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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  breaking like the waves down on the coastline; larke
    Her life had never held any uncertainty until the recent changes of Ischia. It perhaps was the first time she felt unsettled about the future of her life and her two children. A part of her quickly yearned to find a solution to the unexpected alteration. Despite the disquieting current events, Eva quickly wanted to find a solution before a revolution would happen. Their small island family might be peaceful; however, such surge of power over their home did not settle well with them all.

    But when Eva looks upon the grey flower mare, she doesn’t see one that hungers for power or a heart of a dictatorship. There appears to be a quiet soul beneath the elegant beauty that Larke is. She is simply a young, and like any mother, Eva yearns to help be a guide to Larke now. Perhaps it was the same way Adria had felt when she found her at the river that day.

    Her quest to find Larke is quickly completed as she meets the green gaze of the horned mare. Eva’s soft smile grows a bit further at the confirmation from Larke. The grey mare is warm and greets her with a small smile that is shy, but quickly she catches the hint of regret in Larke’s next words.

    The purple mare’s smile lifts even more this time. Her face is filled with forgiveness as she looks upon Larke—she had a heavy heart when searching for the young leader, but now it feels lighter. “There is quite a bit of us here, so don’t trouble yourself so much on that.” Her tone is warm and forbearing considering the events that she cannot imagine Larke has faced since coming here.

    “I’m Eva by the way,” she says with a dip of her purple head slightly. “Ischia has been my home for quiet some time now.” She pauses for a moment realizing it feels almost decades ago. “I wasn’t born here, but Adria found me on the outskirts of the mainland and became my adopted mother. She brought me here to live on Ischia when I was nearing my first year.” It was a simple meeting that changed every part of her life.

    Eva wonders what life Larke might have had. She only knows that the young mare comes from Tephra, and living the life with parents as rulers seemed quite different from what her life would in Ischia. “I have never been to Tephra before. What is it like?”

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    RE: breaking like the waves down on the coastline; larke - by Eva - 10-11-2019, 12:24 PM

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