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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  i'm waking up, i feel it in my bones; any.

    You don't have anything weird that you were born with, do you?

    That was the question Thiago heard inside is head when Giohde explained to him about her third eye. No more. No less. Just a third eye. Like a cyclops, except plus two. Like a horn, instead of no horn. Thiago immediately looked abashed from his place in the dirt, and stood up again. Shaking the dust from his buttbutt (Thank you Venge), he looks at her, and then looks back at his lean to. Thiago coughs uncomfortably, and then takes an instinctive step back towards the safety of the treeline. Instead, he finds himself rooted to the spot as if he were unable to will himself to go anywhere at all. So he stops, and he looks at her.

    "I...have fangs...and I turn into a bunny." He mumbles it, hanging his head quietly, ashamed of his lot in life. He was a grown man, who had a fluffy bunny tail. The wind began to blow, and automatically, Thiago shuddered. Any level of turbulance normally sent him skittering away. He was not used to being out in the open for this long.

    "I don't suppose you... have ever... enjoyed a bunny?"

    So. Awkward.

    here comes peter cotton tail, hoppin down the bunny trail
    HTML by Call

    Delicate things are pretty - cute, even,
    but you are not delicate.
    You are wild and lewd and unpredictable.
    You are breathtaking.
    You are beautiful.

    Oh dear, I really hadn’t meant to bring up any bad memories. But the way he abruptly clamors to his feet and shakes the dirt from his rump, I know I’ve hit on a rather sore spot. Oops, it seems I’m destined to stick my foot in my mouth tonight.

    Scrambling to my feet, I slip beside him in a rather poor attempt to halt is imminent escape. I really don’t want him to leave quite yet. I have rather been enjoying our somewhat odd conversation, and, well, he’s kinda cute. Even as awkward and shy as he is. But then he stops and looks back at me, and I nearly glow. Well, at least on the inside. It seems we may be getting somewhere after all, and that makes me absurdly happy.

    With an encouraging smile, I tilt my head slightly as I blink mildly at him. And then he tells him his deep, dark secret. For a moment, I simply stare at him, almost waiting for him to reveal something… else. And then I bite my lip, hard, to keep from giggling. Not because of what he had revealed, but because he seems to think it is something shameful.

    I mean, I have a third eye. Turning into a bunny and having fangs is downright cool compared to that. I can barely suppress the grin that wants to stretch my lips, but I’m sure my eyes must be twinkling like something else. Finally, after several deep breaths, I reply.

    “Really? I… well, I mean, I like bunnies. They are super cute and, um… can I see?” Ducking my head a bit, peer at him through my lashes once again, offering a beguiling smile. “Pretty please?”



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