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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Burn These Bridges -[Maiven]

    He could not believe that the kingdom turned on Krone the way they did. Just like that, they took her title, essentially pushing her from her home. They had to relocate, he would not abandon her because she lost her thrown. He loved Krone, and he would be with her as long as she would put up with him.

    Before he left Ischia for good, he had to find Maiven. He wanted her to come with them, he loved Maiven. But she was nearly a yearling and she did not need him. She could make her own decision, she would not understand exactly what happened, and she may not see the evil behind there actions. He just hoped that if she chose to stay in Ischia there time together would stay with leave a lasting impression. He frantically scatters around the kingdom looking for her.

    Don't Let Go

    I Hope That You Burn
     Chaos. From all sides a murmuring had risen up around them and as discontent filled the land, fear rose up to choke her. As Durotan had joined the fray, she'd stayed behind with the other foals - safe within the fold of the tropical forest. In many ways she felt as though they had only just gotten comfortable in their new home - now things were changing again.
    Huddled in the dark, his voice rose above the clatter - challenging the one called Brennen. Fear's grip tightened. Hardly able to breath, she broke free of her paralysis and zig-zagged through the foliage towards the sound of voices. She had to find her papa.
    On the outskirts of the beach, she searched through the many unfamiliar faces, hoping to see his in the mix. Met with disappointment, she wheeled around and bolted back into the trees. Pausing momentarily she braced herself and strained her ears to hear past the confusion of the beach.
    There, a few feet ahead, a horse tore through the forest in an equally frantic search. That had to be him! Quickening her pace once more, she started in the his direction, her heart pounding in her ears.
    "Papa!" She called, her voice cracking with emotion. "Papa! PAPA!"
    She couldn't lose him. She was all she had left in the world and she wouldn't be left alone again.

    @[Durotan] This was a little more emotional than I'd anticipated.
    It was chaotic

    Krone was gathering the twins, others were still discussing Brennen and his new rule. All he knew was he needed to find Maiven. She was his family, not by blood but by love. He searches the beach but she was not there, it was empty nothing but the water splashing ashore. His body is in panic mode, he moves away from the beach and starts his way to the land. Was that her? The small silver body is in sight, he is overwhelmed with relief.

    Maiven! He yells out to her, she was just as frantic calling out his name. When they reach he wraps his neck around her, pulling her into his chest. I'm here Maiven he reassures her, keeping her near him for a few moments longer. Once he releases his embrace he moves back to gaze at her Maiven.....We have to leave Ischia. He looks back to the gathering of horses, his heart drops in his chest. The only home they knew, gone.

    Now Maiven.....Myself, Krone and the twins are fleeing, you can come with us... he pauses, looking away, it hurt to much to accept the truth. Or you can stay here...you are almost a year old now, you are capable of being alone should you want to. Together they made a life together, he would not rip her out of her home. If she wanted she was free to stay in Ischia, to resume life like nothing happened. But if she wanted to come with him he would be more than happy, in fact he prefers she come with him.

    Don't Let Go

    @[Maiven] <3
    I Hope That You Burn
    The sound of his voice broke through the trees and she broke into a gallop. Branches stung her skin as they slapped against her in her careless race towards the comfort of her father. Fear of losing him drove her forward until she broke through the line of opposition and threw herself into the safety of his embrace. Nestled into him sobs wracked her body. She remembered the moment he’d found her lying helpless in large spread of the meadow. Without hesitation he’d taken her in and swore to protect her and she’d followed him, holding onto the truth of his promise. Her body shook as she listened to the depth of his voice as he spoke.
    They were leaving. Surprisingly, she did not find herself saddened by the news. She’d suspected as much as soon as the voices began to shout the name of another. Krone was queen no more. Then his words grew confusing as he invited her to stay behind, if that was what she wanted.
    “No, papa,” she said with a childlike certainty. “I will follow you like I have before. We are family now, and we belong together.” 

    @[Durotan] This is pitifully short, I'm sorry.

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