09-09-2021, 09:06 PM
The sun has gone dark again.
Moira runs through a black world, her hooves impossibly loud in her ears. When she leaps for the sea it has gone thick and murky, and feels oily in her throat. A monster rises for her from the depths, reaching for her with toothy jaws, and she screams.
The sound emerges as a stream of bubbles, and Moira wakes with a start.
It had been a dream. Just a dream.
But her heart is still racing, and her gills flutter rapidly.
There will be no more sleep tonight, so she rises to the surface of the inlet and peers up at the pre-dawn sky. Stars still linger in the west, but the Tephran volcano is already silhouetted by the pale clouds that promise sunrise. She drifts slowly toward the shore, and when she reaches the shallows transforms into a creature more suited for land - long legged and lithe.
For a while she wanders the main island, her seagreen eyes slowly losing their haunted look. Nightmares have become more frequent of late, but only when she sleeps in the waters nearest Tephra. Weary after a long evening of swimming though, the young nereid had forgotten to be cautious, and it takes her some time to shake off the dream entirely.
By the time she does, dawn has turned the sky from grey to pink, with an orange glow along the edges that remind her of coral. Moira smiles, and turns her head curiously toward the sound of hooves even as she calls out a greeting.
Moira runs through a black world, her hooves impossibly loud in her ears. When she leaps for the sea it has gone thick and murky, and feels oily in her throat. A monster rises for her from the depths, reaching for her with toothy jaws, and she screams.
The sound emerges as a stream of bubbles, and Moira wakes with a start.
It had been a dream. Just a dream.
But her heart is still racing, and her gills flutter rapidly.
There will be no more sleep tonight, so she rises to the surface of the inlet and peers up at the pre-dawn sky. Stars still linger in the west, but the Tephran volcano is already silhouetted by the pale clouds that promise sunrise. She drifts slowly toward the shore, and when she reaches the shallows transforms into a creature more suited for land - long legged and lithe.
For a while she wanders the main island, her seagreen eyes slowly losing their haunted look. Nightmares have become more frequent of late, but only when she sleeps in the waters nearest Tephra. Weary after a long evening of swimming though, the young nereid had forgotten to be cautious, and it takes her some time to shake off the dream entirely.
By the time she does, dawn has turned the sky from grey to pink, with an orange glow along the edges that remind her of coral. Moira smiles, and turns her head curiously toward the sound of hooves even as she calls out a greeting.