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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the truth in the lies; Elphaba/Khuma/Any
    He’d been faithfully guarding the egg when all hell had broken loose. The ground had rumbled, the sky filled with fire, and Grye had been afraid, but he’d held firm above his sibling, wings spread for balance, on his shaky legs. Still, he’d been powerless to do anything to truly help her, until they’d been relocated. The young stallion had recognized the touch of his grandfather’s magic, and not struggled, and the two of them had been gently deposited in a land he didn’t recognize at all.
    Weirder still, they’d been deposited in a nest. He’d been shocked quite silent and still for a while, his wide green eyes taking in the slight differences between his egg and the others – she was off-white, they were a brighter true white; she was a slightly different shape and texture than they. But the nest is warm and dry, and he can’t help but think ‘cared for’. Grye was a single egg, left alone on the side of the volcano; he’d nearly fallen off the side before he found his parents. Aiony had been the same, and now this new egg, though Grye has been so very careful not to let this sibling be alone. He doesn’t want her to hatch alone.
    Something about how well-groomed this nest is makes him withdraw, but only after sliding her closer to the other eggs. And then he keeps watch from a distance, heart torn. He loves his erstwhile parents, and the grandfather who really raised him, but the mare who appears takes good care of his egg-sister despite her miraculous appearance, and he wonders what life might have been like with age-mate siblings instead of a plethora of cousins. Maybe Grandfather dumped them here on purpose, rather than by chance?
    But he can only stay away from his baby sister for so long, and one day when they’ve wandered from the nest she had built for them, he emerges, calling quietly the name they’ve given her. He can only hope that she’ll recognize his voice – he talked and sang to her often enough before she hatched. His parents had done the same, and he still remembers their voices more ever than their faces. But he does know their faces, and he sees them in her – she has their father’s horn, and their mother’s white though hers, like his, is faint against the gold rather than stark against Dagny’s chestnut. And wings, too, like Dagny and Grye. He loves her already, but then, he loved her as an egg.
    Olivier x Dagny

    @[Khuma] @[jenger]/Elphaba @[Oxytocin] Grye just wants to say hello to his egg-sister :3
    i'd break the back of love for you.
    Her instincts are still razor sharp for her young brood, but she must hunt to keep them fed and happy. She leaves them only when she’s certain that the night is quiet and safe. When she hunts, the moon shimmers across her scales like forest green glass thanks to her summer shed. Khuma is quick and precise in her kills, dragging little rabbits and raccoons into her belly as she gorges herself. Feeding three babies takes more from her than she had anticipated and she hates to be away from them. Feasting on weaker prey like this is easiest and it means she’s able to return before the first light of dawn wakes their sleepy heads.

    But today there is someone else in her lair.
    She shifts halfway back, a horse covered in scales with venomous teeth bared as she watches him.

    But he smells like her strange egg used to, when it first appeared in her little nest. Her bright green eyes watch him as she circles him carefully. Each hesitant step brings her closer to the sleeping babies but also closer to Grye. His posture isn’t the least bit aggressive but her heart could not bear even one hair on the babies’ heads being harmed. Not after last season let her egg grow cold and still.

    Finally, she stands beside her young and she kisses their faces delicately to wake them. Khuma doesn’t tolerate sleeping in or else they won’t build up strong muscles by the time they mature. She lifts her head and regards the gryphon carefully. Perhaps this is a blood relative, come to whisk her strange bird-baby away. Perhaps it is only a visit.

    My name is Khuma. Have you enjoyed watching my children?” she asks curiously. Her words come across as calloused but she does her best to force some kindness into them. The serpent mother wants her children to grow up soft and sweet, unlike her.

    Are you kin to Elphaba?” she asks, the words framed in a fearful sadness. She turns to admire her brood, her twins and their surprise sister that she’s come to love as her own. The little hatchlings are so beautiful that it breaks her heart in two and, for a moment, her face eases into a gentle smile.
    @[Oxytocin] @[Grye] @[insane] @[jenger]
    Khuma is Very Afraid that grye has come to take one of her babies but she's trying not to be so defensive

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