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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Let's Play a Game[Steal attempt post]
    Two souls from two kingdoms. 
    Sentence: 1 BQ year(2 RL months) in Sylva


    Dear Ash, 
    I hear your team placed 5th and 1st of 26 on your 21 mile run.  They said your shorts were quite fetching of green, white and red stripes.  Throw a frame on that! Even thru extreme distances and darkness they could see you coming.  A motivated fitness game plus healthcare account will save your life. You're gonna go far, kid.

    Were you born in September? You have much in common with Cyclops.  Mix some ivory with your violets, in your garden, it will help you relax. 

    Stay calm my friend,
    Matthew   14:29
    Ash = "rock fragments and particles ejected by a volcanic eruption", including ash = Tephra, the volcanic island
    Googled "Motivated fitness game = Tep; healthcare account = HRA
    Ash(es) = Google "Ellyse" and you get "Ellyse Perry"; an article states "Women's Ashes: Umpire bars Ellyse Perry"
    "Extreme distances and darkness; see" references Offspring's dragon vision.
    "You're gonna go far, kid" is a song by The Offspring.
    "You have much in common with Cyclops" = Ellyse just lost her eye to Carnage in the recent quest. Thus, she has one eye.
    Googling Ellyse = "Fundraiser by Tayler Ellyse Kramer : Tayler's Study Abroad trip to Italy"; green, white and red stripes are the Italian flag colors, in order.

    Ellyse from Offspring in Tephra, blocked.
    I am posting clue reveal even though only one kingdom guessed because Ea stepped down from Ischia and I was told the steal for that kingdom would be invalid because of that fact.  Also a point here would be a possible rule modification that would deem this still valid if the steal was posted before a kingdom change? Much the same as posting a player away after the steal was posted.  Just a thought. Smile

    (Date Offspring reign in Tephra ended -1st time- according to database)A

    Dear Ash,
    (Greek: τέφρα tephra means "ash")B
    I hear your team placed 5th and 1st of 26 on your 21 mile run.  
    (5th and 1st letters of Alphabet (of 26) is E and A= EA) C ;also Ischia has 21 miles of shoreline) D
    They said your shorts were quite fetching of green, white and red stripes.  
    (Ischia is an Italian island, Italy's flag is green, white, red stripes) D
    Throw a frame on that!
    (Frame is a type of overo pattern- Solace is an overo) E*
    Even thru extreme distances and darkness they could see you coming.  
    (EA has dragon vision. According to trait database you can see extreme distances and in the dark) C
    A motivated fitness game plus healthcare account will save your life.
    (TEP is a motivated fitness game + HRA is a healthcare account= TEPHRA) B
    You're gonna go far, kid.
    (A song of the band Offspring)A

    Were you born in September?
    (September's birthstone is a sapphire- Kylin player) F*
    You have much in common with Cyclops.
    (Cyclops is an X-Men with the ability to shoot beams of light -Solace trait is light beam emission) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyclops_(comics) E*
    Mix some ivory with your violets, in your garden, it will help you relax.
    (Mix ivory(white) and violet(purple) you get lavender- Solace player is Lavender) E* Bonus- lavender oils help you relax
    Stay calm my friend,
    (Lavender scent has a calming effect- lavender is Kylin color) F*
    Matthew 14:29
    (In the Bible Jesus walks on water-Kylin trait is water walking) https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+14%3A22-33&version=NIV F*

    A- Offspring clues
    B- Tephra clues
    C- EA clues
    D- Ischia clues
    E*- Solace clues
    F*- Kylin clues
    (These were for my sanity lol)

    Almost all clues are found in Wikipedia or member database.  Or Google search.  I included some links for more complex clues.  For your viewing ease I Bold the clues pertaining to the valid steal.  I also included all clues revealed(even to invalid steal) so you can see that all clues were accounted for and to whom Smile

    Steal is for Solace of Tephra-Offspring 

    Thanks for playing!
    “You have much in common with Cyclops” feels like a red herring for both Ledger and Ellyse, who have one eye like Cyclops, and “frame” seems really vague for a database references. 

    @[Officials], can player name be utilized for steals? I thought database clues could only pertain “directly to the horse” - I’d love to know for future steals. Thanks! Smile

    Really great job though, Neo! Super clever clue for Ea. Smile I agonized over that one and couldn’t figure it out, hahah.

    I purposely capitalized Cyclops because it was a name.  

    1. "Red herrings" are not allowed. If a judge feels as though the clues in the steal can refer to more than the number of horses being stolen, the steal will be deemed unsuccessful.
    I didn't even think of Ellyse and Ledger having one eye but the rules also state "horses being stole". Clearly none of the other clues make sense to Ledger or Ellyse.  I mean yeah you found ways they could make sense for Ellyse but they weren't the corrected clues even.

    And the rules state that database info directly related to the horse can be used.  Kahzie used bay hybrid... That's 15% of BQ... So I figured frame overo reference would be ok.  Many clues are vague.  That what makes it soooo hard XD

    Since player name in member database info is directly for that horse I figured that also counted.  If not it wasn't specified in rules clearly. Sorry.

    I look at the steals as something fun to do and challenging.  Maybe add storyline to the character stealing and being stolen.  I just want to make that clear Smile I'm also more than willing to make a fun deal or plot instead of a hard sentence if that's allowed.  I don't want anyone's character losing muse cuz they are forced to sit in one kingdom for 2 months.  Y'all know I'm down for anything Wink

    Which clue @[Krys] ? The letters?  EA is such a hard name to think of good clues for!  I also decided to do it letter format so the dates and names made sense XD
    -Semi Active-
    unsuccessful for Kylin due to Ea having stepped down prior to the posting of this steal.
    unsuccessful for Solace due to insufficient clues.

    The rules state that information must be directly about the horse. The examples given are breed and color, both attributes of the character. Traits would also be acceptable, as would references to their color (like frame as as clue for Solace). Pedigree and siblings are the examples given for unacceptable information, because they aren't observable attributes of a character. Player name and date of reign's would fall under that same umbrella, as would Database ID number, as would any clues pertaining to a character's children.

    Regarding a rule modification: Steals are valid regardless of ruler changes during the 72 hours. The issue with this steal is the timing. It was posted after Ea had already stepped down. Had it been posted before that, it would still be valid. We're going to leave the rules as is for now, but this is a great example of how we end up with so many rules - there are so many unique situations!
    So the rules should state that only color, breed, trait or pattern can be used cuz player name, date of reign and even the player ID are directly related to that member in the database.  I assumed anything under that character's name was directly related to that member.

    And with the - posting before changes - it should be added to the rules so that everyone knows that you can't just decide... Hey someone is stealing a horse so let's jump to different lands by posting an activity post that would then make the steal invalid cuz I'm no longer in that kingdom.  It's not clearly stated that way.  Only that a posting of a player away would it still valid after the 72hrs.  I'm also taking everyone's word that Ea had stepped down before the steal post cuz no where is it posted that she even did.

    Great examples of incidents where the rules aren't specific so you don't know it's wrong.  In any steal you can find a reason why it's not successful.  Just like you can find multiple horses the clues work for, as Krys did.  And that's why nobody does them anymore.
    -Semi Active-
    Steals are technically IC. Ouija would be able to know the color, breed, name, etc. of the horse(s) he is trying to steal. He wouldn't have a clue who the player was or their teg code because that isn't part of the game. Does that help clarify? If so, we can tweak the rule language so it reflects this way of thinking about it.

    It's not a rule because it seemed, logically, that the away rule would be enough. If a horse is no longer a leader of a kingdom before you post a steal, how can you steal from them? It is your job, as the stealer, to check before you post. We can make this a rule, but it's already quite clear everyone thinks there are too many rules. So now we are sort of stuck between a rock and a hard place. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. What would you do in our shoes?

    In addition, someone can't just switch lands in the middle of a steal to avoid a steal. Once the steal is up, just like the away rule, it's valid regardless of what happens. So unless you are telling everyone in the cbox about your steal before you post it, which I'm guessing probably isn't the case, this really can't happen. It only matters what the current state of the game is at the time you post.

    I know steals are complicated -- if you have any suggestions for simplification, let us know!
    Hey guys, just wanted to casually add ─

    Neither @[Lavender] or I were aware that this steal was for Solace before Amet approached her in Tephra to come live in Hyaline. Lavender and I have been plotting this switch out-of-game for about a week now, it just ended up really coincidentally timed.

    Just wanted to be sure that you knew her & I were not trying to make your steal invalid (though, as Kyra has added, any attempt to move to a different kingdom after a steal has been posted would have no affect on the steal)... we truthfully just thought that the steal was for Ellyse and not Solace :)
    @[Sii] that example wasn't specific towards anyone.  Its just the rules aren't clear there so someone could say that.  

    I was not aware either that steals are what the IC horse would know about the horse being stolen.  Cuz if that is the case then I've been doing it all wrong this ENTIRE time XD Ouija has only met a select few horses so IC he wouldn't even know who Solace is.  I mean it makes sense but I wasn't looking at it from that angle cuz that also isn't specified.  So does that mean you can only steal someone your character knows?  And you'd have to know they had traits and which ones to use that?  See it just gets more complex...

    So no I can't simplify it other than adding specifics cuz it's just getting more complicated as I sit here and think about it lol.  I'll just dip out of stealing and go for plots of ppl who want their horses stolen for activity purposes Wink

    -Semi Active-

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