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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Emotions Are Our Own Hell; Exist
    This was the first time she was out and about by herself. She was old enough to be alone but just a bit smaller than the average yearling. She hoped no one would mistaken her as any younger than she was, but that was what she begun to expect. If her baby brother Isaan considered himself close to her age, there definitely was a problem. But brushing her age aside, all was good she was excited to meet new faces, and she showed it with and adorable little prance that she held so pleasantly.

    So with a little skip in her step the girl entered the meadow, taking in the sights and smells. Everything was so new! And so pretty in it's own unique way. But what was there to do? Should she approach someone and meet a new face? Or wander around a bit explore her surroundings and wait for someone to find her? The obvious answer was to have a look around. So with an excited leap and a flutter of her navy blue tinged wings the girl, allowed herself to hover briefly. 

    She was still unstable with her wings as it was, and whenever she hovered just for a moment it felt like she was going to tip over in mid air. She was mainly concerned of hitting her little head on the ground if she were to be tipped over but she needed to practice in her flight skills, and what better than to practice while exploring the meadow! So the buckskin girl, steadied herself, she would get lopsided every so often as she explored the foliage and land marks of the meadow. It reminded her strongly of Taiga, yet less foresty and less dense with vegetation but it was quite the same.

    Concluded with her exploring of the rather large meeting area, Heda sits patiently and waits for someone to come up to her. She wasn't quite too good with socializing so she was hoping whoever she would meet would do all the talking, but with a hopeful heart she stood patiently a gentle smile formed on her face as her amber eyes glanced around in a friendly tone.
    Go right ahead, laugh at the girl who loved too easily
    HTML by Call

    @[Exist] <3 I am so excited
    [Image: dc9b5pd-da224f9b-4062-4ac8-924f-4dd26147...1Y8jmwEofM]
    Ex-Queen of Loess
    while collecting the stars, I connected the dots.
    I don’t know who I am, but now I know who I’m not.
    It is not unusual for Exist to be off on her own – maybe unusual for her to be without her twin, Leliana, but this new magic had a way of making her drift, of filling her chest with longing. It felt like there were five hooks in her heart, five tethers pulling her in five different directions. Well, fewer now, only three tethers after she had poured some of the magic into first Leliana and then Canaan. But it was still an odd, aching pressure in her chest, a desperate urge that lessened only when she did share the magic.

    Keep giving.
    An echo in the thrumming of her heart, in the flutter of her pulse.
    Keep giving.

    She is pulled once more from the shores of Tephra, but instead of plunging into the roiling seas, she unfurls that pair of gleaming russet wings and leaps into the sky. The birds and the clouds welcome her, the wind weaving under and between each satin feather, and the ground falls away at her heels in a way Canaan had tried to explain but she had never understood. She had tried, but it different to finally live something that it is to have it explained to you.

    When the meadow appears beneath her, she finds that she is reluctant to land again, but these wings are still painfully new and her shoulders ache where they connect to the new bone, ache where the muscle is still young and soft and new. So she lands at a run, pitching forward with the momentum to catch herself, and throws her delicate coppery face to the sun to catch the streaks of red and gold that darken in dapples across her skin.

    She runs until she feels that tether snag, until something in her chest beckons her to slow and turn. She does, and when she does there is girl looking back at her with a gentleness that she reflects easily, flashing this stranger a smile that tugs at the corner of those quiet green eyes. “Hello,” it is a simple greeting, the usual one, spoken in a voice like a bell, high and sweet and peaceful, “my name is Exist.”

    She approaches the girl quietly, closing the distance between them with long, graceful strides, pausing only after she was close enough to touch her nose to a warm neck the color of crushed sunshine. “Your wings are beautiful,” she says with a fond smile, and her own unfurl wide and soft and russet at her withers, and then, “I think I’ve been looking for you.”

    As if in response, the magic inside her hums and thrums and thrashes within the confines of her heaving chest.

    Her heart thunders in her ears, an echoing beat both ferocious and fearless. The beat quickens, as a feeling, some sort of sense overcomes her. It's different, it pulsates with something other than emotions, as it seems to grow nearer. And our mix of sunlight and night shuffles her wings at her sides as the hum of something is drawn near her, it is unlike anything she had ever experienced. She always felt she had emotions, a gift passed on from her mother now to her. Feelings she could feel them, and sense them but never grasp them. As if a fragment of her own imagination had been made real, but she knew she could control something, but it was taken from her as innocent babe. Her adoptive mother spoke of projecting emotions, eternal life. All things of fantasies that were both all to real in Beqanna. And when the sweet hum grows incredibly loud, she opens those amber eyes of hers and what she finds is her gentle gaze meeting another.

    The copper toned girl introduces herself as Exist, and our navy blue tinged girl follows in suite. "I'm Heda. It's nice to meet you, Exist" Her sweet honey dipped words ring out, for once she didn't hold a tone filled with anxiety. She wasn't shy nor was she weary, she was excited, and she felt refreshed. As if something had changed in our sweet little emotional girl, but all was the same. With a whirl of a blue joyful tail, she shares a glance at Exist's wings. They were gorgeous compared to hers, and they matched the girls copper toned coat. Oh how she wished to have something less mismatched, instead of blue tipped feathers perhaps something of a sunlight hue quite like her coat? 

    But when Exist compliments her wings, Heda immediately changes her opinion. Allowing her eyes to fixate upon her own the girl, outstretches one limb spanning from beneath her withers. Allowing blue ombre feathers to glint in the sunlight for just a moment then folding back, neatly, to her side. "Well thank you." The compliment feels weird, but she accepts the foreign feeling. But he compliment wasn't quite the weirdest thing said, Exist speaks of looking for her. What had this girl come looking for her? She wasn't important nor was she too special. She was just one of the many orphan adopted princesses of Taiga. 

    Her facial expression changes into more of a confused gaze, her smile dulls just a bit nd with questionnaire vocals she speaks ups, "You've been looking for me? Why?" She stands their in a deep of confusion, amber eyes remain puzzled as her mind sifts through multiple thoughts, as to why Exist would be looking for her.   
    Go right ahead, laugh at the girl who loved too easily
    HTML by Call

    [Image: dc9b5pd-da224f9b-4062-4ac8-924f-4dd26147...1Y8jmwEofM]
    Ex-Queen of Loess
    while collecting the stars, I connected the dots.
    I don’t know who I am, but now I know who I’m not.
    Exist can see how quickly her enthusiasm catches, how readily it buries itself beneath the skin of the buckskin girl with those beautiful blue wings. Somehow Heda knew, some part of her, somewhere deep and wild and raw, she knew the magic that lay trapped beneath Exist’s dark apricot flesh. It was hard to stand so close to the girl now, to ignore the cord in her chest that rippled and tugged and tethered her to Heda. But she holds fast anyway, ignoring the blossoming pain in her soul, the way it made her veins thrum with fire and her bones creak like branches bent too far.

    She feels oddly impatient, and she isn’t sure where the feeling comes from because it isn’t one she feels very often. Perhaps it is the toll of the magic she holds knit tight beneath her breast, or the wildness that seems to flicker like static between them, born of instinct and intuition. It would be so easy to pour the magic into Heda, to share this weight with someone else. Instead she tilts her head at the girl, her eyes round and bright and kind. “You’re very welcome, Heda.”

    Exists eyes are still tracing the hollows of Heda’s gold face when she notices the girls expression start to change. The smile fades a little, and the twinkle in those amber eyes flattens into a kind of quiet confusion. But even as Heda wilts with uncertainty, Exist blossoms. “I have.” She confirms with a gleam in the depths of her brilliant green eyes. “I believe I have something that belongs to you.” At this she can feel the magic thump in her chest, eager and impatient and desperate to be returned to the one it had been torn from. Exist steps closer, her body soft and fluid as she moved to curl around Heda until buckskin blended with apricot and copper melted into indigo.

    “Would you like it back?” Her voice is just a whisper then, a ghost of sound pressed from dark lips to the curve of a burnished gold ear. But she doesn’t wait, she can’t wait, and at once the magic roars from her to bury itself within Heda, finding home and peace and solace in those hollow places it has once lived. When Exist’s eyes find Heda’s there is a note of remorse there, an apology for not waiting until the girl said yes.  Exist always meant to wait, meant to let them choose, but there was something about the wildness that consumed her, bent her to its will and, strangely, she did not mind. With a sigh of relief, just a quiet hum of unspoken words and breath held too long, Exist pressed her nose to Heda’s shoulder. “Be whole again, Heda.”


    Omfg this is awful and I’m sorry but yay traits are restored at least! <3
    it all happens too fast. One second Exist is speaking, and the next she finds Exist's body coiled around her tightly. Her nostrils flare, and she grows barely conscious of her new friend's actions all she feels is this settle and welcoming warmth buried deep within her chest. She can hardly remember the rest, it grows into a blur a fantastic blur. She hardly recollects what happened except for Exist's words, those four relieving words, Be whole again Heda. 

    And just like that she can feel it, pulsating through every bone in her body. Her wings unfurl from her sides wrapping one tightly around the copper toned girl. And as if it were instinct, she plucks emotions from thin air, joy, love, excitement, and all things good. And forces them all one by one onto Exist. She had little idea what she was doing but it felt right, at least she hoped. 

    With a gentle smile the girl joyfully spoke,"Thank you." With honesty laced words, and a gracious payment to her new comrade. The day and night princess of Taiga, bid her companion good bye, "May we meet again my friend." And with a graceful lift off into the sky, the girl raced home to her Taiga. It was time for our little Heda came home, plus she had much to show her massive family.
    Go ahead. Laugh at the girl who loved too easily
    [Image: dc9b5pd-da224f9b-4062-4ac8-924f-4dd26147...1Y8jmwEofM]
    Ex-Queen of Loess

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