"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
She had wandered the common lands of Beqanna for sometime now. Meeting few who seemed interested in her. Her true passion was children. Their innocence and whimsical antics. She thought back to her own childhood and how much she loved the stories her GrandDam told her of a magical land. Filled with fairies and stories of special abilities they granted a select few equines. She was finding that not all was rainbows and butterflies as the stories told. There was a black magic also. A magic that cursed a few with terrible things. Pain... Torture... She cringed at the thought of her most recent find. The dark stallion with bone plates emerging from his hide. What torture that would be.
Looking about these lands there was a peace, a happiness. Foals frolicked carelessly. Playing games of tag, hide and seek, racing here and there. Some even expressed wings so they exercised their muscles to prepare for take off. Leaping to the sky but strength faultered them back to the turf. She smiled at their simple happiness. She couldn't imagine herself having children... Not yet. She herself was too naive to raise a child properly. So she settled for enjoying their company. Telling them stories she had enjoyed as a young filly. Joining in their silly games...
He is far too young yet to know anything of the world. His small space in Tephra is quiet and uneventful. The perfect environs for raising a child. Less perfect if that child bores easily. Such as Fox does.
It does not take long for his legs to grow restless. For his home to seem too small, too well explored. It is green and warm, though one must watch for the occasional lava flows that drift through the place. Still, not enough the keep an energetic young boy entertained for long. Even experimenting with the lava, edging closer and closer, testing the way snow and ice sizzled and melted, the way it turned the red of molten earth to black rock.
He had gotten too brave perhaps. Indeed, he still sports a healing burn upon one fetlock. The raw skin has finally knitted over however, leaving a bright pink patch of hairless skin in its place. But he had learned his lesson. Lava hurts.
As the eighth child, he is well loved, but his parents have seen it all by now. He is allowed perhaps a little more leeway than, say, a first or second child might be.
Which is how he winds up in the playground unescorted, a scampering young colt amongst other scampering young foals. But it is not another youth that catches his gaze. No, it is the stunning drapery of a young mare. Her liver colored pelt is lost amidst the vibrant shades of green and blue that cascade from her shoulders in a riot of bright feathers. Being the gregarious young man that he is, he does not hesitate in bounding up to her.
Perhaps not a wise thing for a very young colt to do, approaching a stranger in such bold fashion, but he is Fox. He does as he will, and damn the consequences. Besides, in his young mind, he is nigh on invincible. He has the magic of christmas on his side after all.
”Hello!” he calls out to her brightly, voice high and innocent in the way of youth. His exuberant steps carry him closer, until he stands very near her, eyes fixed eagerly upon the lovely plumage. After a moment of (rather rude) staring, her turns his luminous coppery gaze to find hers, a happy, charming smile lighting his features. ”I’m Fox. What’s your name?”
Admiring the land filled with playing young and magical fairies she felt at home. She glided over the rich turf with ease. Her brilliant plumage lightly dusting over the blades of emerald foliage. The light here kissed her metallic feathers. Sending an array of colors to shine upon them for all to see... To admire. Standing within the meadow of white daisies and blue bonnets she looked out onto the children running about. It was quite peaceful...
Hello The word had came to her suddenly and without warning. Her crown twisted to view a rosey washed colt that had approached her. His stare upon her gift would be insulting to some, but not her. Lobes flickered in curiousity at the young one. So bold he was to approach a stranger. She smiled kindly as he introduced himself. "Why hello there Fox. My name is AuroraElis. You can call me Rue though... If you'd like". Crown lowered to his level as she spoke softly. She noted his stare and fluffed her feathers "Do you like them? The fairies had gifted me them when I arrived here." Her kind smile still present upon her maw.
It is a testament to his good fortune that this particular mare turns out to be quite nice. Of course, any horse wandering through this particular part of Beqanna would have to be quite nice. With the fairies watching the youth that play here, nothing bad could happen anyway. Not that that occurs to Fox. In his youth, all is well and right with the world. Evil does not yet exist.
He grins widely as she introduces herself, listening attentively to her introduction and explanation of her array of brilliant plumage. His eyes drop to the feathers, the way the light refracts on the multi-hued, iridescent surface, the way the colors glimmer in the bright sun, drawing the eye, playing tricks upon the senses.
He tips his head a bit as his gaze flicks back to her brown and white features. ”Rue.” He tastes the name upon his tongue, testing it out in his high, bright voice. ”I like it!”
But he is all too easily distracted, turning back to the lovely drapery upon her back. He inches forward, nose outstretched as though to touch it before recalling himself and tucking his small muzzle back where it belongs. ”It’s beautiful.” He smiles then, brown gaze luminescent. ”The fairies are awfully kind.” He pauses a moment, before continuing, quite exuberantly. ”I have a gift too. Not like this, but it’s fun!”
Curiousity is much expected from the children of Beqanna. It was their innocence and pureness that attracted the mare. Their view upon the world in wonder and excitement. Where others faulted to the negativity of life, they saw the pure joy of it. And she hoped they never shall see the darkness it could hold....
Fox was very much a vibrant child of light. Nothing was out of reach of possibilities for him and she admired that. He was outgoing in everyway. She had to giggle a bit as he approved of her name then attention shifted to her feathers once more. He continued on speaking of a gift given to him by the fairies as well. She did not see anything particular about him besides his personality that set him apart. No wings nor horns, no special colors or textures as she has seen in passing through Beqanna. Her crown cocked in curiousity as she examined the child. Maybe his gift could not be seen with the eye. She was learning more and more of these lands with each passing moment.
Her crown was still at his level as she spoke kindly, "I'd love to see your gift. That is if you'd like to show me. I'm sure it's wonderful." Her tone was level but dripped with curiousity. What did the fairies have in store for this one...?
He is very much a child, filled with wonder and joy. He is fortunate in many respects to be afforded such a happy childhood. In this land, the are a hundred, a thousand, dangers that could befall a young boy. Of course, Fox is not precisely weak or powerless, the prey those with ill intent so often seek. And he has parents who love him, parents who would be angry should anyone attempt to harm young Fox.
So he lives his fortune-filled childhood, seeking out the wonders the generally only children find wondrous.
This mare, Rue, is one of those many wonders. He has not yet had the chance to see much of the world. It lay before him, vast and so eminently explorable. But he must start somewhere, and the playground had been as a good a place as any to begin.
He grins up at the tall mare (or at least tall when compared to his youthful frame), flicking his fluffy red tail in a general fit of excitement. His eyes, wide and amber, jerk back to Rue’s face as she asks him about his gift. He nearly quivers with excitement at the prospect of being asked about such a thing. It is not often he gets to chance to show off so boldly.
”Ohhhhh, yes! It’s so much fun.” His face scrunching in concentration, he pulls on his gift, calling forth the snow that is his birthright. The flakes begin to swirl around them, coalescing into a mass of white above their heads. Fox, as per usual, had not quite thought things all the way through. He is still learning control of his gifts, and so it is no surprise that he loses it for a moment. However, given that he is holding the snow above them, it inevitably has nowhere else to go when his control falters but down. Right on top of them.
Fox still for a moment, surprise etched upon his features and he blinks the snow from his eyes. He has the presence of mind to look rather abashed, but he cannot help the giggle that escapes his lips.
His life was so pure and simple. She was content in knowing that. His excitement as she asked to see his talent was unmatched. The sheer glint in his eyes at the thought. She smiled happily and watched. His concentration was quite funny and she held back a giggle. As the flakes of ice danced about them she looked up in wonder. How could such a young mind control such things? Her wonder was short lived as they soon fell to the ground. Blanketed in the crystals she giggled aloud. Shaking them from her own eyes as she turned to Fox. "That was very good Fox! I'm impressed," her voice full of encouragement as to not discourage the child from trying again. She hoped he would and she was sure his powers would grow into whatever he wished them to be.