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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  just a relic
    " ... but always keep them on a leash."
    At the teasing in her voice, his grin widens and he laughs -  a pleasant rumbling sound. He stretches his nose out, flicking it up before rolling his shoulders and shaking out his coat. He had gone from one form to another for so long now, he had nearly forgotten what it was like to wear his own skin. Beqanna had moved on without him - without them. He wonders if they will find a place in this new world, or if they are meant to dwell in the past forever. Somber thoughts for a such as he. He shakes his head again, as if the mere motion will clear the musings away. When she expresses her gratitude for the workings of ‘they’, he dips his head for a drink of cold river water, watching her.

    She tilts her head away, gaze tracing the predictable movements of the ripples on the water’s surface. He raises his head, water dripping from his chin as he slurps and swallows, wondering where her mind has gone in the moment. Just as he, she is not from the now; but this Set does not pluck from her mind. He makes no move, in fact, to violate the white mare’s privacy with his magic. Or, at least attempt to. Beqanna was far more populated with magical beings than it had been in his youth. It's a sense about her. He smacks his lips together in response to her question and smiles again. “Tastes like beaver piss and is as cold as the Chamber’s heart.” He wades toward the side of the river that the white mare is on, his skin contracting and rippling beneath his scar-pocked hide. When he reaches the leaf-littered shore, the storm lessens, the skies grumbling one last time. A breathe later and the rains end, the sounds of the forest returning, quiet at first.

    A conversational distance away, his golden eyes ask for her attention again. He, too, finds a sort of relief in the moment of connection, a stranger she may be. His muzzle wrinkles. “Set.” A slight incline of his head accompanying the introduction. His eyes do not leave hers, conscious of any reaction she may have. “I’ve not seen you in the common lands before,” he says after a beat, a statement, not a question. The woods are alive with thousands of creatures even as summer has begun its descent into the decay of autumn. He can feel them; every heartbeat, every life. Every death.
    alliance champion, once king, mage

    @[Agetta] OMG I suck at getting replies up but I'm pumped for this meeting <33

    Messages In This Thread
    just a relic - by Agetta - 10-08-2019, 06:50 PM
    RE: just a relic - by Set - 10-10-2019, 03:01 AM
    RE: just a relic - by Agetta - 10-16-2019, 05:51 PM
    RE: just a relic - by Set - 10-25-2019, 01:57 AM
    RE: just a relic - by Agetta - 10-26-2019, 08:14 PM
    RE: just a relic - by Set - 11-02-2019, 05:02 PM
    RE: just a relic - by Agetta - 11-05-2019, 10:34 AM
    RE: just a relic - by Set - 11-12-2019, 01:14 AM
    RE: just a relic - by Agetta - 12-15-2019, 07:26 PM
    RE: just a relic - by Set - 01-10-2020, 05:28 PM
    RE: just a relic - by Agetta - 01-21-2020, 07:21 PM

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