@[Ygritte] - Hopefully it fixed!
Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
"Shall We Meet Again?" I asked. "Maybe." She said.
03-18-2016, 11:07 PM
The walk from the meadow can be difficult at times. It was not far but when you must travel in a band, well, it can be. The very edge starts in a matted tangle of shrubbery. Trees thrust outward from embankments and furry furns spit along the roots. Ygritte was eager to return to the sanctuary of the Falls despite the war winding down. But it is not until she is halfway in the kingdom's boundaries that Blazed and the babe were not behind her. The svelte form twists in a 360 degree view and immediately the mare reverses her trek, dark eyes watching as the salmon hued maw scented. Thankfully, especially for the bay mare, she happens upon the two shortly and Ygritte looks visibly relieves, a large sigh follow. "Oh thank goodness. You and little one are fine." Ygritte loved children, in fact, her own twins that were very close to Sunfall's age were waiting at home right now with their caretaker. "I am glad you have decided to stay in the Falls, Blazed. It's always wonderful to have new faces around." Ygritte laughs gently as she walks much more slower this time so that she keeps pace with the mare and small child so that the little babe did not tire and stopping when they must. "You are welcome to simply resides as a resident but if you should like, we do have two castes of interest. The diplomatic caste as well as the army caste. Each side has respective responsibilities such as the peace caste conduct steals, go to other kingdoms when needed and also recruit. The army is responsible for mock fights, challenges and of course, recruiting as well. If either should sound appealing then feel free to inquire. The king, Kreios is the head of the army." The bay woman smiles gently as the soon find themselves closer to the center of the kingdom, the air damp with mist from the falls as well as the setting sun. A soft churn of water can be herd while the whip-o-will sings into the growing dusk. Ygritte.
03-18-2016, 11:36 PM
NO WINTER LASTS FOREVER ![]() B L A Z E D Raelynx x G'ren Fire @[Ygritte] Blazed
03-19-2016, 02:00 PM
Jedi was in the kingdom resting from the previous night. He spotted Ygritte with a foal and a mare that he had never seen before. He wondered if they were new to the kingdom or he had just not met them before. He gave a whinny to greet the three as he pondered over to them. Once the stallion reached the three he dipped his head in respect to Ygritte and moved his eyes to focus on the grullo mare and her foal. He caught the end of there conversation were the mare chose to be a diplomatic. They must be new as they had not chosen a caste yet; "Hello are you new here? My name is Jedi" the stallion spoke in a soft voice unaware of these horses past. He also did not want to scare of the foal who seemed rather new to life. He gave a smile curious to the there future in the kingdom. JEDI THE JOURNEY IS YOURS.
03-20-2016, 10:07 AM
BETTER BEWARE, I GO BUMP IN THE NIGHT DEVIL-MAY-CARE WITH A LUST FOR LIFE ![]() The dusky mare nears Ygritte with concern set in her eyes after she introduces her babe once they had entered the Falls. She is nervous, cautious but rightly so. She has just thrust herself and her little one in a new home with little to no trust in anyone but the bay and salmon woman. Ygritte would certainly do all that she could to make their settlement easy and seamless. When she begins to speak, the familiar face of Jedi approaches. He is a young, eager stallion. Ygritte is happy to see his approach and interaction. Perhaps the two may be able to help one another out? Ygritte returns he nod to Jedi with a small smile and listens quietly as he speaks. "This is Blazed and little Sunfall." She takes the liberty to make their introductions. "Blazed, the kingdom is yours as it is mine and Jedi's. You are welcome to take some time and get accustomed to the workings but I'm certain Jedi wouldn't mind showing you both around." The flowered crown bobs slightly with her words as her gaze shifts to Jedi momentarily before it returns to Blazed. At this point, Cometissa and Elysi come bouncing up behind their mother. The twin girls curious of a new foal, they rather rudely push passed their mother and smile. The pair of bay and gray-blue pointed girls stretch out their muzzles towards Sunfall, ignoring the adults and their rambling. Ygritte clicks her tongue at them with a stern eye and they back up closer to her side, oblivious to their rudeness. When your six months old, nothing really exists passed your nose. Ygritte.
03-30-2016, 07:15 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-30-2016, 07:17 PM by Blazed.
Edit Reason: To tag!
(Oh gosh so much happened well I was away!)
Overhwelmed by the large amount of horses, Sunfall was rejoicing in new foals. "Hi!" She says as they come close, still slightly cowered behind me as she was unnerved by the new adults. "I've chosen the diplomatic side. It would be a pleasure to meet the rest of the Falls, but maybe just show us where to rest for now? We traveled a long ways and it is late; Sunfall especially needs her sleep." I say calmly, after the greetings were taken care of. "Nice to meet you all, Jedi, Ashara, and already met Ygritte, I am glad I have a home at last." I say, wrapping up the conversation. Looking from each adult to the next, Sunfall started to memorize faces and place their names with the faces. Her mind was reeling from the huge amount of horses, from the muscled warriors to the charming diplomats to their foals, we never had this many at the Cove. @[Ygritte] , @[Jedi] , @[Ashara] Blazed
03-30-2016, 07:29 PM
Jedis attention flicked to Ygritte who introduced the two horses, Blazed and sunfall. Jedi gave a smile to the two new faces happy to have new horses in the kingdom. He reached his muzzle out to the foal who was hiding behind its mother, he gave a snort, his breath able to be felt by the foal, before retracting his neck to view Ashara who had approached them. Jedi gave a smile at the approaching golden vixen who seemed to also be excited to meet the new faces. He turned his attention quickly back to Blazed as she spoke. She chose the diplomat side as most mares would, Jedi and Kreios were the only horses to join the warrior caste as expected. Blazed than asked to rest which was reasonable as she had been traveling all day and had a foal to care for. The stag looked to the mares as he did not generally sleep with the mares and was rather off lurking, on boarder patrol or sleeping by himself. "I hope you enjoy your time in the Falls, see you another time" the stag spoke softly towards both the mother and foal, and turned his attention back to the others awaiting them to take her to a place to sleep. JEDI THE JOURNEY IS YOURS.
03-31-2016, 12:28 PM
As Jedi wandered off, I murmured "It's ok, Sunfall. Thank you, Jedi, Ashara, Ygritte. I'm glad to be home." I say, and look from Ashara to Ygritte for who would show me where I could rest. Sunfall was coming around, looking up at Ygritte with an obvious awe at her floral crown.
"That's a pretty crown, Ygritte." Sunfall murmurs, having walked up in front of Ygritte. Realizing that, she blushed and scampered off towards my side again, all the while adoring the crown. @[Jedi] @[Ygritte] @[Ashara] Blazed |
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