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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Chin Up Princess

    The water of the river rushed over the ever smoothing rocks that speckled the sand shore where the bay and white stallion stood taking in the scene. For all intents and purposes, it was autumn. The leaves were drying, the grasses were starting to yellow, though closer to the river this was a slower process.  The sun was high in the sky when the stallion looked about and found this place as appropriate as any to stop and linger for a while.  He had never stayed any one place for too long, he could not remember ever staying in any one place. His mother had never really given him a straight answer as to why, but when he left her side, for his own adventures the way of life had seemed fitting for him and so he had continued in that way. He lowered his lips to the water and took a long drink. His white lips reflecting off the clear water, as well as the rest of his brown and white face. His full white blaze surrounded by the light sun bleach bay on each side. The cool water was comforting to his throat and he let the cool feeling radiate out from his mouth and then out through his throat and stomach to it furthest reaches out to his extremities.  When he finally lifted his head, he was cooled and ready to keep moving.
    There were plenty of other horses around him, those of the standard variety, and others a little more unique. As his brown eyes looked over them all he realized it had been some time since he lingered long enough to really get to know someone. He watched the others talking and laughing, their kinship evident, left a pang of loneliness in his chest. I sigh left his lips and the last few drops of water that clung to his whiskers finally fell back to the earth with the slight disturbance to their precarious holding. He let his eyes continue their closer examination of the riverside and saw many more who lingered alone as he did. Maybe it was time to stay a while.
    Godric thought of what his mother would have wanted. Vessel was caring, and often soft spoken but she was a determined thing that was for sure. Vessel had raised the young stallion to rely on no one but himself. Others were a comfort, but they were not always reliable so he had to be able to strong enough on his own. Whatever had happened to his mother before he had memories was never made clear to him but he now was the product of that drive she had. Usually quiet and reserved, he mostly kept to himself, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have a certain light-hearted streak, which usually came out when he found himself with mares...Vessel had smiled (always with some sadness behind her eyes) and said it was his father showing through. Maybe it was true, but he had no point of reference to be sure. Either way, he would have to put all his stoic, calm, observer ways aside and play the gregarious stallion. It was just a matter of waiting… or approaching whichever came first.


    Chin up Princess, or the crown slips.

    We played hide and seek in waterfalls, we were younger.

    It wasn't thirst that called Jah-Lilah to the river this afternoon, but something deeper. It was the sound of the water's laughter as is played over the rocks. It was the constant static, the white noise. It was soothing to her. She had met her black king near a river like this, many moons ago when she was younger. Oh how she had loved that man of hers. He could have been the greatest ruler the world had ever known, but he morphed into a tyrant. He'd been driven mad by his secrets, secrets she had played a part in. Jah-Lilah had no regrets, and was not sorry for any life she had liven, then or now, but she missed him. It is rare to find someone who knows what you truly are. 

    The sun beat down mercilessly on the all of Beqanna, and the water was a welcome reprieve that day. When the red mare reached the edge of the babbling brook, she let her hooves sink into the murk, cool H2O flowing over her legs as she waded in. She plunged her velvety muzzle in, relishing the way the water flowed to her stomach. She finished and raised up, watching the water below her nose making shapes and pictures, the little fish dancing beneath the surface. The images come and go, telling a story so engrossing Jah-Lilah almost missed the bright-faced male across the way from her. She splashed away the daydream with a foreleg, bobbing her head at him with a smile. Heeeeeeey. How are you today? The greeting was genuine, the inquisitive mare eager to meet more people of this land.

    Someday, we will foresee obstacles through the blizzard.
    someday, we will foresee obstacles

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