"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
We got older and I should have known that I’d feel colder when I walk alone
Loess had been… let’s say a surprise. If it was a pleasant one, Leilan wasn’t entirely sure - yes, he was happy to see an old friend-slash-acquaintance rule it. It seemed like a great fit for a dragon like Castile; relatively safe in case of fires (unlike forests would be), warm enough, and plenty of space to fly. In fact, apart from Tephra, Loess seemed like the greatest fit for a dragon.
Unless one was not a fire dragon - and also, unless such a non-fire-dragon-like creature turned out to be quick in making enemies with a certain family member of one such a fire dragon.
Honestly, Leilan couldn’t be bothered with her. If she wanted to take offense of everything Leilan joked about, and so much so that she couldn’t brush it aside and instead just frown upon him the whole conversation, then she wasn’t someone he was going to invest much time in. In fact, not being a leader of anything, the roan had no reason or will to do so.
Of course, entirely avoiding the fact that she now ruled a neighbouring territory wasn’t an option; just for the fact that he only skimmed the redwood forest near its eastern coastline, to not get involved in that kingdom on his way to more northern territories.
He skipped Nerine; quite certain Heartfire wouldn’t bother with him either. It was his former home that he wanted to pay a visit; his successor he wanted to estimate. How was Jesper doing with Taiga now being blood-related to Loess? Did he want to get involved? That was the beauty of an island; nevertheless, it feels like it’s time to let him know he’s around. Just in case - he’s already decided that he won’t strengthen his ties with Nerine or Icicle Isle any more, because he doesn’t want to undermine Jesper (and as such, his own decision to appoint him in his stead).
But it’s about time he said hi to his brother.
no. 7 | ice forged in fire
Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.
Jesper patrols on the northern corner today. When Leilan's cologne enters his nostrils, the black stallion stops in his tracks. He had not seen the roan ice dragon in quite some time and, he certainly was not sure when he would. The return of his brother brought a smile to the male's face. His bronze-tipped lobes prick forward and, his icy blue gaze widens. After the time for his senses to process the stimulus and, his body to process it, Jesper engages his hindquarters. The equine steps into a light jog and crosses the barren land to greet the steed.
His stride reveals a slight favor as his right front limb bears his weight. The off-step is what lingers from his tangle with Sabrina and, what remains of the injury after Caelestra worked her magic. For all intents and purposes, the bone is whole. The ligaments are still tight, as if the scar tissue is a brand new rubberband which needs to stretch. Before long, his pale blue gaze falls upon the silver brown male. Jesper tosses his poll in recognition as he draws closer. With a warm smile, the black halts mere steps away before he addresses the Isle's former leader with a light tone. "Leilan! Welcome, brother. What brings you back to the Isle?" He could tell his ally has questions at the tip of his tongue and, Jesper is much too curious to wait for long.
We got older and I should have known that I’d feel colder when I walk alone
So far for catching up and saying hi - honestly Leilan doesn’t want to get himself involved in anything any more - but whatever power that drove him into Loess, to Lepis and Castile - it is the same thing that forces him to make the trip north. Not to see his niece though. Strangely enough he knows exactly what meeting would do to their relationship - nothing much. Besides, she’ll know where to find him by now and if not, then after this or whatever is next. As long as he didn’t mess up any standing relations she had, he is quite certain she doesn’t really feel bothered by him.
Icicle Isle feels like a welcome respite after travelling in the summer. Not because he has walked through a particularly hot region - Hyaline, seashore, seashore, ice-sea; that’s what most consider pretty moderate and even cold. But the frosted roan isn’t used to anything else but freezing cold any more, and doesn’t often come down from his place high in the mountains. Not if he can oversee most of Hyaline from the highest peaks out there. There’s no need to defrost. Winter is better for travelling.
But he figured after Kensa mentioned Heartfire, perhaps he should say hi to Jesper. So it is that he spots the dark figure up ahead between the welcome snowdrifts, and already noticed the small limp. Cocking his head as a way of greeting, he scrutinizes the fox-shifter. ”What’s that now?” His eye color shifts as he cracks the expected joke, only a little overdue. ”Shouldn’t have left you to your devices?” He grins to his friend, then brushes his nose for a friendly greeting. ”It’s good to see you, Jes.” he offers more reasonably.
no. 7 | ice forged in fire
Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.
Jesper had hoped Leilan would dive right into what brings him back to the Isle. It would be a welcome distraction. Reliving his mistake and recent battle with Sabrina is certainly not something he wants to admit. However, he muses, every leader makes mistakes and, so long as he learns from them, he is becoming a better leader. So, when the silver bay stallion points out Jesper's off stride, the black offers a chuckle in return. He also stretches his whiskered muzzle out to lightly brush his brother's in order to exchange the greeting. Once the gesture is complete, Jesper decides to entertain Leilan with current events on the Isle. He figures, he has to give a little to get any, right?
"It is good to see you, too! I imagine you are dying to know what has been going on here." The black lowers his nose and shifts his gaze to point to his right front leg. With a chuckle, he continues. "Well, I took my eyes off of the Isle for just a moment too long and, someone called me out on it. In the duel, she got a hold of my leg and, broke it. I owe everything to a very gracious healer named Caelestra. She fixed it and spared me from wasting away. Of course, the last thing you want to hear is that I let the Isle fall apart but, I swear to you, it won't happen a second time. I certainly will not let my guard down again."
Jesper supposes that this information will bring about more questions than answers. He braces himself for Leilan to press for more details. In an effort to change topics, Jesper offers a more personal current event. "You may be interested to know that I am falling for another lady. I didn't think my heart could handle it after Lavendel but, I feel ready to let her in. And, that is something. Okay! That's enough. I must know what has been going on in Beqanna. What news do you bring from the mainland?"
We got older and I should have known that I’d feel colder when I walk alone
Leilan was never a diplomat, and the painful reminder is hidden in plain sight in this meeting; his avoidance of a direct answer to the direct question is because he hasn’t one, and perhaps this disappoints Jesper. Truth be told, he could have answered. It’s just not as simple and therefore not something explained easily in a sentence or two.
Same as with when he visited Loess. Heck, perhaps that is his answer then. But Jesper catches their falling conversation effortlessly, once again reminding the scaled stallion why he wanted Jesper in the council and as heir so badly. The roan smiles a little when without real confirmation, the black tells him all that had passed by. It’s not a good thing that Jesper got himself distracted from presenting himself everywhere on the Isle when it was needed, but the lone warrior had in the end defended the fortress, he supposes.
And Leilan really doesn’t want the job back, thank you very much.
Jesper’s change of topics explains a lot though. A lady. At this, Leilan’s smile, halfway through becoming both or either a frown and a grin, now breaks when he bursts into a short laugh. ”Perhaps you should ask her to keep an eye on it with you, just in case?” he teases.
Tossing his head back to get a look on the icy wasteland, Leilan notices (not for the first time) it looks a little empty. ”You should do some recruiting, my friend.” Ard’s smell is old and stale, and there’s new ones to replace them but they all smell like wet dog to him. Or, well, perhaps Jesper likes the canines. If he doesn’t, like the story of his injured leg says, he will need some backup.
”I’ve little news, since I’ve been away for over a year, at least that is my estimation. Breckin needed a break, so we left Beqanna. I returned earlier than she. She still hasn’t followed back.” (His world is not yet turned upside down - but it won’t be long now.) He looks at Jesper with a sparkle in his now aqua-green eyes. ”I finally found out where Cas went. Such a loyal citizen he was.” A chuckle. ”A fire dragon doesn’t belong here, I guess. He leads the Loessians now.” A grin follows. ”You’ve new neighbours by the way. Wolfbane and Lepis. Apparently a couple, and, apparently very Loess-minded.” He shrugs. ”At least, Lepis liked to rub that in. I already told her I couldn’t care less about her political connections - or anyone’s, really.” An indication of how their meeting went, no doubt, but he doesn’t say more. That would be telling - and besides not very useful information.
The roan tilts his head towards Jesper. ”As much as I liked Cas, I’ll be avoiding Taiga for now. I’ve been allowed to stay in the Mountain kingdom, which is cool enough for me. I’m afraid you don’t have that option?” he grimaces a little. Or, well, the other option is for Icicle Isle to remain silent as it has been, avoiding trouble that way. It had worked for Leilan at the time, but it doesn’t seem to fit his friend as much.
And that’s pretty much why he gave up leading anything, he remembers.
no. 7 | ice forged in fire
@[Jesper] some mess for you
Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.
The black settles into a relaxed posture as the roan's expression finally changes. His pale blue gaze notes Leilan's smile and, offers one in return. Yes, I know. I made a mistake, Jesper muses to himself. Judging by the ice dragon's response, the black does not get the feeling that his brother is disappointed in him and, more importantly, does not think Jesper inadequate as the Ice Prince. The fox-shifter chuckles back before adding, "I have already asked her. Camomila has been loyal to the Isle and, as one of the original bids to lead her, she deserves the honor." He wonders what Leilan will have to say when he hears the mint mare's name but, Jesper has no doubts in her ability.
Leilan's remark about the sparse population sparks a quick reply in return. "Yes, recruiting is next on my agenda." He leaves out the news-shattering information that currently sits at the forefront though, he is confident that he has been careful not to let too much slip. Hopefully, Leilan assumes that recruiting has fallen by the wayside due to the distraction of the duel or, because the Isle is hunkering down for winter. Jesper also opts to refrain from adding anything about his goal of gathering all of the dogs of Beqanna and, creating a pack of mutts. He supposes a few other species of animal-shifters would be purposeful, as well. Alas, he had finally learned that some thoughts are best left unsaid.
Despite Leilan's preface that he has "little news", Jesper listens carefully. He has heard nothing of the daily grind of the mainland so, anything has the potential to satiate his curiosity. The news regarding Breckin and Leilan going in different directions tugged at the black's heart. The silvery bay and the leopard appaloosa seemed effortless together so, he felt a tinge of sorrow for his friend. His attention is piqued by his change of topic but, more specifically, the name "Cas". Short for Castile. Jesper did not know him all that well though, he made an appearance on the Isle when things were first being established. In Jesper's eyes, that made him an ally of the North. And, as leader of Loess, the dragon also ruled over Sylva. This is very helpful information, he thinks to himself.
The black jolts out of his train of thought as the name "Lepis" passes through Leilan's lips. He vaguely remembers her from his first trip to Sylva, with Mosrael. Sylva, again. He just could not escape from it. What started as a diplomatic visit spiraled quickly into an enormous and traumatic chunk of Jesper's past. He did not mean that Lepis was, in any way, directly responsible for the trauma he endured. Though, by being in the right place, at the right time, Jesper associated her with it. He questioned her motives then and, had no more trust in her now.
He holds his tongue until Leilan finishes his account of Beqanna. He offers a soft smile, out of appreciation, before the black picks up the conversation. "I am afraid I know nothing of this Wolfbane. As for Lepis, my path did cross hers some time ago. I cannot say I trust her intentions though, I do trust Heartfire. Nevertheless, perhaps a visit is in order." For a moment, Jesper is distracted by a large snowflake that floats past his muzzle. He goes on to add, "Though, I think I will wait until Spring." He laughs softly at his own joke before shifting his weight and, resting his left hind instead of his right hind.
Once settled, he continues, "I have fond memories of Hyaline. It is a beautiful land and, I can see why you want to stay. Now, what option do I not have?" Jesper's brow lifts quizzically as he waits for Leilan to clarify. Had he missed the memo on some big announcement? For all Jesper knew, he had not been invited. While that hardly bothered the black, he remains curious to know what ties exist between kingdoms and territories. After all, in order to verify the information Eyas delivered, he would need to take a course of action that could very well disrupt the state of things.
We got older and I should have known that I’d feel colder when I walk alone
Leilan, despite being a highly emotional creature himself, doesn’t pick up on Jesper’s slightly-too-neutral behavior when it comes to the topic of recruiting. And, honestly, the scaled roan had only shortly suggested it when it came to the top of his head, and quickly forgets about it as well. It’s liberating how much he doesn’t need to worry about the Isle any more.
There’s only one thing he’s not sure about. ”Are the children still around? Or have they flown out by now.” he’s curious. There’s no familiar smell nearby, and even Ilan must be two years old by now if his estimations are correct, but he’d better make sure.
The black stud doesn’t seem to know Wolfbane, and perhaps, if Leilan thinks about it, it can be that they missed out on one another. ”He was recruited to Loess by Arthas when I was their… visitor. Good kid, bit of a smart-ass if you ask me. Pirate Lord he called himself when he was crowned, if that’s an indication. But I guess he’s a good enough neighbour to have.” the roan shrugs it off, not thinking he should tell Jesper all that he knows about the striped male - it’s better to make his own acquaintances in the present, than for Jesper to live through Leilan’s memories.
When the bronze-tipped male asks for clarification on the last sentence, Leilan grins a bit. ”You can’t stay away from the world or pick a home and not get involved with politics. You’ve work to do - there’s no avoiding Taiga, and no moving to other places. Congratulations on the job.” He grins, knowing full well he gave Jesper said job. But nevertheless, he means it in a way. He doubts the black will be bothered by any of the things Leilan was, and is, in a leading position.
no. 7 | ice forged in fire
Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.
Jesper gives considerable thought to whom Leilan referenced when he ask about "the children". By deduction, the black is able to identify them by name. "Ilan and Aodhàn were present for the last meeting; however, I have yet to see either of them since."
When the conversation shifts onto Wolfbane, the black steed pushes all other thoughts from him mind to focus. Since he did not know anything about the Taigan lord, he ought to pay attention. Jesper quirks a brow as his brother describes his neighbor and then, makes a mental note to visit the redwood forest. And, Leilan's next sentence says it all to perfectly. The fox-shifter nods in acknowledgement and agreement. He had much work to do as the leader of the Isle's pack and, he certainly wouldn't allow anyone to threaten his peace of mind again. He needs to be proactive.
When the ice dragon finishes, Jesper speaks. "Now that I have established myself here, I intend to do just that. May I ask a favor of you? I am in need of speaking with Castile. I want to avoid any miscommunication or, misconstrued actions so, I should go straight to him. Perhaps, during your travels on the mainland, you could let him know that his presence is requested in Nerine? I need to address Heartfire as well so, calling him there seems most appropriate." A sparkle in Jesper's light blue gaze is the only tell to betray the passion behind his request. His intentions were entirely personal but, he had been in Beqanna long enough to recognize how someone may mistake it for political.
We got older and I should have known that I’d feel colder when I walk alone
The scaled roan is only slightly disappointed by Jesper’s answer. Truth be told he hadn’t picked up their scents, and if they’re anything like either himself or Breckin, they’re prone to wander and only briefly touch home base when they feel like it. Still, it could’ve been that he didn’t have to search for them. It was just unlikely.
He nods to the black stud, it’s not his fault after all. ”Ah, that leaves me a fun adventure in finding out how they’re doing.”
Of course, Jesper knows easily enough that Leilan’s descriptions are coloured with his own emotions, and never objective. But the roan doesn’t really mind what the other stallion does or doesn’t do with the information, or what comes of it. Surely if he thinks to meet Bane and Lepis himself, Jesper will be able to form his own opinion, so he sees no harm in what little information he’s given. Sure, Lepis and he don’t fit in one room together, and that’s basically all the roan says. Anyone who knows both of them will know why, he figures.
Jesper’s reply to Leilan’s slightly coloured idea of leading surprises the warrior male, and he tilts his head. ”I can ask.” For his brother, he can ask. He already knows that he cannot bring it as a summons whatsoever; he knows the fiery male will dislike Jesper just for the idea of being summoned, but perhaps there is a subtle way. The roan sighs a little. ”You’re relying heavily on my diplomatic skills, you know that?” he ask Jesper with a worried frown. So many things could go wrong with such a request; the only thing making this doable might be that Castile is a former Nerinian and a partner-in-crime to claiming Icicle Isle and ending Klaudius.
no. 7 | ice forged in fire
Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.
Leilan's words pull at the corners of Jesper's lips. A chuckle emits from his vocal chords as the ice dragon makes light of tracking down his offspring. The laugh fades into a soft smile before the black notes Leilan's change in expression. He watches and waits for his brother to address the favor he asked of him. Bronze-tipped lobes flick back-and-forth with uncertainty as he ponders how the scaled male will respond. His head tilt has Jesper anticipating a follow-up question but, the roan does not ask for more information.
The black cracks another smile at the steed's light remark. He formulates his response before opening his maw to speak. "I am hoping Castile is interested in avoiding any misconceptions. You can tell him the discussion will spare Beqanna any unnecessary bloodshed. Or, if pity appeals to him, perhaps tell him that my leg was broken, is still healing, and I cannot meet closer? I just want to avoid him thinking I mean any ill-will against Loess or, him. So, I am willing to explain what and why I am about to do must be done before I do it."