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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    runnin' away to the riptide; Aranea & Any
    lady, runnin' away to the riptide
    taken away to the dark side

    In the time after she had visited each land, the memories of them had faded. And she hadn’t stayed long enough to form more than a first impression really anyway, so other than knowing there was a volcano here, Sloane really remembered nothing about Tephra. And her guide hasn’t been able to tell her, exactly, so she keeps her eyes open and her senses alert as they travel, and even more so at the first hint of sulfur in the air, indicating their arrival.

    Sloene is content to travel in near-silence, a companionable silence, broken only by the sound of their hooves, but the sound of running water is welcome too. It’s not a long journey from Field to Tephra, but she lowers her head gratefully to take a drink anyway before looking around them. The water is just a little odd, a different flavor, and she rolls it around in her mouth before taking another sip, deciding it’s not so bad. “It’s beautiful here,” she says aloud to her companion, flashing a warm smile. And she is pleasantly surprised to find she really does find it so – the air is warmer here than in the just-coming spring of the rest of Beqanna, and the grass growing lush and green is no eyesore either.

    She wants to talk to her companion, and supposes it would best be done in questions that can be answered with a nod or shake of the head – yes, elaboration would be nice but not necessary and honestly unlikely in this situation. But it’s another little puzzle, little game, to phrase everything she wants to know in a way that can be so simply answered. “Have you lived here long?” she waits for a response, considering before going on. “Is it organized like a Kingdom, then?”

    I've got a lump in my throat
    cause you're gonna sing the words wrong

    Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between
    Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies, across this new divide

    It was a sort of shock that settled over her in the wake of the meeting at the field. Even as they walked together Aranea had a hard time believing that she had succeeded. There was pride, of course, alive and fluttering in her chest, but there was also a kind of awe that she couldn't just ignore. She, without any words, had somehow managed to encourage this lovely mare to join her kingdom. Tephra was beautiful and she was certain that Sloene would be happy with her choice, but she could hardly believe that she was coming even still.

    Of course, it would have likely been an entirely different outcome if Sloene hadn't already visited ALL of the kingdoms before.

    The happiness she sensed from her companion when they DID reach Tephra made her smile nonetheless. Aranea snorted in agreement and bobbed her head as they paused to take in the view. On the journey back she had decided that she would take Sloene to meet Magnus - he would be able to introduce her, at least, and would be able to answer any further questions that the newest Tephra member had. With this in mind she guided Sloene towards where the King often was and hoped that they would have luck finding him.

    As they walked in she was able to bob her head in answer to question one - she had been here since the begining, after all - and again in response to number two. While Tephra had differences it was not the first kingdom to run on a three caste system. It was organized like many Kingdoms had been in the past, and Aranea quickened her pace, eager to introduce her to Magnus so that he might explain that more thoroughly.

    As they reached a more central area of the kingdom Aranea snorted again and blew out a few breaths as loudly as she could - it wasn't possible for her to whinny or nicker or call him in any true vocal way, but surely by now Magnus knew her sounds and would come if he was near enough to hear them...

    @[magnus] I hope you don't mind me summoning you Laura <3

    Spring had always been Magnus’ favorite season. He loved the new life as it grew silently, the infantile vegetation showing its face toward the sun, reaching outward and blooming into brilliance. In the Gates, it had been a quiet beauty, wildflowers expanding over the hills, and the grass turning a deeper and more vibrant hue. In Tephra though, it was almost overwhelming. Nurtured by the volcanic soil, the growth was magnificent—the flowers huge, the grass reaching up to your belly in spaces. The scent of the land was almost overpowering enough to mask the sulphur, although he had long learned to ignore it.

    When he sees Aranea cross the border with the grullo mare by her side, he grins. He knows how hard she has worked to recruit, how hindered she was by the lack of her own voice. One day, he promised himself. One day, he would find a way to return communication to her. Shaking away the thought, he began to make his way toward the duo, long before Aranea lifted her head to call for him. So that by the time that she does actually make some noise, quiet as it may be, he is near enough to actually hear it.

    And near enough to answer it with a call of his own.

    Moments after his deep voice breaks the air, he comes to the two, the heated air causing his skin to darken with sweat, the gold deepened. “Hello, to you both.” He nodded at Aranea, giving her a kind smile before turning his attention to the newcomer. “I see you met Aranea. She’s one of our most trusted diplomats.” He didn’t know the mare, but he thought highly of her, if only for trusting her instinct to follow the silent diplomat. It took character to trust someone who could not use their words to convince you.

    “This is Tephra.” He motioned around, the volcano looming over them.

    “My name is Magnus. Is there anything I can help you with?”

    out of the blue out into the loneliest place that you'll ever know
    I carried the world just as far as I could but the damage had taken its toll

    [Image: gqYjsHr.png]
    lady, runnin' away to the riptide
    taken away to the dark side

    She picks her way across the land with Aranea, watching for the responses to her questions – yes, Aranea has lived here a while; yes, it’s organized like a Kingdom – and she is glad to hear those answers. The first indicates that someone must know her guide – eventually, she will run into someone who can give them a proper introduction. The second means that she won’t be completely out of her depth; she has yet to be a true member of her Kingdom but Nera and Branka had versed all of their foundlings in the way Kingdoms worked, so she has a pretty good idea. Both good things.

    The mare speeds up and Sloene matches her pace, curious, but willing to follow the dark lady’s lead. Each step further into the interior of the Kingdom makes her more pleased, the land developing around her beautiful and striking without being overwhelming or over-the-top. When they stop she turns curious silver eyes on her new friend, considers the very deliberate sounds she is making, and realizes she is calling for someone. So entranced is she by the things the dark mare is doing, she jumps a little when his voice echoes back in response, and then she turns to look for him, offering a polite smile to the golden stallion as he comes up to them, starts to speak.

    “Aranea,” she breathes the name, turning to grin at the mare and almost missing the rest of the man’s speech. But quickly she turns her attention back, and listens to him. Yes – a diplomat. Of course. No wonder she communicates so clearly, even without a voice. She smiles again at them both. “Yes, though it is nice to have a name.” She shifts, not wanting to exclude Aranea but wanting to perhaps have a few easy answers. She throws one apologetic glance her way before addressing Magnus. “I’m Sloene. Can you tell me more about Tephra? How it runs? It’s very beautiful. I’m glad Aranea brought me here.”

    I've got a lump in my throat
    cause you're gonna sing the words wrong
    Give me reason to fill this hole, connect the space between
    Let it be enough to reach the truth that lies, across this new divide

    Aranea was relieved to see the leader appear - comforted that he seemed to always know when he was needed. If anything it only solidified her belief that this kingdom was meant to be her home - here she felt comfortable enough to be herself. They had not turned her away because of her inability to speak and now she was pleased to be able to do something to help in return. Tephra deserved to thrive and Aranea wanted nothing more than to watch it happen.

    Magnus' words were, of course, just as pleasing. Could she have blushed no doubt her cheeks would have been fiery red, as it were she merely lowered her head and averted her eyes in an expression of her appreciation. However her gaze lifted quickly and met Sloene's - her name spoken by the mare was a relief. At least now she had that, and a name was an important thing to claim. Aranea bobbed her head and snorted softly before she settled in to silence in order to listen to the conversation that sprung up between the other two.

    The shadowy mare positioned herself between them but otherwise she remained quiet - it was Magnus' turn to give Sloene what she needed, Aranea's job (for now) was done.



    He watched the interaction between them quietly, his eyes flashing with pleasure as they spoke. For a moment, he took a step forward, just to bridge the gap between himself and Aranea, pressing his muzzle to her neck and blowing outward, her mane dancing around his exhale. It was the closest thing he could give her to a silent congratulations; he had known just how difficult it had been for her to recruit without a voice and how hard she had tried regardless. To know she was successful made him swell with pride.

    His attention though was stolen to Sloene and he let it linger there for a moment, studying her again before he spoke up. “I would be glad to.” He stepped away from Aranea and motioned around them, the land flourishing in the embrace of Spring. “Perhaps we can talk as I show you around? It is too pretty of a day to spend it sitting here.” She deserved to see Tephra in all of its glory; to soak in all of its beauty.

    Nodding toward what was the beginning of a beaten path, the ground giving way to the patterns of Tephra inhabitants, he began to walk. “Tephra began as the child of a post-Reckoning alliance between the Tundra, Chamber, Valley, and the Gates.” Unlikely bed members, but they all had one vision in mind and one hope: to create a family and a haven for those lost in the chaos. “We were one of the first graced with a land from Beqanna, and we have since turned it into a safe haven of sorts. Anyone is welcome here.”

    He was quiet for a moment as he turned his gold-flecked gaze back to them, making sure that they were keeping up with him as he walked. “The other members of the alliance have since stepped down from an official leadership role and live privately, but all are still here.” He turned them down a path, walking them closer to the base of the volcano. “Tephra runs as a mix of a herd and kingdom. We have a singular case for anyone who finds purpose in that; that caste is a blend of peacemakers and warriors. We didn’t want to regulate anyone to one or the other. Life is much more gray than that.”

    Another smile. “Besides the caste members, we have many residents who simply choose to call Tephra home, and we have a three-member Council who assist in making decisions. The caste includes our Head of War, Head of Peace, and one more who serves.” He paused as they reached a small clearing, the flowers growing thick here on the volcanic soil. Turning around to face them, he gave a quick smile.

    “I think that’s everything. Is there anything else you would like to know?”

    out of the blue out into the loneliest place that you'll ever know
    I carried the world just as far as I could but the damage had taken its toll

    [Image: gqYjsHr.png]
    lady, runnin' away to the riptide
    taken away to the dark side

    She averts her gray eyes from the clear affection between them, feeling almost intrusive, but yet glad to see something so basically good here in this place so early on. It spoke highly of his character, Sloene thinks, that he holds Aranea in high regard and affection. A place cannot be intrinsically bad if its people are so good. When he gestures to a path, invites them to walk as he talks, she gives a nod and follows, listening with one ear turned towards Magnus as she looks all around them, wanting to see everything.

    He lists the Kingdoms that came together after the Reckoning and she cuts her gaze to him for a moment, considering. The Tundra was often a Neutral, but to hear that the Chamber, Valley, and Gates had come together in such a way surprises her. She had never been part of a Kingdom, but details and histories of each of them had been part of their education in Nera and Branka’s herd; she had wanted them to go on to greater, better things. Sloene wonders if any of those other foals had made anything special of themselves, and where they are now.

    Good personal relationships hadn’t been something she’d come away with. She was too unlike them, and she had been taught to blend and watch, not to stand out, and the rest of the star-children had been so dynamic. They stop at the base of the volcano that towers into the sky and she settles once more next to Aranea, looking up at the mount of the mountain where it disappears into the clouds. When she lowers her gaze to them again, Sloene grins, quicksilver joy flashing in her eyes. “It sounds wonderful,” she speaks, “I guess I only have two questions. First, may I stay? Second, how can I serve Tephra best?”

    She has surmised from the way he speaks that he must be high-ranking in the Kingdom. He does not speak, or more, or act like an underling. He hasn’t said as much, which only makes her approve more, because he does not have to posture and preens to have an aura of confidence, of authority. Sloene knows she could serve reasonably well in a diplomatic capacity, perhaps hold her own in some lower level fights, but a part of her looks for more. For something specific she can do, or learn, or strive for. If she can find that here, perhaps she will come to love it in the way that so many have always spoken of their beloved Kingdoms to her.

    I've got a lump in my throat
    cause you're gonna sing the words wrong

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