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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Call me whatever you want - Leliana
    OOC: just because funsy name mashup. 0.o

    a dragon who couldn't be hurt on the outside
    could have so many ragged holes inside
    He’s changed. Like, a lot. But then again he died in between, so he guesses that is normal. But now he doesn’t know what to do in Ischia any more and isn’t entirely certain if Nerine is the place either. In short, he’s an in-between ghost.

    Looking around there’s new babies joining their mothers in the meadow every day now. Spring can be wonderful like that. But he wonders if there’s one of his own with them. Wonders if Breckin ever wants some, or just one. Wonders if he’ll prove as infertile as his parents after having died. With a bit of guilt he remembers how he had stomped around the place a year ago, scaring those fillies and colts that were now yearlings and perhaps wandered around themselves. Perhaps looking for a home. Who knew, right? Perhaps one of them would fit in Ischia, or Nerine. Not that he considers himself a great recruiter, but still, he can offer whenever he’s asked. HAH, loophole - he’s not a Nerinian, so he doesn’t have to offer Loess to anyone.

    He settles on grazing for now, though his new teeth are less suited for that - more suited for battle, for hurt, but that doesn’t mean his digestive system has turned around or anything, so he has to make do. Perhaps today will prove interesting. Perhaps it won’t.
    HTML by Vanilla Custard, picture by x-celebri-x on deviantart

    @[leliana] Also I shamelessly reused this starter I made this morning because I owe 6 more starter posts
    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    Leliana has changed too, although her death has been more metaphorical than literal.

    Hers has been the death to the girl she was as a girl—to the girl who loved simply, dreamt simply, hoped simply. The death of a girl with an unscarred heart who embraced life without fear or reservation, who had pulled it into her breast and held it there, warmed by the possibility that this world had good things that awaited her. She is no longer that simple girl. There are bruises in her eyes, an ache in her heart that she cannot shake. She has embraced darkness, and she bears its weight in the aftermath, but she refuses to give into the undertow completely. She refuses to let herself shatter wholly at the pressure.

    So she doesn’t avoid the meadow, despite the ghosts that haunt the borders, and she doesn’t avoid those who inhabit it. She simply walks slowly, picking her way through the areas where the snow has begun to thaw, the ground growing soggy as spring begins to make itself known. She only pauses when she comes across him, dragon-scaled and unnaturally colored, the gold of him glinting in the weak spring sunlight.

    “Oh,” she exhales softly, the sound escaping before she can stop it. It’s followed by a soft laugh, the sound smoke as her lips curl into a welcoming smile. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there.” He is not like anything she has seen before, although the scales of him are enough of Vulgaris to bring a smile to her features. Instinctually, the wings by her side—previously crimson down—shift to her favored dragon, the leather and claw of them as red as herself.  “My name is Leliana,” she finally offers, before falling quiet.

    it started with a perfect kiss, then we could feel the poison set in

    @[Leilan] haha no worries!
    [Image: avatar-1975.gif]
    the heaviness in my heart belongs to gravity
    OOC: just because funsy name mashup. 0.o

    a dragon who couldn't be hurt on the outside
    could have so many ragged holes inside
    One moment he's carefully considering how to chew, the next he is already distracted. It's far easier to be distracted from something you don't like to do, after all, than focusing on it. Though he does not care to lose weight, carefully considering his trained muscles something he wants to upkeep, just in case there's a need to do so. You'll never know in this political climate - although, things seemed to have settled down a little by now.

    'Oh', she says, and laughs, and by the time he's found the face that belongs to the voice there is a red bay mare smiling at him, saying she didn't see him there. Perhaps she'd almost bumped into him, but he hadn't seen her approach, but it's the immediate shift to dragon wings that distracts him from that thought, and then -

    "Prffft." He shakes his head. "You're kidding me? No, of course not." he shakes his head, she doesn't know why her name is so funny. "I'm Leilan." he tells her, a spark in his eye as the colour gives away to something green-ish. "Please don't tell me you're from Nerine because that would make this even more insane."
    HTML by Vanilla Custard, picture by x-celebri-x on deviantart

    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    He seems harmless, and she relaxes in his presence. She had almost forgotten what it was like to have a casual conversation with someone kind and easy, letting herself slip into the warm water of company. For so long, she has found herself drawn into the tsunami of emotions—letting the darkness of others rise above her and drag her down. She reveled in it, which was a strange reaction from someone so soft and kind, but she couldn’t pretend like she wasn’t drawn to it, the gravity of them pulling her down.

    But, still, she finds that this interaction is lighter—nearly bubbly in comparison, and it is a relief.

    At his disbelief, confusion clearly clouds her features, and she tilts her head to the side, a smile beginning to curve the edges of her lips, but her clearly not understanding where the humor came from. Was her name humorous? She never thought that it was, but perhaps, given his reaction, it was.

    The confusion remains until he gives her his name in return.

    Her eyes pop a little, mouth dropping into a larger smile. “Leilan?” she repeats it, letting it roll across her tongue and finding it familiar, the shapes of it nearly identical to her own. “Well, what a handsome name.” Her features warm with humor, instantly more relaxed. At his question, she just shakes her head. “I have actually never been to Nerine, sadly. I grew up in Tephra, but I mostly live in Loess nowadays.”

    Not that she was an active member of the kingdom, but her heart lived there—the beautifully dangerous snake stallion and their joyful snake girl—and she couldn’t exactly live apart from her heart, could she?

    but there you go again, turning golden, right there in front of me

    [Image: avatar-1975.gif]
    the heaviness in my heart belongs to gravity

    a dragon who couldn't be hurt on the outside
    could have so many ragged holes inside
    She's wholly confused; he should maybe have told her first and then laughed about it, but the surprise it had sparked in him just didn't want to work that way. But when he manages to tell her, she smiles just as much, and compliments his name in a more relaxed manner. "Likewise." His eyes green with a spark from the humour, but she continues talking.

    "Tephra, hmm." He looks at her. "You'd fit there I bet. What made you move?" he wonders. Sure, Loess had some hot springs, but it wouldn't be as warm as the volcanic kingdom, and besides, she'd only fit as much as she did near the lava mountain, in autumn when the leaves have turned red. But he guesses it's either kingdom loyalty (but Tephra hasn't changed much that he knows) or family, just like he was doing himself.
    HTML by Vanilla Custard, picture by x-celebri-x on deviantart

    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    “Would I?” she asks, tilting her head to the side, amusement curving the corners of her mouth. “I certainly enjoyed it growing up, although I’ve never given much thought to how much I fit in there.” She had been too young, too busy either chasing her sister through the skies or, if she’s being truthful, being haunted by a love that had wormed its way into her heart when she was too young, too impressionable, to defend against it. It was still there, poisonous and beautiful in its own right. Too permanent to ever fully fade.

    But she doesn’t think of that now. Instead, she just thinks of her current life, her current love.

    She smiles dreamily as he asks why she’s changed homes, just rolling her shoulders.

    “I’ve started a family,” she explains, “and the father lives in Loess so I do too.”

    She thinks of Vulgaris back home, of Adna finally enjoying the playground with her peers, and something like contentment curls in her chest. She brings her eyes back to him, tracing the strange angles of his face, and she tilts her head to the side. “So, Nerine. Is that where you call home?”

    but there you go again, turning golden, right there in front of me

    [Image: avatar-1975.gif]
    the heaviness in my heart belongs to gravity

    a dragon who couldn't be hurt on the outside
    could have so many ragged holes inside
    Leliana. He still can't really grasp the irony of her name, but when she answers, he's listening again. About never giving it any thought, growing up. "Ah, none of us ever do I guess. But just look at you, the colour of volcanic earth and mane a flame erupting from it. Besides, Tephra is inhabited by kind spirits I believe. So yeah, naturally you'll fit in. Loess though - perhaps in autumn, hmm?" he tilts his head with an amused grin.

    Ah, a family. He tilts his head. "Started, as in you've a baby to care for? They're with their father now then?" Interested. Almost too much so. Can he help it - turns out he really likes kids. But the volcanic mare changes the subject to his own home, and he nods. "If home is where the heart is, then definitely." He curls his lips into a knowing smile. "Guess we're more alike than just in name."
    HTML by Vanilla Custard, picture by x-celebri-x on deviantart

    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    His compliments bring a smile to her face and she dips her head shyly.

    “You’re very kind for having just met me,” a smile curves the edges of her crushed velvet lips. “The people of Tephra are some of the kindest, brave souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.” She pauses, thinking of her faux uncle, growing up beneath his watchful eye, the way he gave her and Exist enough room to enjoy the land but always there whenever they needed him. “Magnus lives there and he helped raise my twin sister and me. He was always so kind. I’ll never forget my family in Tephra.”

    At his next question, her face lights up even more.

    “Yes, her name is Adna.” She lifts her head to glance toward the horizon. “She’s actually at the playground now, enjoying her time with the other children. I’ll go and scoop her up before it gets dark.” She pauses here, musing on the loveliness of the statement. That she was able to have a child and that it was safe enough to leave her places for her to explore and learn and make friendships. “Her father, Vulgaris, is fantastic with her though. He often takes her for the day, showing her around.” A soft laugh.

    “My little girl absolutely idolizes her father.”

    At his answer, she smiles, hoping to prompt him to talk more of himself.

    “Do you have a family there? Or is there another thing that captures your heart?”/p>

    but there you go again, turning golden, right there in front of me

    [Image: avatar-1975.gif]
    the heaviness in my heart belongs to gravity

    a dragon who couldn't be hurt on the outside
    could have so many ragged holes inside
    She seems more of the shy type - the name is clearly not an indicator. However, she is pleasant to converse with, and he just grins at her own compliment. ”Ah, there’s no fun in insulting people all day, I’ll have you know.” Been there, done that. Hadn’t been the best part of his life, certainly.

    She talks about Tephra some more and he nods, slowly. Supposes he should see what the land was like, at least, whenever Klaudius was getten rid off. Nowadays, he’d rather not be gone from home too long, and when Leliana confirms wanting to pick up her daughter before dark, he nods. She laughs after the father, Vulgaris, having a strong bond with the girl, and he himself feels a little guilty. ”Wish I could say the same for mine. I have to leave them with their mothers, though. Better for them, anyway.” A downcast sigh follows, but when she asks about what Nerine holds for him, he smiles again. ”My family, yes. And a certain queen.” he dares to admit. How he is ever going to fix relations with Roseen however, he isn’t sure.
    HTML by Vanilla Custard, picture by x-celebri-x on deviantart

    Two things I know I can make: pretty kids, and people mad.

    There is something kind about him, and she smiles kindly at him when he looks so downcast the mention of her daughter. Troubled by whatever pain stirs in his chest, she takes a step forward, bridging the distance between them so that she can place a gentle touch to his neck, velvet nose pressing there for but a moment. “I don’t believe that,” her voice is soft, unfurling around the edges, blossoming quietly. “I think all children are better for having their father in their lives.” Another pause, hesitant as she thinks.

    “I know I wish I had my father in my life.”

    Instead, she had been raised as orphans, forced to live a life without true parents.

    But she doesn’t press the subject, merely takes a step back and gives him another smile, wishing that her gift of healing could extend further so that she could press some relief into his soul. “A Queen you say?” had she brows, they would rise here, a mischievous tilt of her lip. “How lucky she must be to have caught the attention of a stallion such as your self.” She reaches once more to nudge him, catching his gaze.

    “And she must be extremely special herself.”

    but there you go again, turning golden, right there in front of me

    [Image: avatar-1975.gif]
    the heaviness in my heart belongs to gravity

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