you could be the king
Krone hadn't forgot about Circinae. She hadn't forgotten about her strange disappearance, about the paw-prints retreating to the sea. The shell had left her with a kingdom to run, but when night fell and she was rocked to sleep by the sound of the crashing waves, her dreams took her back to that day. The worry, the fear, the hurt she had felt when the previous Keeper had taken her leave flooded back into her mind, causing her many nights of restless sleep (or no sleep at all).
Circinae was not the only one who had left, however. Canaan and Jah, her lovers, had also left her island home. Krone harbored no ill feelings towards the pair. It was, of course, their prerogative to leave and while she was the grudge holding type, she could never be mad at them. Why, she did not know...was this growing up?
She needs to know where the sea wolf had gone. She can no longer take the sleepless nights, the constant unease her mind felt. She held Circinae in high regard, and knowing what happened to her would give her the closure she needed...whether that be good or bad. Jah-Lilah was so interconnected with the world around her, she would have to know where her lover had gone.
She left Ischia in the hands of her Watcher and the others who held the island dear, and took a journey to the mainland. After some talking and some searching, she found that she would have her best luck in Hyaline. Emerald wings carried her on the wind towards the mountains, and when she spots the huge crystalline lake in their center, she knows she must be in the right place.
Hyaline is beautiful, she has never seen anything quite like it. She has always been more of a tropical girl, but summer had brought the greenery around her to life. Drooping lavender wisteria and blooming trees of red and pink take her breath away, and for a moment all she can do is marvel at them.
Krone reminds herself that she has work to do, and peels her eyes from the land's beauty to call out to the russet mare. "Jah-Lilah!" She nickers, pulling herself through the trees to find the spark and flame.
but watch the Queen conquer