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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    It's my birthday and I'll baby if I Want to! -x
    Spanish Draft Hybrid
    Black (EE/aa)


    Played by: Ezri
    Breed: Friesian Hybrid
    Birth Color, Palomino
    **For purposes of Breeding, Changeling will be Dark Turqouise with black swirls, black stockings, golden hooves. Her mane and tail will be black with streaky turqoise highlights
    Gender: FEMALE Genetic Traits: Immortality, Pathokinesis, Shapeshifting, Transparent Wings
    Non-Genetic Traits: Telepathically linked to Nocturnal Trait
    Genetic Code: tegteg [IMMORTALITY][PATHOKINESIS][SHAPESHIFTING][TRANSPARENT WINGS][telepathically linked to Nocturnal*]
    Other: Twin to Helix

    Permission to use Changeling from Ezri via Facebook Messenger

    Spink to use her gender pick for a Filly named Wraith.

    The Name Wraith has been reserved by Spink

    Player of the filly will be Spink... as a birthday present to herself...

    Genetics can't be done until it's specified which traits are inheritable from Changeling (can add up to 4 -- so could be transparent wings & shapeshifting, etc). Ezri can post on updates or trait genetics and let us know. Otherwise, can roll genetics the 'old' way.
    Go ahead and do it the old way. I'll get Wraith's genetics done after we get her stats.

    I'm just super excited for this baby.

    actually wait on that. i'll see if i can get her to update

    After talking with her, this is the updated Genetic Code: tegteg [IMMORTALITY*][PATHOKINESIS*][SHAPESHIFTING][TRANSPARENT WINGS][telepathically linked to Nocturnal*]

    She's going to try and post an update soon,

    Thanks fairies!!
    (4, NA, NA, 87)

    Black (Ee/aa) with large turquoise swirl on each shoulder, turquoise mane/tail
    Deimos x Changeling
    Transparent wings
    tegteg [TRANSPARENT WINGS] [telekinesis] [fox shifting]
    Played by Spink
    Due March
    Breedable in September

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