Sneezed once.
Then again.
Wait don’t move—they came in three’s. Any moment now the last one would come. Rigid he stood, anticipation clearly drawn in the twist of his small features. Certainly he let eons pass, just standing there so still with those large black eyes just a-staring all fixed like at...nothing really. Just air. But that wasn’t important. He wouldn’t start something else until that last one came, yes sir, he knew it would. Because every time before it would surprise him right when he was ready to bite into a juicy stalk and he’d end up biting his tongue instead and boy did that hu—
Oh! There it was!
That last one.
Geez, finally.
And what a doozy it was too, knocking him off balance like that; sending his front side over and backwards and landing on the downy grey that covered his back. Pesky sand—getting snuffled into his nose like that when all he was trying to do was find some lunch time roots.
He should get back up again, he knew he should, that little rumbling gurgle in his tummy kept telling him he should. But he didn’t really want to just yet. And so there he stayed with four little fur lined paws held in the air. Hey it almost looked like he was walking on the sky from here! He giggled amusedly, chittering until his sides nearly hurt to breathe at all until it died off into a yawn.
The sun felt nice and this would be a good place to nap, he thought, as he eyes began to drift close on their own accord. Sleep was so nice and so hard to get when you’re alone, and he was almost just there and he was just so tired and...
Then sneezed again.
Well, shoot.
OOC note he is a wee bun bun
It was Daddy’s turn to watch her. Him and Khari were acting kinda funny, but she wasn’t sure why. They’d even left her with pretty Umbra some and spent more time than usual not with her. Maybe she was being too much trouble and they needed a break? No, but that wasn’t true. At least she didn’t think so. Anyhow, Daddy was watching her, and they were all curled up together in a nice cozy little bundle of iron and fur in the sand.
They’d drifted off to sleep, which was not so unusual when it came to activities she was up for these days. But something woke Kali up, a series of cute little sneezing sounds not too terribly far away that surprisingly didn’t manage to wake Daddy. Now, Kali normally wasn’t one to go investigate strange sounds anymore. But this one didn’t sound scary or intimidating, so she peeked her head out of Daddy’s cuddly embrace and spotted the tiny little bunny not too terribly far away.
Oh, she could go say hi!
Instead of trying to wriggle out of Daddy’s hug as she was, Kali shrank down to bunny size, her body reshaping itself behind the mask of her dad’s iron before she hopped out from behind him and scampered over to the tiny bunny. Oh, bunnies weren’t so bad, either! They were hoppy and cute, and she couldn’t help but light up a little at the bouncing step this shape had, or the way it made a smile flirt with the corners of her mouth.
She made her way over to the almost-sleeping bunny and rolled onto her back to match his position, just as another colossal sneeze escaped his tiny bunny body. Oh! She squeaked a startled little protest and rolled to her feet again and made a soft sound of confusion at the little bunny friend. She ducked her head and stretched a little closer, peeking at him with quiet little chittery sounds of greeting, ready to dash away back behind Daddy’s iron blanket if the little bunbun ended up being scarier than he looked.
His button nose twitched overzealously after that last one. At least this time he was already on his back. The most that had happened this time was that the sky got all blurry like when his eyes began to water and the clouds got more smudgey. And wow, he didn't realize it had made him squeak too! That was pretty impressive actually, sneezing and squeaking at the same time like that! Now he was certainly impressed with the new limits he'd just found. He would call the squeak/sneeze combination 'sneaking' or 'squeezing'! Oh wait, no. He was pretty sure those were likely most definitely words. Hmm...what about squneezking?
Maybe that hadn't been his sound after all. What if someone else was watching him now, because he was almost positive he was not chittering right now. At least his mouth and tongue weren't moving. The realization and fear makes him stiffen, and his little legs go rigid with startle as they stick up straighter in the air. From his view point it looks like he's holding up the sky now! He starts to giggle again, but quickly chides himself. No, don't be silly right now, he should be scared and someone's watching! Losing balance, his legs slowly tip over to the opposite side of where the someone else was, causing him to stiffly lay on his other side facing away from them. Oops, now he couldn't see who it was at all.
Suddenly scrambling, he rights himself, nearly toppling over his own flopping ears when he sees another bunny looking directly at him. Stunned into silence, he stares wide-eyed for a while. Wanting to say something or do something, but unable to find his tiny voice. Oh shoot, what if he tried to say something and he sneezed again?! Would it scare his mirror friend away?
He should probably do something still. Yes, definitely.
Pushing himself back onto his haunches, he rests his weight on to his back legs entirely, raising his front half up to sit not unlike the meercat friends he made would do. Finding his balance, he boldly raises a downy paw in a shy wave. "Um..hi.""
Oh good, no squneezking this time! Because yes, even if that squeak hadn't been his, squneezking was still a thing.
Kali jerked back as the little bunny giggled and flopped over, a little startled by the sudden movement. But well how scary could he be if he was giggling? So she didn’t run and hide inside the safe warm iron blanket Daddy had wrapped around her when they drifted off to sleep, didn’t even scurry backwards and hide at all. She just gathered herself up into a little ball of soft grey floof and watched, nose twitching and ears perking forward to listen, shoulders scrunching as he scrambled to his feet.
Okay. He moved fast, sudden jerky movements like little prey animals do, but none of it was really scary, just unexpected. She could be okay with that. She thought so, at least.
He stared at her, and she stared right back, little bunny eyes wide, ears alternately perking forward with curiosity and flicking back nervously, just like her horse shape would’ve. Oh! Okay, he sat up and waved, and that was super cute, she didn’t even know bunnies could do -- OMG he could talk?! Another startled little squeak escaped her, and her eyes widened, mouth falling open just a little.
He could talk!
Kali didn’t realize she could talk to anybody but horses, and for a second she just stood and stared. But duh, okay, hey though, new not-scary friend, that was good! So. She mirrored his movement, sitting back on her haunches and raising herself up to raise one cute, fluffy little grey paw at him and wave. And then she lowered her front legs back down and took a creeping step closer with her front paws, stretching out to sniff at him again. If he could talk, maybe he could play, too?
She hopped her back legs forward, stretched out again juuust enough to s l o w l y touch her nose to his, eyes wide as she closed the distance between them. As soon as their noses touched, she squeaked, hopped back, and made a soft, friendly little teeth-clicky sound at him. Play, she could remember how to do that. Probably. Maybe. She took a hopping little step to circle around him with a soft, inquisitive grunt. She wasn’t really sure how bunnies played, but maybe they could figure it out.