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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i'll come for you if you want me to; decimate
    She groans when he darts off, the words i’ll race you coaxing a scowl to that indigo and starlight face an instant before she sighs and fades almost completely from view. It is as though all of the color, all of the dimension, is pulled right out of her being. Even the snowflakes that had settled in a soft white blanket across narrow hips and thin shoulders fall abruptly to the ground in a spiral of pale, dizzying dust.

    It is harder to track him while he’s in motion, so she traces him in bursts, waits for moments where the sun burns through the cloud cover and her brother is just a little slower, a little bluer. But it isn’t until he draws to a halt that she truly begins her chase in earnest, impatient ears buried in the deep, gemstone blue of her indigo mane. She knows him well, can read the pleasure in his body language even at this distance, and she is sure it means nothing good.

    The illusion of normalcy comes second-nature to her as she pushes that slender little body into a run - but there is no cloud of white snow flinging from her heels, no crescent stamp dug into the mantle of snow and glazed ice. It is like watching the memory of a girl run past, so faded and translucent and perhaps not at all real.

    But she is.

    She memorizes the strides it takes to be at his side, the curve of her trajectory so slightly to one side as she dives beneath the snow, beneath the solid ground. Five, four, three, two - she finds a heap of bones where there should be dirt, is puzzled and curious as she reaches out to drag a ghostly nose through them. Then she rises, up, up through the ground to stand with Deci and a girl who seems as broken as the body she’s made a nest above.

    Her eyes find those of her brothers first, and hers are so blue and disappointed, scolding when she says, “Oh Deci, you’ll get her sick.” Knows without knowing that he probably already has. That it is probably too late for her, as it is for everyone, now. Then her gaze shifts to the girl, softens and changes to something so kind, so patient. So unbefitting the question that falls like snow from such translucent, shimmering lips. “Do you know you’re sleeping on someones bones?”

    @[The Plague] - hello angel of death, can you also roll for atria who was in the pangea thread via auric's post? <3

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    RE: i'll come for you if you want me to; decimate - by atria - 11-05-2018, 10:06 PM

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