"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
The stallion huffs as he enters the boundary surrounding Nerine, the once far thunder seemed like it was closing in at a quickened pace. Alvorr exhales deeply as he walks down toward the shoreline, his face describing a rather disgruntled expression as he dipped his legs in the now cold water, shivering as he hopped around, escaping the grasp of the freezing water with a yelp.
The stallion huffed in annoyance, languidly walking over to pile himself beside a few rocks, resting his figure against the hard surface, his skin shaking from the cold caress of the rock surface.
Alvorr slowly began to fall asleep, a smile slowly sliding onto his soft muzzle as he closed his eyes, dreaming of his homeland at first but then shifting to the place he wandered around now.
It only took a few moments for him to get lost in his dreams, caught up and lost in what was real and what was an illusion, the stallion walked Nerine in his dreams, small spots of cold rain decorating the fresh sand around him, creating a vast pattern of dark spots hidden amongst the gold grain and rocky surface. It almost felt real, now shivering at the thought of rain, his body sensing the need to wake, and to wake rather fast.
The male opens his eyes to watch the impending storm, a cascade of rain following the roaring sound of the thunder that flashed in the sky above "Wonderful" he muttered as he stood up, taking his time to stretch instead of moving.
The rain now begins to form around him, covering his spotted body in smaller darker spots, his body shivering from the downpour of cold rain as the weather chased him. Alvorr exhaled deeply as he quickened his pace, running up the rocky hills to reach the mainland, the thunder following him attentively, his ears swivelling to listen to the roar of applause as he moved into the cover of the trees, the light above illuminating everything that lived beneath the canopy in a show of lights.
The stallion huffs once more as he comes to a sliding halt, his body now drenched in liquid, at this point there was probably no need to keep running, his body already shivering, mane drooped over his head in a defeated manner.
"Anyone out there?" he calls out in a humorous manner, hinting toward the shadows that formed from the lightning above.
Thunder was still something that scared him, each thunderous call to him forcing his body to convulse, his legs tucked underneath him as he speeds up, his legs trailing behind him on the now muddy landscape.
" darling. we're slow dancing in a burning room. "
cold in the violence after the war hope is a fire to keep us warm
Nerine is very different from the island she’d been born on. Colder, for starters. More stark. But the oceans are the same, endlessly blue, crashing constantly against the rocky shores. It’s not the warm, almost languid turquoise of the south, but gray and forbidding. Still, it’s the same water, the same liquid touch.
But Daddy and Dagen and Momma are here, and she supposes that’s all that really matters. She wouldn’t want to be anywhere without them. And if this is where they were, this is where she would be too. She’d get used to it. Eventually.
With a huff, she trots forward briskly, wondering how far she would have to go before her muscles would begin to burn and fatigue would set it. Too far, she thinks. It seems every day she could go farther and farther. Every day it took longer for her body to tire. A side effect of the constant exercise, she supposes. Her need to lose herself in the effort.
She’d almost woken Dagen, but he needed the sleep. So did she too, probably, but she’d found it more and more difficult to get comfortable lately. She knew why, of course, but she pretended not to. Even if it become more obvious with each passing day.
She doesn’t notice the rain at first, the distant sounds of thunder lost beneath the rhythmic beat of her hooves over stone and earth. When she finally does glance up and notice the darkening sky, she slows to a halt. For a moment, she only stares at it, wondering, awed. When the first drop of rain splatters across her nose however, she is recalled to herself. Turning, she leaps into a ground-eating lope, heading for the woods where she had left Dagen.
The rain is falling in earnest when she finally reaches the trees. She slows to a walk, pausing to shake the water from her red and white skin (a futile effort, to be sure) when she draws beneath the protective shelter of the leaves. Her skin shivers across the press of bone, itching and prickling in a way she had begun to grow accustomed to these last few weeks. She leans against a tree, idly scratching until a sudden, sharp pang causes her to flinch away.
Drawing her head swiftly around, she flexes the offended shoulder before she notices a trickle of blood mingling with the water dripping from her. A sharp corner of bloodied bone pierces through her skin where moments before it had been stretched taught. At its limit, apparently.
She turns abruptly when a call echoes through the trees, momentarily distracted by the unexpected sound. Twitching her shoulder uncomfortably, she breaks into a trot, moving towards the call, stubbornly determined to ignore the sharp pain of freshly broken skin. She slows only when she sees a figure through the trees, curiosity overwhelming her as she approaches with unabashed boldness. “I am!” she replies, her lips tilting into a grin. And if her cheeriness sounds a little forced, well, hopefully he wouldn’t notice.
The stallion is almost ready to find shelter, his body climbing the wet surface in a quickened pace, the spotted surface of his coat now completely soaked and rather cold.
The sight is what keeps him going, his eyes entranced by the trickle of light into the canopy, the lightning creating a spectacular exhibition of its power, the stallion smiles as he walks forward, his legs entrenched in muddy soil, his gaze lost in the display of lights.
The sudden appearance of a figure is what changes his attention, a voice following right after, just as if lightning had struck. His head turns to face the figure, I am, her voice reaches him above all the noise of the rain slamming against the growth on the forest floor, his eyes lighting up in surprise, he had not expected to receive a reply.
Alvorr shakes his wet forelock away from his face, his stature inquisitively perked toward the feminine voice "You are?" he almost questions, his humorous tone developing into one of worried curiosity, another flash of lightning reveals the figure to him, his eyes immediately glancing toward the blood trickling down her side "Are you alright?" his voice now echoes worry as he steps forward gently, his legs carefully placed in front of him.
His nose emerges from the downpour of rain, small rogue droplets falling against the grooves in his face, his expressionless worried now as he comes closer "Hello there, I'm Alvorr" he is quick to introduce himself, whether he will be devoured or welcomed is a thing he does not know yet, at least if he does get eaten then the hungry beast will know his name.
" darling. we're slow dancing in a burning room. "
cold in the violence after the war hope is a fire to keep us warm
Lightning dances in wild, chaotic bursts overhead, lighting the small grove of trees in short, frantic washes of bright light. Brazen hardly pays the storm mind, entirely unafraid of the lightning and thunder. Perhaps she should be. But then, she had always lacked that sense of caution. That’s what she had Dagen for. His excess of caution more than balances her lack of it.
They were each their parent’s children, in a way.
As the spotted stranger appears through the trees, face curious despite the water dripping from it, Brazen steps forward to greet him boldly. “Hi!” she says brightly, her vibrant blue eyes inquisitive. Friendly. They match her mother’s in shade, and yet, somehow, are vastly different in appearance. Something to do with the girl behind them, no doubt.
Lips kicked upwards into a grin, she reaches out, touching the bridge of his nose curiously, though his question makes her quickly retreat. She blinks, her shoulder shivering unconsciously beneath the regard before she shifts her body, turning the bleeding shoulder away from him. Out of sight, out of mind, right? “I’m fine!” she replies. And if the cheeriness in her tone sounds a bit forced now, well, she chooses to ignore it.
After all, she’s not entirely sure a stranger would want to hear about the way her bones would all rupture through her skin soon. Her mom didn’t seem to mind it on her dad. But then, daddy had had time to grow into his.
“I’m Brazen,” she finally introduces, the smile quickly returning to her lips as she sets aside her worries. She’d had lots of practice at it by now. “It’s nice to meet you Alvorr,” she continues. “Are you trying to get out of the storm? Because there’s plenty of room here! I mean, it could be drier I suppose. But I wouldn’t mind the company.”
Her voice is now ringing toward him, her shoulder turning away from his attention despite his curiosity.
She is quick to state herself as being fine, a rather surprised look makings its way onto Alvorr's face, his mind not particularly disturbed anyway.
"Well if you say so" he adds, his mind unable to keep his own mouth shut for at least a moment, always quick to spurt out all his thoughts.
The female introduces herself as Brazen as her colour seems to come back to her, her voice not so exaggerated anymore as she speaks.
He probably shouldn't be too quick to judge anyway, maybe she was just surprised, scared? the possibilities could be endless.
The stallion shakes his head for a moment, relieving his mane from the beads of water that ran down to his snout, changing colour as they ran over his spots.
The stallion's ears swivel back and forth as the sound of lightning blurs Brazen's voice, creating an almost alien-like noise.
The female asks if he is looking to get out of the storm, a kind offer to accompany her someplace warm "Of course, I wasn't really planning to spend my night fully drenched in cold water" he smiles warmly as he takes a step forward.
"Where do you plan to hide us then?" he laughs gently as she shakes himself of the water on his pelt as if it would help dry him off.
" darling. we're slow dancing in a burning room. "
I am so very sorry this took me so long to get to!