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Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
it's not the waking, it's the rising; jackel
09-09-2018, 09:55 PM
jackel Sylva was becoming nothing more than a pretty fire toned cage. The towering giants the bars and the dappled man the guardsman. I don't need another cage; my mind is prison enough. Daily thrashings are felt as Haide writhes and strikes, clawing incessantly at the steely confines. Each passing day it gives more and more, weakening beneath her weight. I won't be able to hold her much longer. Do I even want to? I'm not entirely sure which one of us is the real monster anymore. She senses weakness--in me or others, I don't know--herding me through the autumnal grates of the keep and into the unfurling meadow. She whispers to me sweet promises as I tread between lazy bodies and I listen to my shepherd attentively, allowing her to guide me today like a trusting sheep might. A stallion finds my voided gaze; he smiles, I smile back. One more upheaval against my restraints is all that it would take, and that's what she does. And just like that the wild roll of my eyes is snuffed to nothing more than a doe like softness, the steep incline of my namesake smile dragged down to a more acceptable grandeur. A test, she says, to see what he wants, who he wants. Wait and be patient, silly thing, see what happens. "Hello Rapt," I hear myself say, "I'm Jackel. What can I do for you?" A question, another demure smile, and then I fall to silence. all this joy, I've got some to share ![]() @[rapt] Lemme know if this is not along the lines you were hoping for and I'll gladly edit it!
09-19-2018, 08:08 PM
@[Jackel] no it's great!! lmao poor rapt
10-07-2018, 02:22 PM
jackel False. It's all false. My deception is my own, and he has his own craft, Neither of us are the wiser to each other's guises for now. We both have our own desires, motivations, cravings. How fortunate for the both of us that they should fall in a line so beautifully fated. And we are bored. Wastefully so. My head wants to tilt, my lips want to break apart to grin, my mouth wants to fall open and allow the venom that is my laughter to run freely. And it nearly does. The clench of my jaw slackens, but it is not the usual joyful fit that slides past my lips, its a shy girlish giggle that I hear. Haide, you bitch, you cannot allow me one innocent reaction? She hushes me instantly, patience, I hear, don't startle the stag. "Thank you," she says through my lips. Magnetized, his step in my direction causes me to mirror his action, and my gilded body shifts nearer, hovering just before the fringe of polite personal space. But she cannot stop my leaning towards him--this is not true, she allows me to believe I have some semblance of control in the moment when I most definitely do not--and my muzzle extends somewhat, fashioning another smile deemed acceptable for a stunning lady like myself. He did say I was stunning, right? Gotta live up to his curious expectations. "I'd love to meet him too, if he's a friend of yours." "We believe you" we say to ourselves. all this joy, I've got some to share ![]() @[rapt] so, so sorry for the wait. please feel free to power play her to get her wherever you need her. she's a willing victim lol | ||||
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