"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
03-01-2021, 11:41 AM (This post was last modified: 03-01-2021, 11:41 AM by Reave.)
As the darkness continues squeezing his home in it’s relentless grip, Reave finds himself ever more keen to seek out… something. His feet grow easily restless, and though worry now grips him at the fate of those he loves if these monsters are not expelled and the sun soon returned, he finds himself wandering ever more.
Today he does not go far. It is not often he finds himself moving this direction, but the bare expanse of the meadow
and leafless limbs of the trees have begun to grow stale in the wisdom they would impart.
Time then, to seek somewhere new.
The rich loam of the Taigan wood soon gives way to loose and sandy soil, the sequoias disappearing as the trees shrink to more moderate sizes, denuded of the foliage that should have still been clinging to them even this late in the season. Here, beyond the bounds where Borderline and Memorie had tried to replenish the foliage, the toll of the endless night is plainly visible.
Reave should feel alarm or dread, but instead he surveys the sight with a critical eye. It is easier to ignore the woes of the world when one is still able to fill their belly despite the shrinking circle of prosperity and growing void of death and decay. Easier, but still impossible for any extended period of time. Not when the world echoes with pain and despair, bombarding him every time his feet lead him beyond the boundaries of home.
It is that which drives him. That which brings him here. Seeking… something. Something he has yet to find. Something he’s not entirely sure he will find. He does not trespass far. The small cove is quiet and still in the darkness, only the faint sound of waves on the shoreline bringing the scent of salt to distract him. He moves forward until the waves lap at his hooves. Until he can lose his gaze in the distant invisible horizon.
Aestas cannot stop the constant, incessant need to explore.
It beats like a painful thrum in her chest—a forever reverberation that drives her further and further from her homeland in Tephra and away from her sisters that are as much her home as the jungle around them. She doesn’t know how to explain to them that she has a constant thirst form ore. That she has a constant need to see wha tis beyond the horizon. That she wants to see what lies beyond. That she wants to know what lives under each rock and around each corner. That she wants to learn and see and experience.
How it hurts to stagnate and stay in one place, that it feels like death to atrophy in such a way.
So she doesn’t. Instead, she slips away, even in the darkness that now blankets the land around them and only comes back when her limbs are nearly weak with exhaustion, heavy from the time away. She can feel like the slick sweat against her neck, her pale mane sticking to it, as she moves in the familiar direction of the beach, but she doesn’t bother alleviating the heat that comes with it. She prefers it.
Breathing in the air deeply, her breath still not completely caught, she only pauses when she sees someone she does not recognize. Curious more than afraid—a trait that, perhaps, will get her in trouble one day—she walks up alongside him. The ocean reaches for her, washing up her weary legs and she stands next to him in the tide. She angles her head toward him, studying him for a second before looking back out.
“You could swim, you know, but it’s hard to see at night and even harder to swim during…”
Her voice fades off and there’s something almost like a dark laugh hidden in the pause,
“All of this."
so you should get on board with someone whose course is steadier than mine you should get on board with someone whose eyes are on the horizon, not on the skies
It’s impossible for them to understand yet, but in so many ways they are alike. The need for more that beats in their chests, the itch in their legs if they stay still too long. It’s why Reave his here, rather than home where he undoubtedly should be. The world has grown ever more dangerous, and Reave, much to his frustration, grows far too slowly to keep up with it. But he has never been interested in safety. Has never cared that the dark claws of a beast might wrap around his ankle at any moment and drag him far, far away.
Despite the gripping truth of it all, it still doesn’t feel quite real. As though this is not the world he was meant to exist in.
He doesn’t notice her at first, lost as he is in distant visions. But as she nears, her muted footsteps against the damp sand register in his senses. He blinks, absent gaze focusing as he turns his head to peer curiously at the stranger. She is lovely, pale even in the darkness. Reave however, never terribly inclined to notice such things, focuses instead on the faint and distant memories that cling like wispy shadows around her. There is nothing strong enough yet for him to truly discern, but what glimpses he gets drives his own curiosity higher.
There is a tempestuousness to her that strikes him as familiar, though he cannot yet quite determine why.
His lips twitch in a brief, quickly suppressed grin at her words. His vibrant blue gaze shifts from her to the dark and mysterious depths of the sea she had so impudently suggested he take a swim in. Had she known how daringly reckless he truly is when she suggested it? If not, it certainly wouldn’t be a secret for long.
“Do you think so?” he responds, eyes bright with speculation. “And would you join me?”