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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i'm struggling to breathe in the dark ; lucrezia
    It had happened. Beqanna had not only targeted the deserts but all the lands in their entirety. She had stripped them of everything and had taken what made her residents the most comfortable. She had sought to teach the lives that wandered aimlessly and took greedily the biggest lesson of all. That though you may have everything, you can just as easily one day have nothing at all. And such was true to the fact when they all awoke on the mountain to a world that was now fresh and new and ready to be discovered. Once again Beqanna had given them another chance while stripping away the pleasures that made them once so very unlikable.  

    Greed. It was a silent killer. It stripped apart friendships, families, and romances. It stole from your very heart, creating a hole of dark black that at first spread slowly before suddenly picking up pace, taking over the whole of your heart, your mind and then your soul. 

    It was a hard thing to come back from. 
    To heal from.
    But most importantly, to change.

    And yet so many were still searching, still greedy. This change would bring out the power hungry. The most confident in themselves. It would show who cared most about whether or not they were on top. And already it was showing. Monarchs would be gathering to earn their rights back, sick from the change and unable to accept that Beqanna had thrown them off their thrones. 

    Yet it was the unlikely that he rooted for. Those who seemed unworthy previous to all the change due to the curtains over the elders eyes.  He wanted them to rise up, to show that they too were able and he was excited to watch from the background while creating a tiny herd of his own. He didn't want what the rest did. He simply wanted a small family.

    It was during these thoughts that he ran across the unusually colored mare full of despair and grief and with a soft snort he comes to a stop, head tilting slightly in wonder. "Are you alright?"

    ooc: @[Shelbi] oh, hi! haha. i saw you posted an any post and since the changes happened I thought I would start out here. He's already come down from the mountain and adjusted slightly so he's pretty chill. I hope that is okay! Smile
    Everything was gone.

    It was no longer the sandy dunes, her only home, that the magic, the gods, had taken away too from her—from all of them. She had found herself on the very mountaintop besides all the other horses that dwelled in Beqanna. There was confusion and chaos when everyone had woken up. No one had understood why all of them had awoken up in such a place that did not exist before.

    Yet, she knew.

    Lucrezia knew why they had been taken there—why everything was stripped from them. Their greed and hunger for pleasures in this life had destroyed the world they had known. It took away their homes, their powers, and everything that had made them feel so mighty. She did not like it one bit but she knew everyone, even including her, needed this new start—this blessing of a second chance.

    She wonders if truly there was even hope for all of them. Would they remember this blessing? They might just stumble for a little until they found their footing, until they knew which direction to turn to. Lucrezia knew that even this lesson given by Beqanna would not stop them from their ways. Some of the others would never change—she hopes they would perish.

    The mountain she left behind quickly. Lucrezia could not wait, did not want to linger on the past of what was set behind her now. However, she cannot help but feel grief and regret for the things she cannot change right now—the loss of the Deserts hurts her severally, more than she imagines possible. It was the only thing she feels tugging at her now, but she knows she must be brave. Brave and strong for whatever is set out in her path.

    She hopes she can make it.

    Eventually, she finds herself in the outskirts of the meadow. Its familiar landscape and spring greenery bring a small amount of peace to her heart. Lucrezia can still full the tug of despair and grief weighing on her—she wears it evidently on her sleeves. The soft snort, too caught up in the roll over of emotions she keeps feeling, makes her quickly flick her nutmeg eyes to stranger.

    He asks her if she is alright, as if that had any meaning right now. Were any of them alright? This change was something more than scratch on her knee. It was everything she had ever known—gone unexpectedly. “N-No,” she whispers softly, “No, I am not alright.” Lucrezia tells herself she must be brave but right now that’s the last thing she can think of doing. She hasn't even had the time to grieve for that she has lost – memories, friends, and those she thought as of family. She wonders if they any of them survived. “What are we supposed to do?” She asks him, looking for some sort of guidance, an answer to anything.
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