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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Like the others, Tiphon unattached himself and wandered on his own. The wounds, even under their prying eyes, continued to stitch and heal until nothing more remained from the attack. As hideous as the moment had been, it was also a blessing. Somehow, in the midst of the chaos and his blood spilling, Tiphon regained the memory that he had lost. Everything rushed back to him, breaking through the dam and flooding every crevice and corridor of his mind. There was the Dale, Talulah, Elysteria, and his children. There was Ischia and Wallace and Ashley. There was no stopping the influx of images as they poured into the forefront of his mind. One by one, he sifted through and remembered each moment – both horrific and beautiful – of his seemingly endless life.

    There was love and heartache, disappointment and joy. Forced breaths punctuate every flashback in attempt to remain composed, but it’s so difficult. His eyes clench shut in preparation for the next onslaught as the sun beats down on his back. While he wants to remember again, he dreads and hates how his heart trembles.

    Tiberios was killed, his body left on the Beach.
    He left his loves.
    He failed everyone.

    When another lungful of salty air is drawn in, he notes a subtle hint of his past. Elysteria, a beautiful woman he gave his heart to, is among the palms. Such a coward he is, however, as a step is taken away from her direction out of shame and fear. He cannot – will not – disrupt the life that she has developed in his absence. It would be so selfish of him to intrude and to expect her to fold into him like she once had… but the desire is still there, thrumming beneath his skin. One day, he promises himself, but not today – not when he is surrounded by unrest and uncertainty.

    With a weary sigh, Tiphon veers toward the heart of the island, not knowing where else to go nowadays.


    oh baby, I have not been kind

    Heartache and heartbreak were so common to hear nowadays. And confusion with everything going on recently. Terribly confusing.

    He let it roll off him though and he followed this thought trail by foot, his strides casual and completely comfortable in their home. Already, he was getting taller than when they'd first arrived. A little less boy and a bit more man. Almost. Taller and slightly thicker, but his lavender and white face still held the boyish features.

    "Tiphon," he greeted him with an easy smile, his head lower and grey eyes looking up at the angel. He pranced forward a few steps, shaking out his mane and stretching his wings with a light heart. Then he tucked them back into his sides and slowed again, returning his dancing gaze to Mom's old friend. Sort of.

    "Your heart is heavy today," he said kindly, not really a question. His curse, the telepathy, had always been a strict family secret and he wasn't sure he could trust Tiphon with it. Even his nieces didn't know of it. Mom had trusted Tiphon before though, and despite everything he said and did recently that didn't make any sense to any of them, he still was the same man. Moreso than Mom realized after his memories came back to him.

    "Do you miss someone?" he asked despite already knowing the answer, joining the angel in his walk. "I miss a few people," he offered, letting his gaze drift to the beautiful scenery around them. "So I guess I know how to recognize it in a face." He flashed him a soft smile, his grey eyes sad for the ones that he definitely missed so much just then.

    I wish I could scrape away the dirt that's on my mind

    Quotes are speech. Italics are telepathy

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