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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    But you don't fucking know me homie you don't want war.

    you could break my heart in two, but when it heals, it beats for you

    She hadn’t thought through the consequences of trying to stop them, only acted. For too long they have all sat waiting, standing still as though peace is the same as doing nothing. The Primarch has turned her eyes upon the natural world every day of her life and through this has discovered that nature destroys what remains immobile. The rabbit can stay very still, and perhaps the wolf will walk right on by...but she is also the swiftest of creatures, because the wolf has a keen nose and sharp teeth and being still will not protect her from them. So she runs, erratic, clever, quiet. And sometimes, even little rabbits turn and fight.

    The trick is never letting them know which little rabbit you will be.

    When the little mustang and the polar bear collide, the mare’s breath is stolen completely. She doesn’t make a sound as they hit the ground. Kensa’s body feels a shock wave of numbness, and pain rolls after it. Trying to catch her breath is unexpectedly hard and she manages only quick shallow gasps as Dawn stumbles back. Having caught the bear as she leapt toward Litotes, it was impossible to completely avoid the massive claws and a gash along her hip bleeds freshly, rain dappling the crimson as it seeps down over gold and white. Blinking against the shadows and the crystalline flashes at the edges of her vision she struggles to lift her head from the ground. Lie’s words sound foreign as she struggles to find her feet and stop them before they can fly at one another again.

    The bear is gone when she looks towards Dawn. Her hind limbs slip in the mud, she doesn’t have anything to say for Tephra, for Loess, as Litotes spits his words…children... Their child is in Loess but she is a child no more. There is danger there too and it is that thought which finally allows her to gain her feet, she needs to make sure her family is alright. Still she cannot catch her breath. Her friend’s face has lost the terrible fury it had held in her other form, and cold sadness washes over the Primarch, blinking rainwater, gritty with ash from her eyes. “If… it is about my family...it is always about me.” The words are roughened, low and soft, but they carry. Stumbling she squares herself, Vader’s Golem rising, cutting short anything further she would say.

    Lie bids her to run and then he is gone, back into battle, surefooted and feline. The golem moves towards them, ungainly but dangerous and Kensa stares at it only a moment before stumbling through the torn grass and mud toward Dawn. It’s hard to speak and there is a froth of blood on the Primarch’s lips, she will not see her friend killed by that abomination. Kensa herself might be able to run, but not far, not like this. Dawn may not be ready to leave the battlefield, and though Kensa had planned to remove others from it she will not use her abilities to force the Queen back home. So she presses her muzzle, pink and cold to the other mare shoulder. “Go, quickly. I can tend to myself.” Whatever Dawn decides, Kensa hurries toward a pool, swirling with black ash and drops herself into it and away from the golem, back into the battlefield where she will find that husband of hers, and decide if she will remove him instead.

    It is not Litotes she finds however, when she arrives, gasping, in another Tephran stream. Fires, weak but furious burn on, rain driving down to hiss into the flames. This is nearly the center of the battle and everywhere there are bodies. Wildly she casts around for Lie, slogging through the stream. The edge is a bloody mire but she climbs it, stumbles to her knees, and rises again to face a stranger. She doesn’t know if they are Tephran or Loessian and in that moment it doesn’t matter, they are strangers and so the other horse can only believe they are enemies. Kensa’s gold trimmed ears turn back, and she tenses to again throw herself at someone she does not wish to fight.

    The ground shudders and the stranger scrambles back, both of them turning their eyes onto the volcano as it roars at the heavens, spewing a black cloud that glows orange from within. Now the roar of battle turns to screams of terror. To linger will mean death and with her almost-opponent fled Kensa searches again for a pale Lion and instead finds the glow of constellations and the golden shimmer of a halo.

    Kensa, bloodied and broken in some invisible way arrives beside Starsin as ash falls around them like fat, choking snowflakes. Each shudder of the earth wants to take the Primarch from her feet but she joins the pair as the portals open, swirling wide enough to pass through. It would be an exciting thing, if she and nearly everyone she’s come to care for weren’t about to be killed in one of a few terrible ways. “Get up Ophanim.” She commands, iron in her smoke strangled voice. Normally she would not presume to do so, and she looks quickly at Starsin, apologetic, before dropping her head to bear up Ophie’s outside shoulder.”Come on, angel boy.” If she and Starsin can get him to a portal, support his broken body just long enough to get away then maybe she can buy Litotes’ survival too. Somehow make a bargain with the cosmos to keep her family whole.


    @[litotes] & @[Dawn] - Kensa gets clawed a bit and squished, but gets up and says some words and then tells Dawn to escape before she gets squished by a Golem. She goes to look for Lie but instead almost gets in a fight with someone and then VOLCANO.

    Kensa comes across @[Starsin] and @[Ophanim] and tries to help Starsin get Ophie up and to a portal if she can and they presumably escape together or you guys can tell her to fuck off and she stumbles into a portal and ends up god knows where. Smile

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: But you don't fucking know me homie you don't want war. - by Kensa - 05-19-2019, 08:01 PM

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