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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  the living are hungry; ALL

    the dead are gone

    They come, those few that are left. Lexa nods in turn at the appaloosa, the paint, and the silvered buckskin. She hopes there are more, but at this point she’s not optimistic. All of Beqanna is struggling these days, and they are simply lucky to have as many as they do.

    She is actually surprised when there isn’t even the faintest whisper or grimace at her suggestion that she take the crown - she doesn’t know any of these mares after all - but she supposes her time spent here must at least be evident, and she doubts any of these ladies want the responsibility themselves.

    She returns the buckskin’s introduction - “please, call me Lexa” - and smiles when both the appaloosa and the buckskin speak up and voice their desires to take the oath. But the paint - Riva, as Odezsa calls her - voices an important point.

    Lexa had been half way between on the Jungle’s borders when the fairy’s voice had rung out. She’d frozen, stunned, as her tattoos (a part of her identity for so long), had been burned away. The news that the kingdom she’d just fought for had been damaged beyond repair had only deepened her shock. But being only a lowly mortal, there is only so much she can do. They can only move forward.

    “In the old days, the women of the Jungle had no tattoos to show their allegiance. Our sisters will say the words, and that will be enough. We do not need a binding magic to keep our sisters honest and loyal.” They’d managed without binding magic before, and they will do so again. “However, if you would like a mark - a scar of some kind, a symbol - I would love to hear your suggestions.” There are plants in the Jungle they could use to create dyes, and if they wish for scars, Lexa could assist with that using her abilities. She will wait for their opinions though, before asking Odezsa and the appaloosa to take the oath.

    “As for kingdom relations …” Lexa glances amongst them quickly. “Who would you prefer us to offer alliances to?” The Deserts, which would have been her first choice, is obviously off the table. Personally she would like to avoid ties with the Chamber … but she will wait to hear what her sisters have to say before making any decisions.

    and the living are hungry.


    Messages In This Thread
    the living are hungry; ALL - by Lexa - 07-19-2016, 11:38 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Celeana - 07-20-2016, 06:46 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by riva - 07-24-2016, 10:39 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Odezsa - 07-26-2016, 04:07 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Lexa - 07-26-2016, 10:56 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Draconis - 07-27-2016, 06:12 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Joscelin - 07-28-2016, 01:09 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by riva - 07-28-2016, 01:29 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Odezsa - 07-29-2016, 10:45 AM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Celeana - 07-29-2016, 12:03 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Fayella - 08-05-2016, 02:20 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Lexa - 08-09-2016, 03:55 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Joscelin - 08-10-2016, 11:27 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Malka - 08-13-2016, 05:15 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by riva - 08-16-2016, 06:53 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Celeana - 08-19-2016, 05:05 PM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Lexa - 08-22-2016, 12:29 AM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Lena - 08-23-2016, 08:45 AM
    RE: the living are hungry; ALL - by Malka - 08-22-2016, 10:29 AM

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