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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    For It Has Been Some Time |Aegean|

    She decides to explore Taiga, on her own for the first time. Autumn had arrived already, and it was already a chilly fall, she can't imagine what winter will bring.

    Her family was large, and she found it hard to find time away from them. Not that it mattered any, but with her time ticking before her parents set her up in a diplomatic marriage she takes her freedom to explore a bit of the land in silence.

    She casually walks to the river, she had seen it with mother but never got the chance to truly watch the water run. As she steps before the bank on the crisp morning she watches the water run for a moment. Her breath could be seen as the warmth meets the cool air, she lowers her head to drink from the stream.

    The cool water rushed down her throat, quiet chilly on this morning and soon enough it will have ice dancing through it. As she lifts her head she allows the blue wings to lift from her back, stretching them from there tight resting spot. But when the silence is broken by the sound of another her head whips to the direction . Hello? she sends out the questioning greeting.

    Wild And Free

    @[aegean] <33

    I should have loved a thunderbird instead
    at least when spring comes they roar back again

    Aegean is on his way out of Taiga, having concluded what he set out to do, when he hears the ruffle of feathers. He pauses and angles his glowing head toward the source of it, his purple eyes brightening with that faint sense of curiosity that every so often stirs him from his own internal dreaming.

    When he hears the call, he smiles—his expression taking on the curve of lip slowly and then all at once.

    “Hello there,” he calls before he begins to move forward between the twisting branches and trunks of the trees. When he circles around one of the larger trunks, he sees the girl there by the river, his smile grows just a little wider, although still subtle enough to be said that it is dancing around the edges.

    He feels his illusions dancing underneath his skin, beginning to get out, but there is a part of him that is tired—the constant interaction with others draining his more introverted self. Still, he is not rude and he doesn’t just abandon the girl. Instead, he takes a step forward, the faint glow casting its light on the tree.

    “My name is Aegean.” He nods his antlered head toward the stream. “How is the water?”

    I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead
    (I think I made you up inside my head.)


    She knew she wasn't alone, she could hear them...whoever. she gets a response, Hello there, but still she cannot see another.

    Juts when she thought maybe her mind was playing tricks on her, the stranger appears before her. Her eyes scan over him, she had never seen anyone with a pelt as bright as his! He carried two large antlers on his head, larger than any equines she met.

    She was mesmerized for a moment, but brings herself back to reality when he introduces himself. Aegean, she engraves the name to her mind. This stag was the first equine she met in Taiga aside from her family, and she can't complain.

    He asks how the water is, and her eyes glance back to the stream as she nearly forgot where she was. Oh, she smiles, slightly embarassed. Just perfectly refreshing! she wonders how long he had lived here....does he? Is Taiga your home as well? She inquires, her curiosity peaking.

    Wild And Free


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