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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Unearthed Beauty
    the light colored mare. Stands at his side with his wing over her. It was nice that they were growing close enough that he trusted her that much to cover her. listened to him talking. He was talking about he wasn't perfect and he may change who he was. She didn't want him to be anything he wasn't. Don't change himself for her. Just be your self Nier, Even if your bitter or angry, wont scare me away. She chuckled alittle. He assumes shes this creature who is sweet all the time and cant defend for herself. When he would be in a grumpy or bad mood. she would just go exploring until he calmed down.

    She sniffed the air it was spring time, time for new babies and new life. She could smell the spring rains coming. It was a refreshing smell, her body shock as she felt the wind blow in. It was kinda cold. She snorted at the feeling of wet drops on her back. She turned to the winged master. My cave is over there would you like to come in and get out of the rain? She started to lead the way kinda hoping he would follow her.

    She worked her way up the cliff to her home. She stepped inside and looked back at the winged darkness. Well what you waiting for you coming? She smiled Or you going to stay out there and melt? With the seasons change, her body felt different. Maybe it was her body becoming a butterfly she wasn't sure. She wasn't sure of this feeling. It was spring and it does strange things to everyone. Shes never really experienced this before.

    He heard him talk about how I would lighten his day when they are dark. She looked at him kinda oddly. How I would lighten his day? Well for her that would be easy. Just be there, if he needed a shoulder to lean on she would be there. If he wanted rant about something she would be there. She cared for him like no other. And would do anything for him. Just being here for you is all you will need, having that warmth to lean on would be my way.

    Salty curls of wind berated his senses, a barrage of salt, seaweed and the new scent of spring; there was a whiff of new life, strong, upon the breeze. It came to him like a knock to the side of a head, a bullet right in the temple. He'd never seen his children from past mistakes. He'd never known if they even survived. It was a thought that often crossed his mind, where his seed had been sown and planted, grown and flourished. Part of his want to return to Beqanna was the mixture of strong souls. Strong mares to bear equally strong bloodlines. He was uncertain whether he would be a fatherly father, or a sire to just gawp at sometimes, but he was sure going to openly try. He had a herd, he had companions. BrokenStar was making it clear as crystal that she wanted children. He'd give her sons, he'd give her daughters, anything she wanted. When it came to the dappled mare beside him, he was unsure.

    He did not want to push -- he'd learnt pushing them only made them break and crumple in his hands. He'd learnt that from Her, learnt that the more you chased, the more they ran, the more you cared, the more your heart was torn from inside of you. Nier gave a fierce grunt, his eyes had clouded over with memory, a brief flicker of pain rushed through him and he stamped his hoof hard upon the ground. He was stronger than this, he had buried those memories deep within, a locked chest never to be seen in the maze of his mind.

    Yet being around the dappled mare, she was so like his First, so like Her, it was uncanny. If he believed in reincarnation he was sure she was her in disguise.

    "Spring holds many memories for me." he admitted. plain, void of any real emotion. He remembered being born in Spring, in the Meadow. it was raining hard, the raindrops felt like shards of ice on his newborn pelt. Spring was also the season he had lost Her. He had killed many that Spring, spilt blood and broke souls. He would do it all again if he had to. But he was raging, he felt it within him, he also felt that the bones were becoming rigid, his blood colder. He needed more than what he had, that was one of the few reasons he fell across Gemstone Ridge. One of the few reasons he decided on starting up a Herd. For a legacy, for a bloodline, for a daring word such as 'family'.

    Family should never fall apart.

    If only his mother had known that.

    "Gemstone Ridge seems brighter now." he made a motion with his head, looking out from the cove, but he instead stepped closer to her, his muzzle cool against her skin as he held himself close to her, feeling her skin pulse beneath him. "I don't know if that's a good thing, or a bad thing. What do you think of change, Star? Is Change right, or is Change wrong?"

    Because Nier was not sure what he was doing anymore; being this close, feeling her pulse beneath his lips, taunting him with a life-force so vivid, it made the demon in him quake in a fear, a fear that he was losing a battle of wills with Nier now. But the demon within, he was quite adept at making him suffer, all he had to do was start the loop of memories and he would crumple again, into a heap of darkness and despair.

    • tyrael x amnesia • wings, invisibility • alpha of gemstone ridge •
    html by charmx, image by james porto
    Thinking of spring. It would be nice to see little ones with good blood running around. She wanted to be a mother. She wished for colts to carry on there fathers lineage. She heard him say about spring gave him a lot of memories. it does for all, we were all born in spring. So we all have the memory of there mothers. Her mother was of Jet black and so was her father. But for some strange reason she is the only one her mother had that came out Grey. Which made her think was she gifted? Could she produce gifted young for this winged master. She wanted to, she's never had a foal of her own but she that didn't stop her for wanting one. She would have as many children her master would want.  She has good blood to foal colts. She only hopped that was the case.
    She pressed into him as he pressed against her. Everything changes Nier, weather we are aware of it or not. Sometimes it happens to us and sometimes it happens to the world we live in that makes us successful. But if you want it to happen, then you do what you want to get it. She stepped outside into the cleared up weather. Just be you she chuckled

    The sun was shining it felt good. Versus the cold wind earlier. Swishing her tail at her side walked proudly outside. She turned towards her winged master. Looks at him through her mane that had fallen on her face. She kinda gave him a flirty look. Walking towards him staring at him. You know whats missing in this area? Its missing little ones, maybe we can fix that. Kinda asking in a seductive way. It would be interesting to see the combination her and him could produce  

    His name meant something, he remembered his mother whispering it into his ear when he felt the cold of the world hit him. Deny. Negate. Back then it was just fuzz in his mind, but now he understood. She denied him from a young age, Amnesia wanted no one, she had no fault in her son himself, but she bore memories. like daggers they burred holes into her weakening mind. She had once said to him that she had seen her mother near enough kill her firstborn. It was her firstborn, a piebald mare, that she knew not if she was dead or alive. Her second born, a black daughter, she was taken by her mother; she was somewhere now, just like the rest of his large family. Her father, Amnesia knew nothing about. She caught glimpses, but told Nier nothing. Nier knew not a great deal, other than tales told by his mother and most of them were not as clear as he'd guessed.

    He did not want his children to suffer the same fate as him. And he felt quite a sudden strangeness in him broaden, expand like some disease. Was it some sort of care, he was feeling? for those that haven't even sparked life, let alone bear thinking of? he then touched her neck then, a smooth whiskered nuzzle. IT was strange, how he was finding comfort. But the Demon within him stretched his fang like jowls and pulled him back, his words held no emotion, but he kept his soft muzzle against her, feeling her warmth beneath him.

    "I remember things, sometimes they come like daggers to my eyes. But everything I remember gives me no insight to where I come from. Apparently, according to my mother, I am from a line of unwanted children, I also come from a string of failures." he snorted then, but it turned into a cackle like laugh, it smoothed, turned into a low whicker. "Of course, I refuse to be a failure."

    His greying head turned to her, he pressed his muzzle into the smooth ridge between her withers and her shoulder. he stayed there for several moments, breathing, silent. It was nice. silence. just her steady heartbeat ringing in his ears.

    "Maybe we can. Maybe we can." he agreed, but his eyes were closed. There was some enjoyment, some memory of what happiness felt like in his numb heart. It might have been fleeting, but he felt it. and he kept like that for quite some time.

    • tyrael x amnesia • wings, invisibility • alpha of gemstone ridge •
    html by charmx, image by james porto

    Feeling her stallion pressing his nose against her. She pressed into it to make him for comfortable. Closing her eyes enjoying being so close. She head him talk about his mother told him he was a failure. Your not a failure Nier, you are who you are, and nothing or no one can change that. Were born a certain way and cant help things. But when someone says your a failure, in my experiance is grow stronger by it. She says in a whisper. Pulling him closer, Licking his withers and back. From what she could see he was doing good so far. But she didnt see him as a failure, just someone thats had alot of negative influences in life. Were both similar you and I, Your mother called you a failure or was never around, and i had a mother who passed away at my young age so she failed to be a mother to teach me things.  They both came from two different worlds but they couldn't be more similar, it may seem at this moment they were separate. But they were both stronger from this. Those who have had a rough past should grow stronger from it and make themselves better because of it. You will be a fantastic leader and father one day. Your strict but you have a big heart, that I don't know if its just me who see it. But you do. She smiled, she got this new feeling overwhelming her. Her heart felt warm and it was thumping loudly, she was hoping he wouldn't hear it. But she didn't know what was happening. Was she falling for this stallion? Or was all this normal, all of this was a new experience for her. She's never loved before, and she never had a stallion so close to her. She sighed deeply and rested her head on his back. Nudging him and licking him. Closing her eyes. Enjoying his company that was one thing that never got old.


    I shut the door and turn all the lights out.
    And listen to all the songs that the night shouts.
    They go something just like this...
    So go fill up a glass with tonic rocks and gin
    and drink yourself to happiness.

    ____In tales spun with whimsical words and sharp tongues, the angel always falls for a demon, perhaps there is some sort of attraction right away; the bad boy, the one forbidden. It starts out as a simple seed of lust but it blossoms into a full bloom of love, of adoration. He'd heard these stories not from his mother, not from an older, wiser mare, but from his first, what you could call, love. She had been a girl with eyes as wide as the sky and a mind to match, she had a heart as gold as the blistering sands in the Deserts, and as pure as the waters in the Falls. Of course this wasn't in Beqanna, Nier left because he could not find anything here, his mother had gone on to other things, where he had no clue, she just simply vanished, and he was sure she left him on purpose. To grow, to become. Well, he sure did. Perhaps not what the winged mare had wanted, perhaps she would be proud, perhaps not. Nier was not positive that she would have the greatest reaction when she saw him, if ever, if never. He did hope though, small shreds of the lucrative emotion, that he made someone proud.

    ____His eyes were still closed, his breathing shallow. His breaths came like her steady heartbeat against him, a steady thud, thud, thud. for several moments he stayed like this, silent, unmoving, listening to Star's soft words caress him like some beautiful nurse to an ailing patient. Then something changed, he felt it, felt it in her thud, thud thudding heart. And this made his ears swivel, perk ever so slight, but it also awoke the darkness within. it slowly crept out, dark fingers at first, pressing nerves within him, showing him unwanted things, dark, twisted things. Everything was too much. The feelings within him roared like flames and he felt his skin on fire, he twisted away ever so slight, his head raised, his nostrils flaring. He kept his eyes upon the dappled mare, she was real, he had to know, there were nightmarish things in his mind, there were demons that lurked within, he was one of them, a hellion, a dark one who had paid the highest price for vengeance, for the taste of something more. Perhaps he would be seen as a hero, a knight on a glistening day, he had hunted for days to find the brutes who took away his light, and he had paid for it in darkness.

    ____"I lost someone close to me. She meant the world, she was my world." his his voice was barely a whisper, hoarse, stuck within his throat, his chest. but they came, they flooded the air. He felt secure here, even when the darkness penetrated his mind, he felt safe that she remained a beacon, sturdy in her position next to him.

    ____ Nier pressed into her once more, her scent becoming a myriad of memories to him, becoming safe. His dark eyes roamed her body, his muzzle gliding over her dappled skin, nipping here, nibbling there, where he stopped between her jawline and her neck, he pressed his nose deep within the crevasse, warm and inviting. Like some vampire after her life source, he stayed close, his nostrils blowing warm air.

    ____"Do you think Demons can love, Star?" his voice was strangely warm, passionate, like the raging fire that lit his coat in flames. His tail glided his hocks, mindless, idle. his eyes remained on her, his beacon, his little candle in the dark. he breathed, at first slow, and then progressively ragged. There was a war within him, dark, dark and cold. It plagued him with visions of the past and glimpses of what his future could look like. Frolicking children, a tight knit family, and then him, dark eyes an emotionless oblivion, he was void of all. There was terror in his voice then, a strange emotion, it sent every nerve in him like springs.

    ____"Do you think I could be capable of loving, again?" or would it destroy him again, sending him back into the downward spiral where he became the sloth demon before. time would tell, and time could do some serious damage.

    N i e r

    the winged, invisible demon of tyrael & amnesia, stalks the gemstone ridge with no one by his side


    She stepped back away from her stallion. Gave him a weird look, Circles him, looking at him. My dear Nier, I don't suggest anything. But I do believe your capable of doing whatever you wish. And im not here to tell you what you do. Im just another member of your herd. She faced him looked at him, looking at him all over. She knew he was a demon and was dark and had a dark past. But he wasn't a demon in her eyes. He was just Nier. His darkness and roughness and demonic side didn't make her side step or look at him in any other way. He was the winged stallion that invited her here to his homeland to join his family. She believed he could love again and find someone special again. But that was for him to decide. She nipped at him playfully, oh your just being Nier she chuckled. Her eyes sparkled when she looked at him. She cared for this stallion a lot. She was here being herself, she was said to be the light in a dark world. Or a beacon, But in her eyes she was just Star. Nothing special and no one unique.

    She had no immortality so why would anyone want an ugly creature that has done nothing for herself. She was a self taught and developed mare who was a virgin to everything. No stallion wanted a newbie. She has never had anyone special in her life so she didn't know what it was like to lose anyone special except for her mother. She's never loved or never had children. So it was hard for her to compare to anyone else. But she also knew she had hardships in her life. She gave her stallion a look of she wanted him, and didn't want anyone else. Even if he was a demon. She was not scared of him. Even if he would get angry and show his true colors. She would still stand at his side. Through anything that would come at them. She was more afraid of not being with him then anything else.

    Then she got sad, she turned away from him so he couldn't see her weakness. But she had to think about it, she was not a immortal, she could not live forever, and she would not always be with her stallion.  Which saddened her, but she wanted to make the best of it. .


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