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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    running from the emptiness; velkan
    She had promised them a trip.

    Lilliana’s own upbringing had been such a sheltered one that she is determined to give her boys the advantage of seeing as many places and introducing them to as many faces as she can. It hadn’t been a bad one. And where else would she have gone? Everything that Lilliana had ever known - everything that had mattered to her - had been in Murmuring Rivers. Her imagination might have taken her to faraway places but her hooves had always stayed right where she was told too.

    The chestnut mare had been three years old when she took her first real trip into the world and she realized how sorely blinded that remaining in her foalhood home had left her.

    In the case of her sons, she is determined that they are not left with the same disadvantage she had been. In the case of her eldest, Nashua who drinks adventure and thrives on unpredictability, his copper head is tossed to the wind and the young pegasus is all kicking heels. He spurs Yanhua into short bursts of racing and their mother simply shakes her head. Their energy seems endless to her and Lilliana (finally) gets a break when they reach the alabaster beaches of Paradise.

    The twins seem to take their turns flagging their tails, flaring their nostrils and raising their heads at the sight of a new place.

    Lilliana can’t help the smile that lights up her dark mouth. Despite her earlier apprehension of taking them away from the North, she is glad they came. They have seen the ocean before. She has made sure they know it's rhythm and has even attempted at amusing them with stories about what might exist at the edges of the world. The sea in the North is often cold and angry. She is glad to give them a glimpse that while life exists in other places, in other kingdoms, there are things that are the same and some that are different. "They are sisters,” she says to them, her crimson head motioning towards the ocean. "Where Nerine’s sea is blown angrily from the East,” she states, "Ischia’s is embraced from the North and South.”

    It isn’t long before they are wading their ankles and racing the wind again - the one that pushes the Beqanna currents in all directions - and Lilliana looks behind her to study the jungle, hoping for the familiar antlered form of her friend, @[Velkan].
    but it's all in the past, love
    it's all gone with the wind

    Just as it had with my first children, life had swelled with so much happiness sometimes I did not know when I was dreaming and when I was awake. Is that cheesy? Well hey. It’s better than the days when I am so afraid I’m going to wake up and be alone again! So I’ll take all the cheese in the world. Mounds of it. Quesadillas of it.

    Eugene is with me today, though I don’t expect Egwene is very far. The islands are only so big, after all! The dark purple colt is telling me the names of the different seashells in his mane and tail, and I swear I am listening very intently, but when we make it to the beach I am instantly distracted and maybe I speak over him a little bit. Luckily, he doesn’t seem to mind because his golden yellow eyes spot the two colts his own age that are playing in the surf.

    “Lilliana!” I call out with joy as soon as I spot the chestnut figure - she’s very easy to spot and seeing her here is such a delight! I instantly hurry over, losing some of the flowers that had been in my mane in the process, but not minding one bit.

    My son (MAN does thinking that still make my heart burst with joy) presses against my bony sides and peers up at the mare but his eyes keep drifting over to the colts - obviously curious about them. “This is my son, Eugene,” I say in same moment that the dark purple colt blurts out “I’m Eugene!”

    Then I notice the winged colts too, but I haven’t quite put them together with my dear friend standing in front of me. “It’s so good to see you!”

    artwork by space1993

    No sooner has she started looking towards the jungle, making out certain shapes of horses here and there that dot the verdant background, does he emerge.

    It’s a hard thing to have her gaze torn between two different places - her boys who could be thundering waves themselves, the way come crashing towards the shore - and @[Velkan] with a child in tow. "I promised you a visit,” she says with a grin in reply to the way that he calls out her name. And then playfully, she points her slender head towards the two flaxen colts playing in the surf. "And I couldn’t leave them at home,” Lilliana adds with a teasing shrug of her shoulders.

    Her eyes drift down towards the trail of flowers he’s left behind in his wake and laughing, she adds, "I bet nobody ever finds you.” Velkan - hide and seek champion of both Taiga and Ischia.

    Lilliana’s smile gentles for the boy who presses himself into his father’s side and she lowers her head to better greet him. "Hello Eugene,” she says, "It’s lovely to meet you.”

    It doesn’t take long for the presence of the purple colt to attract the attention of her own and both emerge soaking and salt-ridden from the ocean spray, dripping saltwater as they slide along both sides of their mother. Nashua is the first to approach, reaching out a pale muzzle towards the shining colt.

    Almost touching him, he snorts gently and arches his neck. His green eyes flick first to their new playmate before glancing up to his mother. "Mama,” he asks with curiosity brightening his voice, ”He glows.”

    It doesn’t take him long to sweep his gaze up towards the towering stallion, equally as interested in learning about him too. Nerine had been full of aunts - Neverwhere and Brazen and Eurwen. Taiga had been filled with ghost faces. Ischia is full of new ones and the possibilities are already being dreamed up in his young mind. "Do you glow too?” He asks the dark stag.

    No wings, he notices. He is dark where he and his twin are fire-bright. Still, it doesn’t mean that his mind is already imagining the possibilities.


    all that i'm after is a life full of laughter
    (as long as i'm laughing with you)

    art by vhitany
    but it's all in the past, love
    it's all gone with the wind

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