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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I am a mermaid that you dreamt // Birthing
    - I am a mermaid that you dreamt -


    It seemed an odd word for what her children did, but it was the best one she had. Her eyes glimmered joyously as she took in the sight of her newest little ones. Well. Little one. A colt clung to her side, her little copycat. He shone like a gold coin against her pearly flank, coaxing early milk from her as they waited for his sibling to emerge. 

    The pair stood in the cold water of the tide pool that had been the mermaid's nursery these past few moons. Tiny fish and spiral shelled hermit crabs shimmered about the large envelopes anchored in the salt water. One floated empty, the husk that had so recently housed the boy by her side. The other was fat and tight, quivering every few minutes with impatient life. 

    She was excited to introduce the pair to their older brothers. What would they think? Would they be well recieved? Oh, but how could such perfect tiny ones not be loved. If she ever ran into the one who'd given them to her, she would have to thank him. Or perhaps not. The seamare had grown accustomed to raising children on her own, and found the idea of sharing them... strange. Not that it was likely she'd run in to the shining stallion again. Wasn't that the whole point of a one night stand? 

    No, he'd given her the gift of children without the worry of attachment. Without the risk of rejection. It wasn't a terrible system, all things considered. A bit lonely at times, maybe. Not what she wanted to think about now though. Not with new babies to love.

    - swimming away while you slept -


    Oh, the albatross crash lands

    It's time. She knows it is, though she doesn't know why she knows. But it's time to move, to thrash and kick when the leathery sack she is squeezed into no longer fits her well. The little filly wants more room! It's uncomfortable in here! The eggsac twitches and twists, bulging with the stretch of her soft little hooves as the new life strains to get free from her bindings. If she knew, she'd be jealous of her brother; he's already out, and experiencing the world that she doesn't know exists! Well, she does, on an instinctual level. The unborn bairn knows, at the very least, it's time for out!

    And out she finally comes. The foal pierces the eggsac and jerks back as cold comes rushing in. At first, she decides that is terribly unpleasant, before the chill becomes a soothing welcome. She wants more. Wriggling with purpose, the young babe tears a larger hole and squirts out into the tidepool, resting on the bottom with her back legs still in the egg. The water is bitter as it flows over her gills, but fortunately, the tide pool is a still place and she doesn't have to deal with waves and tides. After a moment, the filly's fin-mane lifts, her ears all akimbo, and she starts trying to rise.

    It takes...er... time. The first time she stands, the feeling of oxygen filling her previously unused lungs shocks her and she overbalances, tumbling back into the pool. Not to be defeated, the bairn sticks her forelegs out and tries again, wobbling above the surface of the pool with all four legs splayed in four different directions. Success! Blinking her big brown eyes, she licks her lips and trembles, blinking water away as she looks at her mama and her brother, a soft, shivery nicker whispering from her nostrils.


    How marvelous it was to stretch! To break his slender legs from where they had curled against him for so long, to unfurl his neck where the fins still lay crumpled against his crest. The saltwater welcome had been a bracing one, and now the sand-colored colt waited patiently by his mother's side. 

    What they were waiting for, he had no idea, only that milk was sweet and the sand was warm. The pool he'd emerged from stirred with irregular motion, ripples and splashes drawing the eye. Wobbly legged, the colt edged closer to the pool he'd only just come from, blinking at the fuzzy outline of his dark sister. Eyes that weren't quite brown and weren't quite purple tried to focus, until the dripping filly swam into clearer focus for him. 

    He was curious, as most of the children of the sea are, but spared a glance back to his observing mother before he pressed any closer. She watched with gleaming eyes as her youngest children met for the first time. He smiled, nosed closer to the girl who still stood in the water. Because he recognized her as his twin, he pressed his muzzle to hers in a kiss of welcome. 

    Because they were siblings, he then pushed her back in. 

    The startled scream of their mother echoed behind him as the white mare darted forward to rescue the very thoroughly wetted filly. 


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