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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    It feeds upon your fright -- Kagerus

    The cadence of his heart steadies as his gaze of endless black meet hers. Kagerus, scar or no scar, flesh made to atrophy, and mind made to glory has always soothed the boy of shadows and ruin with her mere presence. His eyes (turmoil and darkness) close against her touch – and for a breath he lets go of the control he so desperately clings to.

    He ghosts his own lips along her whiskers, and there is a smile as he answers her worries. ”If anything it gives you more character.” - as if his queen of dreams with her crown of thorns needed it. She wears her resolve like armour – and he can see that the labour of ruling her nation has begun to grate on her. If he could, he would have plucked the millstone from her neck – carried it together with his own but he knows it´s not possible. She has her own demons, just as he has his.

    The way in which the dawning light streamlined from his body left the shadows in a wake of confusion, misting, it seemed, in the dying humidity. The pale rays of a yawning sun glowed faintly against the striking gold of his coat, forcing the darkness on him to retreat into silence. The air thinned and his breathing grew steadier, relieved of the weight that the shadows constantly burdened him with. He relished in the coolness as it sighed against his flesh.
    ”Politics is a cloying concept.” it is an enigmatic voice that slips out between his lips and it is rare that he makes known his arcane thoughts – but this is more musing than speech, it is hesitant and weary when it treads upon the winds to not dance but tiptoe to her ear.

    He pauses, and the scent of clean, cold air intoxicated his senses as he breathed it. There were memories in the fresh air that brought him faded images of a past he lived to forget, and as they swam before his vision he struggled to see past them into the honeydew eyes of his sister.  Somewhere, outside the canopy of her antlers his wolf howled, and he shuddered.

    ”How is all your children?” he murmurs, just to say something; he longs for the mundane, for senseless banter and hard-earned smiles. Things lacking in his life.

    @[Kagerus] <3 sorry about the crapiness - but I just wanted to get something up for you

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: It feeds upon your fright -- Kagerus - by Khaedrik - 09-10-2018, 02:33 PM

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