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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    But you don't fucking know me homie you don't want war.


    dragon-shifting daughter of ashhal and ryatah

    She has been avoiding her dragon form for months. Ever since she realized she couldn’t always control it, when she began to notice that being in that form stirred a violence and callousness in her hat she despised, she has done her best to keep true to her equine self.

    But she feels the fire before she ever sees it.

    It sings to her own fire that she kept locked so tightly inside of her, as she pressed herself backwards into the safety of Tephra’s bramble and foliage, her ice-blue eyes squeezing shut as though she could somehow make it all stop. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest, and her blood pulsating in her ears as the first plumes of smoke reach her nose. When her reptilian eyes fly open, her pupils narrowing to mere slits, she sucks in a sharp breath. She can hear the way the flames crackle as they burn through the trees, and then suddenly the protective shield that Leliana stretches out to all of them. She hardly knows their new queen, but from her vantage point on the outskirts, she can see her approaching the stallions that breathe fire across her homeland.

    When Leliana’s shield breaks, Casimira shifts without thinking.

    She erupts from the brush, her white scales glinting and reflecting with orange flames as her dragon-wings spread, thrusting herself into the sky. Her sight is locked on the stallions, and without hesitation she flies in between them and Leliana. She can feel the fire as it licks across her, and even though her scales are thick and rough, it does not take long for the persistent flames to burn into her flesh. Snaking her giant head towards them, she does not explode with her own fire – not yet. She snaps at whoever is closest with her massive jaws, her teeth flashing and sharp, and she is relentless as she drives them back. She does not notice as the sky around them darkens into an impossible, endless night – she does not notice that stallion that pulls what could be every shadow in Beqanna to his aid.  Around her, the sky is bright, flashing with the fire that the dragons spit back and forth at each other, her own throat hot and smoldering with each torch of flame that she emits.

    I didn't know if anyone else was showing up with Ophie that had fire, so, I just pretended like there might be.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: But you don't fucking know me homie you don't want war. - by Casimira - 05-15-2019, 12:21 AM

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