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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    But you don't fucking know me homie you don't want war.

    Aziz does not pay much attention to anything around him, even when another horse tries to speak to him he simply fades into the background, the horse's voice dismissed as he tries to make sense of everything going on.
    Aziz is lost in the chaos, his head darting toward every sound he hears, this is not the world he remembers, most definitely not the one had lived in before his deep slumber.
    Aziz shakes his head and frees himself of the soil attached to his legs, as he moves he notices one of his shelters collapse the side that Loess was fighting on, with his upkeep of the domes gone, the flames and the trembling ground was able to destroy them. He will have to focus his efforts elsewhere.

    Aziz observes as a hole in the shield is created, out of all the horses here he had not expected Vadar to be here, his brow raises as he looks toward him, his body unsure of whether he should aid the curious male or prevent him from providing support. Though the bay male had made his decision long ago, with a loud puff of smoky air the stallion rushes forward, watching the large dragon pass through the hole at speed, he was obviously not able to keep up, but he didn't too. He was patient enough to wait.

    Aziz now slows to a walk, his legs trailing over the scorched earth as he moves forward calmly, the dragon is now targeting the Sylvans, a kingdom he rather admired for the moment, possibly hoped to join at some point.
    Without a second thought, the male stops and allows his legs to sink deeply into the earth, the hot earth burns his legs as he growls loudly, his underbelly stinging painfully as he closes his eyes.
    He will strike while the dragon is distracted, though he has a small window to work with, he had never tried to ward off anything that could fly, especially nothing of Castile's size.
    Aziz breathes deeply as the earth shudders once more, just the same as when he built the domes. Now he must work quickly, earth tremors were not exactly a very discrete way of sneaking up on a dragon.

    After a few painful seconds, a small wave begins to form close to Castile, the wave slowly builds in volume, gathering rocks and scorched debris along with bodies caught up in burning wood. The rocks begin to launch ahead of the wave as parts of it crash down into the earth and reform at the top. What is left of the scorched earth is collected by the wave, rocks, minerals and dirt all gathering in a large mass.
    The wave now hurtles toward Castile, now rather tall and formidable, he hoped it would at least make the dragon move rather than inflict any damage.
    Aziz also tries his best to shield the Sylvans creating a quick and small barrier like the one he had made on the icicle isle, it wasn't particularly impressive or formidable but it could protect them from at least one blow.

    Aziz stands panting as he moves to the side, he doesn't have much strength left in him and so he will have to move fast and smartly.


    —lost and forgotten—

    Aziz has decided to throw some soil at @[Castile] and try to make new friends, he is rather weak at this point as he has been using his abilities extensively, feel free to give him a battering if you would like! He most likely only has enough strength to flee or make a mini shelter for himself!
    [Image: N3F7IUd.png]

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: But you don't fucking know me homie you don't want war. - by Aziz - 05-17-2019, 05:06 PM

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