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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Long May She Reign |Nodens|

    Long May She Reign

    She had found herself mainly in Loess, yet she still was thankful for Ruinam and so she visits the resort from time to time. Though Ruinam was not the only reason she visited.....there was something...no someone, who had continued to draw her back to the resort.

    The dapple mare casually strolls through the kingdom, her hooves carry her to the shoreline as it normally does. The spot where she had first met, him .

    She has occupied herself with another...Kildare, a young stag who easily consumed her time and boosted her ego...her belly most likely grows with his child, but yet her mind always thinks of the bastard who vanished. It seemed that she had a way of always picking the ones who leave.

    A gentle sigh escapes her maw as her eyes scan the water. Her optics grow wide as the water flutters in a familar motion, and she moves slightly into the water. Is that you? Could it be? She wonders, or was she simply talking to an active ocean once again.




    i found the antidote. i let the anger go and mother nature found it's place.
    now we're compatible, my inner animal, i wanted blood and got a taste.

     He hated the Depths.

    The pressure and cold, the impossible blackness of the water; but it was impossible to ignore the radiating call of the Kraken and her maddened screaming. Such it was he met her beneath the waves and dressed in the skin of a great shark he found himself dutifully ensnared in the defense of her nest and all the beasts within it… the dreadful spawn she had brought into the world. Time had thus been stolen, and bitter about this? He simply left. Swam from the cradle in the dark water and changed shape before tentacle or tooth could find him and drag him back.

    Mary had indeed seen him, watched as scale flickered and shone, and Nodens was near delighted to see her as well (although part of him felt a terrible amount of shame for his sudden leaving)... such as it was, he nickered in a quick ‘yes’ before making his way to the sand.

    His skin was scaled and shimmering, soaked with water; but the color was muted and almost a gray or black. Tentacles ran along his neck like a mane.. Countless arms grasping and writhing, and his tail was near the same. Bioluminescent highlights colored the edges of the tendrils and created bizarre patterns of non-euclidean shapes across his body, and when his fin-laden legs stretched there was a strange note of razor-like edges to what looked like modified claws instead of hooves. Fanged and serrated, his teeth were exposed as he tried to speak… adjusting his mouth as needed.

    “Mary-”  he spoke her name, the supposedly dark eyes blinking... not from top to bottom; but from side to side the lens rolled back.  “I’m sorry, I… had never intended to go.”

    He’s honest, and poised, the claws becoming hooves and his shape slowly melting away as the scale became fur and the deep-sea Kelpie or Kraken hybrid was gone. Stripped of the shapes he took on something else, a smoky grey or brown with white patterns and his baroque form tall and muscular- the reddish hazel eyes wider now and he tried to hold a sobriety to his expression. Stretching his neck and flicking the ears, he felt the heaviness of his water on his body and took a step forward: testing to see if she’d allow him closer.

    Rumbling from his throat, the voice was huskier… almost rougher and less boyish.  “Fate is odd, finding you here again, I half expected to come back and see you with a crown and young men trying to win your affections with compliments and offerings of pretty promises. You are, after all, quite the ambitious woman.”

    Teasing, but affectionate, he tries to play at her: winking and allowing the moment to settle. 


    @[Mary]  <333
    PVP: On
    Minor Injury, and Some Mutilation Permitted.

    Long May She Reign

    She had wished for this many times, but now that he is truly here she finds herself frozen in response. Her gaze watches the sea creature emmerge on land, tentacles flail about him.

    She wonders, had it been him before? Had he just ignored her calls? She has plenty of questions as far as his disappearance goes, but she also never devoted herself to a man and so time continued without him.

    He says her name, instantly he gives an apology. It was an apology she had wanted, and was greatful to receive, but doting on it means she would have to admit she missed him. It's fine, we never discussed a relationship of sorts. Which was true, and maybe saying it out loud would make her feel better about carrying the child of another.

    Her gaze watches as the sea creature melds away, as the familiar splashed equine stands before her. Oh how similar Serabi looks to him, she even shifts like him....he has missed so much.

    He steps forward, and she allows it, she wouldn't mind his touch in the moment..but she also wouldn't be the one to beg for it.

    He speaks again, the conversation is almost forced, searching for words to ease the pain of his disappearance. He jokes about finding her here, how he had expected to find her with a crown and males wooing her....half of it was true. A gentle snort escapes her maw, It must be fate, I barely live here anymore. I am an advisor for Loess now as well, I am diligently working towards leading my home, Sylva, once more. Her gaze finds his, she wonders if he would come with her to Sylva should she gain her crown back....would he even stay after this encounter.. How long do we have this time? The words hurt as they pass her maw and her gaze falters from his as she asks.


    @[Nodens] <333


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