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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Tooth and claw; any
    Her life had been fractured into millions of minuscule fragments, a chaotic masterpiece. She lacked rhyme or reason and perhaps this lead the carnivorous creature to live within the nomadic confines of the common lands. Her life was a never-ending chain of reactions, as she meandered from place to place staying for no longer than she pleased. She had grown to become a creature of chaos despite her rather innocent and one would even say sheltered upbringing. The little girl she was merely a couple years ago was long gone, and from the ashes rose a completely different species.

    The floral equine finds herself in the river this evening, plagued with a hunger that can't be sated so easily. Her iridescent spindle like legs guide her through the trees, vibrant gaze fixating upon the few she passes by as she saunters towards the water's edge, where little fishy morsels lingered. She's an indecisive creature by nature, her vibrant gaze fixed upon the placid surface of the water, searching through the clarity for the perfect moment to strike. She is calculated when she plunges her inky muzzle into the riverbed, ivory canines bared and striking as she hastily punctures her target. Grasping onto a rather sizable fish between her teeth, she proceeds to thrash for a moment or two, staining the water red with the fruits of her labor. Soon, her hunger would be satisfied.

    As she lifts her cranium to allow her meal to slide down her throat, the sweet riches of blood seeping down into her stomach. As she devours the entirety of her prey whole, but she is less than satisfied with her singular meal. Her stomach guides her to snap her fangs once more within the shallow depths of the river, snatching up yet another meaty morsel. 

    Blood beginning to stain her lips, her gaze meeting the mortified faces who surround her, all staring intently with a wild curiosity. She wonders why they gawk, without action.
    [Image: 75067_rapunzel_habitat_chameleon_natmikh...63ddc4.png]
    Immortal Floral Carnivorous Winged Chameleon Shifter
    suffocate the fire  i started--------------------
    right when it kindles

    Her desire to spend time with others is not entirely sated by the Gates, and Myrna often spends time in the common lands, seeking out conversation and news from less familiar faces. After a time though, even the faces of strangers become familiar, and Myrna learned the routines and habits of many of the transient residents of these limbic spaces.

    But this one, today, is definitely a stranger.

    She draws the eye not just for her color - a flattering combination of deep black and iridescent white - but also with the transparent, fluttering wings and flowers that adorn her mane and tail.

    Myrna is accustomed to being the most accessorized, so she appreciates this woman’s accouterments and intends to tell her so. Making her way forward, she watches the last pair of frog legs slip past the mare’s sharp teeth.

    “Ugh.” She says, a sneer raising the corner of her pale mouth as she shakes her head and closes blue-grey eyes, making no effort to disguise her reaction to the other’s choice of meal. “I cannot stand the taste of frog. They’re basically waterlogged toads.” A wrinkle of her nose reveals that her opinion of the sodden amphibians are no higher than her opinion of frogs.

    “Honestly, anything watery is kinda gross to me. I like the little fast animals the best, rabbit’s definitely my favorite. But crickets are nice too. I think I got tired of eating fish after eating them a lot growing up.” Winter-slowed fish had been easy pickings for a girl learning to shift and hunt. The memory is a happy one though, as is her recounting of favorite foods, and she’s smiling as she asks.

    “What’s your name? I’m Myrna.”


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