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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Element/item magic vs Manipulation traits
    Magic is now linked to some kind of ‘source’ and although I don’t object nor support this recent change, it does confuse me a little. I think there might be a simple explanation for this and that I’m thinking too hard, but it would be great if someone can help me figuring out the differences. I am using fire based traits/magic as an example, but I guess it’s the same for other types of magic vs traits.

    First you have Pyrokinesis, a trait two of my ponies have. I’ve always seen this as some kind of fire magic, as my characters are able to control and use and make it. It even goes as far as being used for defence (as in armor or firewall to shut others out or keep them in) and we all know how to use fire in an attack.

    Quote:Ability to create, shape, and manipulate fire. This includes the ability to set flammable objects on fire, manipulate and solidify fire to move objects, and create fire for use in defense/attacks.

    Fire magic has me a bit confused. According to the update thread in connect magic is now based on a specific element/item. I know magic does more than simply wielding an element, but the description sort of makes me think of only that. So how does Fire Magic differ from Pyrokinesis? Other than that the magic has weaknesses. Like, I know magicians have been used to bring characters back from the death or make two same-sex ponies breed, but how is that accomplished through fire?

    Fire Magic:
    Quote:Ability to perform any magic relating to fire (subject to the trait description for Magic).

    Quote:Generally all-encapsulating power, with mild limits to the amount of magic performed at one time.

    #English is not my native language.

    Amorette - Gyps - Jinju - Kylin - Reeva
    All are only semi-active.
    Hi Sapphire,

    These are good questions, and probably a little confusing as we are also in the process of updating the descriptions in the trait database. I actually have it on my list to work on today, haha.

    So the new definition of magic is:
    The ability to use any trait listed in the database, subject to the limitations of each magic's source of power. All magicians are inherently immortal if they choose and can change appearance at will. Each magician's power is channeled through a particular element or object, and is subject to certain weakness as found in the individual descriptions for those types of magic.

    And fire magic becomes:
    Magic is channeled through fire. Abilities are stronger near open flame and in heat, and weak against others with ice based abilities. Subject to the trait description for Magic.

    So, for instance, you can't heal with pyrokinesis. You can make a wall of flame or burn someone, but you can't use the fire you create to heal. A fire magician could heal through a non-burning flame. For that matter, they can create a non-burning flame, whereas someone with pryokinesis can only create a regular flame. They could bring someone back from the dead via a life-giving fire, though that horse that came back would also be weak against cold/ice and stronger (like normal horse strong) in warmer climates. That said, some types of magic won't be able to do everything. Straia's Raven Magic couldn't heal because I don't know of a world in which raven's can heal. That said, Seraph's Phoenix Magic would be great for healing.

    At the end of the day, not every magic can do everything anymore, but it can still do far more than any elemental manipulation could do. Mostly magic just involves being a little clever about how you use it.

    Does that help clarify?

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