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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    But you don't fucking know me homie you don't want war.
    there is but one rule
    hunt or be hunted


    He was created for all of this. To be the bringer of hell itself, an omen of death. But he would be the one rising up against it.  It was not for the serenity of Beqanna and the greater good that called him to come beckoning and aligning himself to defending Tephra. It was for his own selfish needs. Taking what he wanted most. What he could no longer wait patiently for.

    War was a dangerous game. The hound knew within time, sooner rather than later, that it would come soon enough. The age of serenity was not a time for peace. It would require bloodshed before it could fully see a day of peace. The plague was gone, and with it came opportunity and vengeance.

    Mary calls out to him. Hearing her words. War had finally come.

    The hound welcomes it warmly. He quickly follows behind the path that leads to Tephra from the autumn kingdom. He can smell the strong scent of Mary. She was quick to make her way there. But he smells more of that. The smell of smoke and fire bring his gaze upwards as the scene unfolds on the horizon of Tephra.

    It is time finally.

    He smirks proudly. Quickly kicking up his heels and making his way towards the hell that burns brightly in the distance. There was no time to waste.

    Tephra was set on fire. But it was just more than that. It was hell itself. There is chaos and destruction raining in every direction of the volcanic land. Fire, lightening, shadows, and more. It was all here—the day of reckoning. He basks in the glory it all brings. The very image of hell on earth itself.

    But he does not dance among the smoke and flames. Sinner watches carefully as the world burns and chaos breaks over him in every direction. He jumps over small flames, crossing over the crisscrossing streams of lava that intertwine with the fire itself. Tephra was hardly recognizable, but he follows to where the heart of Tephra has become broken, where Leliana holds the land of Tephra on her shoulders.

    Over the chaos he hears the words of Mary. The diplomatic heart of Mary calls for peace, but he does not want peace just yet. He wants Loess to feel powerless and dishonor. He wants them to burn and to bring them all down. But perhaps there would be more as now Mary declares Sylva an ally of Tephra.

    Suddenly, a familiar face rushes in, attacking Mary after her declaration. Sinner increases his pace, pushing all of his strength to gain speed. He pushes his weight into his hind legs and leaps forward at Ophanim. "Come and make us, coward!" His jaws open wide, snapping with sharp canine teeth at him. He doesn't care where he finds flesh or scales. It would be all the same to him.
    the king of sylva
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    Most likely always in his hellhound form

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: But you don't fucking know me homie you don't want war. - by Sinner - 05-15-2019, 04:18 PM

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