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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura



    Awkward. That's what it was. Incredibly awkward.

    She didn't let her discomfort show, making her way to her eldest daughter that hardly looked much younger than her. And Kylin's children, her grandchildren, looked the same age as their-- No. She wasn't even going to think the word. She couldn't stand it. Wallace was barely an adult herself, she was not a grandmother. Disgusting.

    "Kylin," she greeted her with an attempt at a smile. Awkward. Her lips were pulled up and held carefully, her eyes a plain, dull brown as always. "You look well." And she did. With her glittering fin-wings that looked like soft gossamer, her striking colors that she'd earned from her father. They were only beautiful because of him, were more like their father than like their mother. They were lucky.

    Wallace didn't belong. She couldn't forget it if she'd tried.
    She'd have to die first.

    "There has been a lot of change," she pressed on, the words concise and clear. She and her own twin had been named after scientists, after all, and the intelligence and wit were never far from her tongue. "How are you handling it all? With everyone returning as they have?" But, also.. She glanced away, overlooking the water in the distance. 

    "I'm sorry Reilly, Baddie, and I had been gone so long. I wasn't aware that time would pass differently in his homeland."

    She was sorrier than she should express in front of her daughter.
    Grandchildren. Impossible.
    She hated everything.


    Like a flower waiting to bloom.

    Looks can be very deceiving, as Kylin is everything but well. There was no denying that she had been content these past couple of years, but little does the lavender and cream woman know that Ivar had been the driving force behind her content. She had been quietly living on Ischia, while Ivar and the girls came and went, no longer needing her.

    But Kylin does not feel like she has accomplished things, or is doing well. Her life is like an endless emotional rollercoaster that does not allow her to live peacefully. Worst of all, the only stable thing in her life has now been taken away from her.

    “Mother,” she replies, softly and with a just as awkward smile. Easier it is to look at the horizon, where Ischia awaits. The grullo woman besides her is a stranger, and yet could not have been more familiar. Her shoulder shrug, and fins tremble as they rest against her sides. “I will cope..” she answers, as she always had. There is little else Kylin can do. And in all honestly, it should be nothing new to her, to have her life thrown around like this.

    Like Mother, she stares in the distance, not sure how to reply to the offered apology. Kylin knows it is not fair to blame them, any of them, but for years and years she has lived in abandonment, while none of them had truly been alone. “You couldn’t have known.” That, Kylin means, and thought her smile is weak, this time it is genuine.

    “What matters is that you are all back,” Even if I don’t know how we’ll get over this gap. “I’m sorry it.. is under these circumstances..”





    Maybe she'd never get used to being called that. She had been practically a child herself when she'd-- Well. When she'd gotten her scars. When Reilly and Sabrael and Ashley had found her in an exhausted heap of blood and sex, unmoving and not caring that she was too tired to find a way home. Home to what? Tiphon didn't like her. Ashley didn't like her. Ea was a busy Queen.

    She would never belong anywhere.
    She was foreign even among her own family. The only one she'd ever had and still it wasn't really hers.

    "I will cope.." Kylin answered, and Wallace stole a glance at her. She even sounded older. So much older. As though she'd been through terrible things, and she had. Well, Wallace could relate to that. She was still going through terrible things. And probably always would.

    "You couldn't have known," she continued, and Wallace gave a short nod. She couldn't. Nobody could've known. It still hadn't been fair on her baby, though. "What matters is that you are all back. I'm sorry it.. is under these circumstances.."

    Wallace shook her head and shrugged, dismissing it easily. She'd been through enough in her short life. This was nothing much in comparison. Stolen away to Pangea while heavy with child was harder, stressful and draining. Thankfully, they'd been fool enough to steal Sabrael right along with her. Sabrael..

    She felt a pang of more sadness and set it aside once again.
    Kir got to play hero and take her weary ass home to Ischia just in time to give birth on their family soil. His family soil, rather.

    She sighed. "Things could always be worse." You could be stuck living with-- Never mind. Her own hurts were her own problem. She was still just a shell of the girl she used to be, but she'd get there. Some day. Or she wouldn't and nobody would care anyway. Except perhaps Reilly. He was a damn stubborn fool.

    And he never was too far away should she need him.

    "We'll stay here long enough for home to be cleaned up and then we'll go right back to our island. This will be an extended vacation, is all." As if the Plague could just do with a little scrubbing. But not by her. And there were people here that Kylin could probably help if she wanted to. Wallace would be staying away from them though. She was useless and abrasive and only Reilly could handle it, it seemed.

    "There are things you could do here, if you choose to. To keep yourself busy." She knew how it might help to stay busy.


    Like a flower waiting to bloom.

    With Ivar not around, Kylin finds it hard to not drown in sadness. Ever since the Kelpie had found his way back to Ischia – after having been gone for a  long while too – he had made sure to wipe all sadness from her mind, something she is unaware of until today. So she cannot say that all she has known was sadness, she has experienced some good years too. But her family’s return plunges her back into the sadness that had swallowed her before, as if she is drowning over and over again.

    Mother’s words are met with a slight nod of her head, and a forced smile. Things could always be worse, could they? Of that the lavender girl tries to convince herself, but what she finds hard, now her world is falling apart all over again.

    “I want to go home..” she murmurs, hazel eyes going in the direction she knows that Ischia lies. Ischia has been her only home, ever, and to be away from it makes her restless, afraid even. But she knows she can’t. Not without risking her own life, and the one of those she cares about. Because yes, Kylin still loves her family dearly, even if they are the cause of her current heartache.

    Or perhaps should she say her long lasting heartache which she had tried to banish to the back of her mind.

    Kylin slowly lifts her head and bends it to glance at the mother, hazel eyes meeting the soft face for the mother she has always looked up to. So strong, so fierce, but now so lost, and broken. In a way Kylin has never seen before. But Kylin is just as broken. “Busy?” she asks, her dished head tilting. “With what?” Even on Ischia Kylin had not kept herself busy, as she had been hiding on one of the smaller islands. Ischia had not needed her, why would that be different here? There is nothing she can offer.

    She can see the pain in her families eyes whenever she looks at them, and her two girls do not need her anymore. Kylin is not even sure if both Kyveli and Kypria are still on Island Resort, and she realises again that she fails as a mother. She should look for them, make sure they are okay, but a voice in the back of her mind tells her nagging that one of them is an adult, and the other wound would be too.

    Kylin could no longer tell them where to go.



    this time I’m torn, please wake me if I lose that face
    search in these eyes: there’s still fire in the darkness

    "I want to go home.." her baby murmured, although she supposed had they looked more alike they could've been sisters. She nodded though and kissed her forehead, "I know, baby. Me too. We all do. It has always been our home." Except for that brief time Kir had randomly whisked them away after the magician's betrayal of them all.

    "Busy?" Kylin asked next, her pretty head tilting. "With what?"

    Well, that was the question, wasn't it? It wasn't like they had any magic-- or well. Kylin did. Wallace did not. But it wasn't like Kylin had any healing to help the others heal the sick that came crawling in on their deathbeds. She didn't have any super-strength to help get them to a healer sooner. She sighed. But everybody, even her useless one, could be put to use in some way. She could still help the others.

    "You could ask Tiphon how you might help," she said in a heavy sigh as if she could wave her hand dismissively. It was a minor thing. There was probably plenty they could do. Wallace was not made to assist anyone, though. She could hardly take care of herself as it was and she wasn't even sick.

    She was pretty worthless.
    Deep down they all knew it.

    "You may not remember him. He may have gone away before you were born." She couldn't remember for sure, had been in a dark period in her life. "He is kind and trustworthy, though. He used to help Ea lead Ischia. Though he doesn't remember much of it for whatever reason." She was sure there would be something that Kylin could busy herself with, help the others in some way.

    If Wallace had to be completely useless, as least she could find pride in what her children did for others.


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