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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Love is friendship set on fire - Jord

    Love is friendship set on fire ...
    Soon the snow would start to fall again and paint the Tundra’s lands white. It did always enjoy Igni to see the sparkling white blanket again, as it was such a big part of the Tundra. The snow had been there when she had been born, even though she had been born in a cave,  a warm, sheltered cave. Her first steps outside were met with snow. It was just as much a part of her, as the snow was of the Tundra. The cave she was currently staring at hadn’t been the one she had been born in, this was the special one. Al though, their sauna cave was something else too.

    Her tail is swaying around, swatting at the irritating flies. Another reason why the blue roan girl preferred the autumn and winter above the summer. Spring was okay, she would say. But that wasn’t the thing on Igni’s mind right now, it was the cave. Once her father had forbidden her to enter, then she suddenly could and now it really had no use anymore. Other than protected that what remained, but honestly, there was nothing left to protect, right?

    Her attention got stolen when she heard footsteps coming in her direction. But Igni didn’t turn to look at her companion, instead she twisted one dark ear in the approaching mare. However, when the sweet voice calls out to her, she turns her head with a small smile. ”My name is Igni” she introduces herself, tilting her head slightly as she studies Jord. But once she continues about the cave, Igni’s gaze travels back to it. ”This is, no was, or magic cave. All the kingdoms had their own sense of magic, but it got stripped from the lands. Now it’s just a cave.” She speaks about it like it holds no importance, even though Offspring had told them all to carefully guard the cave. Maybe she just was too young to understand the importance of it.
    ... and fire is the burning passion within.

    Messages In This Thread
    Love is friendship set on fire - Jord - by Igni - 08-19-2016, 03:37 PM
    RE: Love is friendship set on fire - Jord - by Igni - 08-22-2016, 03:16 PM

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