"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
now don’t you understand…that I’m never changing who I am?
Now that the time had come to have a come to Jesus meeting with her family and the Taiga, it was time to venture forth into the world to see what lay beyond the trees. She crossed the world, and in taking a breath, she found that peace that comes with distance—being able to put some space between herself and her responsibilities was good, because for the timebeing she could forget that she was being punished by the fairies for her insolence upon the top of the mountain. She clutched her rosary and collected her clover, green eyes forever on the horizon as she pulled back and finally found herself at the borders of a new land. The smells here were different. She was out of place. Not able to have her magic—her knowledge—at her disposal, she comes here knowing nothing; no pretense.
A new start.
Reagan’s memories take her back to a time when a new start was all that she wanted. Forever enclosed in her prayers and stuck inside, all she wanted was to run in the moors and among the grasses. Her emerald green eyes looked back in time and saw a small grey girl with the wind in her eyes, always looking on, promising that things would be better than they had ever been before; She would be respected, and she would gain power. Little Reagan had been something to behold. Unafraid of anything.
My how times have changed.
She approaches Sylva’s borders with her flanks down and her tail pressed firmly against her rump. Pregnant belly swings side to side, her feet digging into the ground in case she needs to turn and make a quick run for it. Something was familiar about this place—and yet so very different at the same time. Now was the time to stretch Taiga’s borders, and their friends.
11-25-2016, 03:28 PM (This post was last modified: 11-25-2016, 05:08 PM by Akkadian.)
He'd followed Arrya here, the pregnant and sassy mare that he'd met in the Meadow. It wasn't his ideal clime with its thick canopies and towering trees, but Arrya had claimed it a wonderful place to raise a child, and so he'd come. It was suffocating to him, all the darkness and shadows, and at times felt oppressing.
Far more appealing were wide open spaces where the land could meet the sky and the eye could see for great distances. The freedom to run, the ability to see your enemy before they even arrived, were lost. Instead, Sylva was cupped by mountains with a tricky path lost within that could guide one to another forest, a separate territory.
It was here that he walked today, at the joist where their species of trees gradually met others. He was restless and growing irritated with his continuous failure to find Josie, the dark woman who had followed him to Sylva, who now carried his first born within her. It seemed every time he caught her scent, it slipped away again like it had never even been there.
He started, blinking a few times, as he looked up to find a woman had appeared in this eerie quiet part of the woods. She was a gray, and pregnant like so many others he'd seen. His ear flicked back warily, and a quick scan told him no others were here yet, only she and him. It did not put him at ease that he hadn't sensed her, but he set his edginess aside and slipped on a mask he'd been trained for but hadn't had much need of.
Good afternoon, he said with a smooth smile. He approached politely and bowed his head low to her. It reminded him of the last time he'd bothered to bow to anyone, when he'd done it theatrically to Arrya in his gallant smartassery. His grin grew at the memory, and his brown eyes were bright as he straightened back to his full height.
How may I be of service to you? See? Some of that useless courtly instruction did sink in.
Reagan had moved towards the deciduous forest with a wariness that belied her. She, having had her newborn son Iasan, had decided to venture forth into other areas to see what the world had in store for them. She thought to be greeted by the leader of this land, and instead she finds a warrior. Someone who, although he appears agitated, is respectful. She steps back, knowing that he bows, and steps aside to reveal that she is not alone. Revealing her small spotted son, she watches him stare up in awe at the large man. Hearing him say Good afternoon drew Iasan’s attention, and his mouth dropped open. He leaned into his mother, his little fuzzy ears flitting in shy fascination. He looks up at Reagan questioningly and says quietly. “Mama, he’s big.”
Reagan chuckled softly, and did her own bowing to her company, and then set her features to do business. “Good afternoon. My name is Reagan and this small fluffball is my son, Iasan. We are your neighbors to the west. When the wood turns from broadleaf to needle, you have arrived at my home. We are venturing outward from the Taiga to see how the rest of the world fairs… and to see if there is any news of any of our friends who may, or may not, still be around. Who is the leader here?”
Reagan tries to keep a straight face as she talks to Akkadian, Iasan’s small body pressing further and deeper into her, and yet doing what he can to peer the large man between her legs. Reagan thought secretly that perhaps he had found someone to idolize.
His posture did not falter, his eyes did not waver, as she moved to the side to reveal her colt. He'd already been aware of the boy, and so he only waited with warm, brown eyes still on hers.
From the corner of his eye, he was able to see the child move, shifting closer to his mother. He could detect his little words of wonder. It was a new experience for Akkadian. He was well-known in his past homeland, and often avoided. The only child he'd interacted with was the teeny princess, for she was an extension of his family and an extension of his duties to protect them. It had all revolved around his elder brother, the heir. Anyone outside that small group knew his name, knew what it meant, and scrambled to stay out of his way.
But that was the past, and this was a new world. His name meant nothing, he had nothing. He was nothing. He'd always be a protector at heart though. It was what he was raised to be, trained for, burned into him like a permanent branding. And so as she introduced herself and her little colt, his face softened. He would need to accept the change in his life, but it seemed a slow progress thus far. He tugged at his gentler training that he'd never really had a call for, a young prince's schooling.
It is a pleasure to meet you. And you, he added with a somewhat shy smile, peering down at the curious boy. They didn't know his name, didn't know his past. He would one day find how he fit into this new world. He looked back to the woman, who seemed so gentle with her child yet tall and regal.
I have seen that change in the trees, but I am sorry to say that I have not ventured forth in to your home. I can see your love for it, so perhaps I will make the journey soon, if it is acceptable to do so. He dipped his head to her again, as a gracious prince would.
Marlyn is the one you ask after, his eyes warmed as the gentle and beautiful leader came to mind. He'd already -somewhat unconsciously- assigned himself to protect her. To take up his former duties in this Beqanna in honor of what his King and Queen had raised him to be. And Marlyn, he felt, was more than deserving of such services. Genuine and selfless, she tended to her people and their families as though they were her own family.
I'd be honored to escort you to her, he said in flawless courtly manner. He was entirely surprised he remembered this nonsense, seeing as how his duties had been vastly different from his brother's, but he supposed they had drilled it in rather thoroughly. Even still, his toned muscles, fluid movement, and delicately faint scars belied the true guardian beneath the diplomatic display.