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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Searching for the Falls (Falls Kingdom Members)
    Neoma was in a great deal of distress. First, Beqanna had done all this, changing its lands and depositing horses on top of a mountain. Then, the mountain had been incredibly tasking to get down from, with its winding paths and steep declines. Now, she hardly knew where anybody was. Where were her friends? The other members of the kingdom? She worried greatly for them all, not knowing if they had been hurt in the catastrophe of the change, or if, somehow... they hadn't even made it to see the new land.

    As she went deeper into the meadow, Neoma looked at the horses, seeing if she could spot anyone from her kingdom. After a good while of checking, the blue roan mare decided that, if she couldn't find them, she'd have to help them find her. She let out a call among the other horses, hoping other members of the Falls would recognize it. She was quite worried for Jedi as well, a horse she considered a dear friend since he'd been the one to introduce her to her new home.

    She could only hope that he was safe, and hopefully finding other members of the kingdom, as she did her part in searching for her friends and comrades.
    Not seeing any of the mare's family, Blazed started to wander, look at faces, see what had happened to the others. She had no idea where she was, just that she had left the mountain on a narrow trail that crumbled shortly after she touched down to rest and the very bottom, sending the horses behind her tumbling a few horse lengths before rolling awkwardly to a stop. To be honest - if blunt - equine aren't the best for being rolled down hills. Few have done it safely as far as the mare knows, and she snorts as somebody laughs at them before going after them. She sees a slightly familiar face a few groups away, standing alone, then heard the equine give a call for Falls members. "Neoma? ..Neoma! It's you, it's you.. I haven't seen anybody until you gave that call!" She calls as a return, trotting over speedily to the roaned mare.

    She wondered whether her daughter - any of her daughters - had found safety or another Falls member. She hoped that none had encountered the sinister stallion Raelnyx, her sire, who would have been her role model had she not learned the other side of things through the others when she took refuge at first in the Falls before joining as a Diplomat. She stood next to the mare quietly, looking around to see if any others appeared in the grassy meadow she faintly recognized.
    Considering he hadn't seen any familiar faces since waking up, Nerius thought that he was hallucinating. He'd searched everywhere on that mountain before coming down here to the meadow, hoping that he might just see at least one familiar face. Sadly, he came across nothing yet, snorting with displeasure as time went on and he still had yet to find anyone.

    His dam... his sisters... younger brother... sire... his friends from the Falls, and even Siba, from the Chamber, who he'd known during the couple of months she lived in the Falls before going to live with her sire in the Chamber. He'd considered her a good friend, and worried for her safety as well. Then there were others, like Sunfall, Kreios, Jedi, Raxa, Ygritte, and many more. Had they gotten out of the chaos okay? Had they been planted on the mountain just as he had?

    A loud call rang out, one he recognized; someone was calling for members of the Falls kingdom. Nerius turned and galloped in that direction, skidding to a stop atop a small dune and looking out over the number of horses to see who had called.

    In the distance, he spotted two familiar horses; Blazed, Sunfall's dam, and that blue roan mare, Neoma, one of Jedi's recruits. He trotted down the dune and toward the two mares, whinnying to them as he approached.

    "Holy hell I didn't think you guys had gotten out of that mess alive; I'm glad to see you're both okay," he noted. "Are you guys okay? Did you get hurt?"
    She's left the Forest, knowing that it is time to answer her father's call.

    He's long gone, of course, but she sees a cluster of familiar faces. The Falls seems to still cling together despite all that has happened to Beqanna. It is a reassuring feeling, and the appaloosa mare finds comfort in it.

    She trots toward them, the morning dew quickly soaking her feathered legs, and she stops when she has reached Blazed. "Hello everyone," she says. "I heard my father calling earlier but can't find him. Have any of you seen him?"

    The appaloosa stallion has run into many equines, but none of them were Gyps. His heart was heavy and his mind thought the worst, It was time he find the Falls member, try to help them. He returned to the meadow from the Forest, he was still looking for Gyps as his main priority but also was seeking out the kingdom members.

    It wasn’t long until he found a group of Falls members, they all seemed pretty well In health. He gave a snort and made his way over to them Hello, everyone okay? he asked as he reached the group. He had seen all these equines but wasn’t really sure who any of them were. Has anyone found Ygritte or Kreios? certainly the two were seeking them out, even if the Falls wasn’t here anymore, they would be looking for the kingdom members. He had a bunch of other questions, but they probably already discussed it prior to his arrival.

    Let Go Of The Thoughts That Don't Make You Stronger

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