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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  The Storm was not Grey

    Sabriyya Amin
    The Cherry Blossom
    Having been born and raised in a kingdom utterly filled with others like herself, the pegasus was not adapting very well to being alone. Wings were spread wide as she soared over the forest once more. Her wings matched her body, the same spotted dappled bay. Silvery mane and tail flew in the wind, which seemed to be more powerful than usual lately. A large gust of wind suddenly blew out of nowhere, nearly knocking her out of the air. Maybe its not a good idea to be flying around at the moment Sabriyya thought, carefully angling down towards the ground. She landed in a clearing and then quickly moved under the cover of the trees. She didn't like being out in the open during a storm. Wings tucked securely against the mare's sides, protecting them from any harm. Her wings were vital to being able to escape from danger should she need to do so. She missed her brothers and parents and home. This place wasn't home yet at all.

    @[Ghost in the Fog]


    TAG: name      

    WORDS: ###    

    NOTES: notes

    "every villain is a hero in his own mind."

    The heat of the day pressed in around Ghost like a smothering glove as he stood at the edge of the protected forest, grazing on the soft grasses of the meadow. But it was not just heat that pressed down upon him. The electricity of the coming storm seemed to flow on the wind, which increased by the second, sending this gray and white streaked mane flying around him. He raised his head from the grasses to look out over the plains, only to see the darkening clouds racing towards him. Closing his eyes and breathing deeply, the scent of water and rains brought a shiver along his spine, only seconds before the downpour came from the sky, darkening his already dappled coat. He stood there for a moment, breathing it all in. No boundaries between horse and storm. 

    When the driving rain became too much against his sensitive skin, he was forced to retreat to the secluded forest and the protection of the trees. He shook the water out of his man and tail, finding a dense tree to stand under, waiting out the worst of the rain and winds. When the worst of it had passed and the rain was little more than a drizzle, the gray stallion set out deeper into the forest. With the heat of the day having met the intense rain, a thick fog had settled between the trees, seeming to muffle his hoof falls even more than the leaf litter did on it's own. 

    He moved steadily at a slow walk, not seeming to be in a great hurry, for he truly wasn't. There was no where for him to go, no one to wait on him. Though after walking along for a few minutes, he did find someone. He lifted his head high, high blue eyes piercing out of the fog light self lit lanterns, though it was little more than the sun peaking out of the clouds, shedding it's grace to the ground, with him included. He eyed the spotted horse with a curious expression, shaking out his mane again, though it was largely dry at this point.  "Care for some company?" he asked quietly, his voice be softened by the same fog that softened his hoofbeats. 

    Art by Lunaris
    Lineart Provided by Darya87 of DeviantArt
    Table Provided By nickdiazfan


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