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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i will ruin you, i promise;
    this is the story of how, when the wolves knocked,
    i met them at the door and i became the beast instead.
    I knew something was wrong.

    She spoke softly, too softly for my mother—it startled me to see a woman who had been so loud, so brash and open for as long as I’d known her reduced to something so broken and quiet. She didn’t seem to want to look me in the eye, then I noticed the tears bristling around the edges of her own eyes that she was quick to blink back. I automatically assumed the worst. At least, I thought I did. I thought maybe she had found him dead somewhere—not... not off fucking someone else, not off making another family and acting as if nothing was wrong. As if he had forgotten about us. Mother was kind, too kind; she never said one bad thing about him, but I didn’t hear her reprimand me when I growled out: “That. Fucking. Bastard.”

    I couldn’t stay, I knew I couldn’t. I marched past my mother without word—and I regret that, because I didn’t think about her when I should have and I couldn’t take it back hours later when I was heading in the direction of the only family I knew I had left. Anni was never fucking around when I needed her; wherever she was, though, I half-hoped she stayed there and didn’t come back. I didn’t want her dealing with this, too.

    I didn’t want her to know that he didn’t want us.

    He… he didn’t want us.

    I’m pretty sure the moment that sank in was the exact moment that I also wanted to fucking kill him. And that wasn’t something I thought about lightly, either; I wasn’t the sort of girl that made empty threats and I changed course several times, constantly torn between heading to Echo Trails or The Chamber. In the end, I decided it was best to go to Echo Trails first and that was when the tears started coming down hard. Thick, hot angry tears that made me bite my tongue and then my cheek to try to stop them from falling before I finally gave up.

    I needed to see my Grandmother Willow.

    We are not a weak bunch, but I felt weak when I suddenly needed her and she was so far out of my reach; I needed someone that wasn’t mom or Anni, I needed someone that could make sense of all the hurt and anger that was burning me down from the inside-out. I think, deep down, I just wanted someone to calm me down—to talk me out of it—did I really want to kill him, was it really worth it—but then I realized that no matter what anyone said they would never really talk me out of it.

    I wanted so badly to kill him that I could practically taste it.

    “Fucking bastard,” I half-whispered, half-sobbed, slipping across the border without so much as a call to announce my presence. I wasn’t some prissy fuck, after all, here to be at the beck and call of some overbearing stallion; I was here to see my Grandmother Willow, I wanted to be wrapped up in her embrace so tight that I felt like she’d never let me go. I wanted to see my Uncle Drow and soak in all of his mad, hostile wisdom. I wanted to visit my Auntie Ryss, who Anni and I had always loved fiercely. I missed her. I missed all of them and I knew they wouldn’t turn me away.

    Not with the way I looked right now, anyways.
    gendry x arrya

    I never knew this side of me, I never felt this way before.
    I’m not going to lie. I’ve been a cuddly, gooey mess of happiness and love since the minute I laid eyes on my baby girl for the first time. Can barely stand to be away from her, or her dad, or her brother, wanting nothing more than to be curled up next to Pazuzu with our baby girl tucked up under my chin and even Tycho nestled up next to me to be close to us. But we aren’t the only ones who want all our baby girl’s time and affection and love, and she’s off playing with her cousins, with Tycho keeping quiet watch.

    He loves that little girl so damn much.

    And my Pazuzu is just as enamored. I send him off with a kiss and a grin, and opt to wander just a little, staying well within the bounds of our land. I’m not dumb enough to go far, not when my little one’s going to be hungry sooner rather than later, and not when my body’s still recovering from labor. Pazuzu eased the aches and pains, but I’m still adjusting to not being the size of a hippo, to the weird empty feeling where a wiggling, stretching, energetic little girl was living up until a very short time ago. I’ll stick close to home for now, thanks.

    So it’s a damn good thing my Mauly girl didn’t bother with stupid niceties, or I might have missed her. She’s family, she doesn’t need to stand on ceremony, not here. Not with us. And sure as fuck not when she’s hurting. The second I see her, I rush to her side and wrap myself around her and hold her tight. My little Maul, god, it’s been too damn long.

    “Oh my Maul, love, it is so good to see you. What’s wrong, baby?” Because it’s pretty obvious something is. My girl isn’t exactly one to burst into tears over nothing. I hold onto her and croon soft little nothings, comforting sounds like my mom always made when we were hurting. Tell Auntie Ryss who needs to die, baby girl. There is so much pain and anger in her strange, gorgeous eyes, it must be big. “I’m here, sweetheart. Talk to me.”
    You make my heart go bang, and I know that we've only begun.

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