averse to the stuff, knowing well enough by now how it could easily ruin a life, but it was a necessary thing she was asking of him - otherwise Cheri would've never bothered. After the fall of Loess and everything preceding that, Cheri realized that if some part of her was not kept safe, in a vessel outside of her own flesh-and-blood or otherwise, she could easily perish forever. She'd come close after bringing herself and Obscene back to their intended timeline.

    Never again, she swore. If she could literally keep a piece of herself with Obscene, then it would not only be an infinite pledge between them but a safeguard against Cheri expelling too much power all at once.

    She took her time explaining all of it to him, before allowing the Lord of Taiga a moment or two to think.

    "Then, I don’t know..."

    That fire he so loved to stoke was blazing from a wicked thought, not so very unlike his own sordid fantasies. Her eyes were nearly sparkling with it. For his benefit, Cheri withheld from using the phrase "we could make an heir". She knew in her heart as well as her mind that Obscene had a firstborn son already. Obsidio was not a colt easily replaced with another foal, nor would Obscene's Lady ever dream of trying.

    “... if you’re good, and I mean really good, I might let you get lucky this season.” She laughed, intoxicated by him.

    Her thoughts were fracturing apart, distracted by how heavy-tongued Obscene was getting as he lavished her with affection. The haunting beauty of their nighttime walk went unnoticed in the background. Instead, Cheri let him carry her along while her mind drifted to new places, thinking of where she could let her roots sink deeper and her magic run unfettered.

    Don't look back, nothing left to see
    I can feel you though, wake me from this dreamin
    A dangerous question. Exactly what he had been going for. The shiver across her velvet flesh does not go unnoticed, the questionable flicker in the depths of red deepening in response. She thinks of how far from dull this game between them has always been and his thoughts remain on always trying to keep it as such.

    It would be hard, he realizes, for it to ever be anything but boring with Cheri.

    Not when she presses against his star-lined chest just so. How his heart thrusts against the cage of his ribs as if it might try to infest into her entirely. As if reading his mind, she speaks and there is a moment that briefly flickers across his ravenous features. Not of suspicion but oddly close to hope. “Official?” He murmurs against the mint of her mane, still unable to keep his touch from wandering.

    What she explains is something that keeps him momentarily stunned to silence. A part of her within him as if she hadn’t burrowed herself within his heart long ago in a thunderstorm. No, a literal part of her. To keep safe inside of himself. He thinks of the scales and waking up in blood and viscera. He thinks of how this body of his, though immortal, is probably the last place that could be considered safe. And yet…..

    Although he struggled to convey the truth of his feelings for the crystal adorned mare (the truth of what she was to him), at the very least he could perhaps give her this. “A piece of you in me.” He starts slowly, bringing the red of his fiery gaze to find her wicked green. “On the condition of a piece of me in you.” He finally says quietly. “I would not be without you, Cheri.” It is strange, how sure he is in this when he had never been sure of anything else before. She mentions the coming of the fall season, the hidden promise that lingered there. Obsidio (as well as Mobscene and the stillborn daughter that had never tasted life) would never be forgotten. Could never be replaced, any of them. His affections for her intensify at the thought of her rounded belly with child. His child. “Is… Would you want that? For us?” He asks quietly, searching her face curiously.

    The talk of the future excites him, rounds him back to the start of this conversation. The talk of magic. Aela wanted to explore the possibility of combined magics, Cheri wished to work her own. Yet this land had always been clear on favoritism and there seemed to always be repercussions with such things when dreams became so large. “I doubt that kind of magic could be wielded here without the eyes of the gods upon us.” He murmurs softly against her dark ear. Their eyes and their fickle need to control even the most harmless of magic. They had chased out the small sprites of old that had once been known in these lands, even the nectar was becoming harder and harder to find now that they were gone. Dream bigger. Aela’s words come unbidden to him then and a new idea, shining and bold, begins to emerge.

    “Perhaps Tephra is too small a goal.” He says suddenly, the crimson of his iris’s fever bright. “Perhaps the South belongs to the sea.” He continues, pulling away as he becomes enraptured in this new plan that unfolds before him. “What if we found a different world to conquer?” He knows they exist, it’s just a matter of finding them.


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