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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Great Return -[Gyps, Romek, Any]

    It has been quite some time since Andras stepped foot in Teiga, honestly since they first claimed the lands. He was so consumed with finding Gyps and ensuring her safety that he lost all other priorities. He could only hope that he and Gyps were welcomed in the lands still, but Romek was a good friend of his and surely he would welcome them with open arms. 

    The appaloosa stallion looked around the area, it seemed busy which was a wonderful sight after the kingdoms were taken away. Andras was still hornless but ready to make a visit to the mountain any day now to beg for his magic back, he just didn't look right without the pearl shining horn. His eyes flicked about before he stepped forward releasing a whinny that echoed off the open field.

    He turned to Gyps You will love Taiga well at least he hoped she would, all he could think about what starting a family with her. He wanted to make her happy, and feel safe in whatever lands it was they decided to settle down in. His pelt brushed against hers as he patiently awaited Romek, or perhaps anothers approach; he extended his neck to gently nuzzle Gyps on the neck doing his best to calm any nerves she could have.

    Let Go Of The Thoughts That Don't Make You Stronger

    @[Gyps] I hope this is okay, I'm not sure if you found a land while i was gone but this is where Andras secured before he found Gyps.
    The light that shines so bright.

    She trusted Andras with whole her heart and mind – in fact, she had trusted entrusted him with herself – but that didn’t mean that she would be naïve and follow him blindly. The anxiousness she feels is the good one though, the excited one, just to keep her aware of her surroundings and look at her new home in a realistic way. No too strange if you kept in mind that she hadn’t come voluntary to her previous home.

    The Taiga wasn’t like anything like she was used to. It is with a little weary and strange look that she takes in the trees. Yeah sure, the creek had had trees too, but Gyps had always preferred it to stick to the open areas. Just like the plain of her birth land had been. Trees would block her way to the sky, cut her ties with it, and that was something the black and blue mare surely would have to get used to.

    What matters most, was that Andras would be at her side, and if that was in the Taiga, then the Taiga would be their home. As he settles beside her, she turns towards him with a smile on her lips. Her reply is unspoken, a brush of her muzzle across his cheek and a gentle nip just behind his ear. ”I love you” she just says, not afraid to share her feelings with him anymore. He wasn’t like his father, and not at all like her own. Even without horn he was still hér Andras.



    He could sense discomfort in her body, she did not admit it just followed. It was different from the Dale, and from the Falls, but he knew the members and they were strong and loyal to the land. They would be safe and protected here, able to life a life of comfort, a place to raise there children.

    He patiently waited for Romek to appear, but he did not, he keenly looked around, it was odd that his friend did not appear shortly after they came into the lands. His thoughts were interuptted by Gyps' gently stroke on his cheek 'I love you' she announces, his heart almost beat out of his chest. Yes, he loved Gyps with all of his heart, for quite some time now, but they never shared the words. His gaze quickly found hers and a smile tugged at his lips I love you too his ears were perked forward and he extended his neck to nuzzle hers.

    He did not need anyone, all he needed was her. He could not think straight without her, perhaps a little obsessed and unlike many equine stallions, but he did not want anyone else. His heart belonged to her and he would not settle for anyone else.  

    Let Go Of The Thoughts That Don't Make You Stronger

    "Hello," he greeted kindly as he stepped into view. Pale wings were tucked to his sides. The trees were far enough apart to spread them in a good number of places, but this wasn't one of them. Realizing he interrupted a tender moment with his approach, he apologized with a grimace. "Ah, forgive me my intrusion."

    He paused a few paces away from the couple, dull dark-blue gaze met theirs in turn. He still lacked the light of magic within their depths that normally would illuminate them like brilliant glaciers. The bright, clear blue had been dimmed to the deep, darkness of a lake.

    He met their eyes, looked into them, and found love and kindness. The woman seemed agitated though, a little edgy with nerves. "You have nothing to fear here," he commented in hopes of easing her discomfort. "The forest is a peaceful place."

    He addressed the male as he turned to him again. "I am Ruan. Were you waiting for someone in particular? Could I help you find them, perhaps?" Ruan noted that he'd been scanning the shadows as if waiting for someone. He hoped he would know of their friends and be able to guide them to their companions.

    ooc: short and sweet! just wanted to get something up real quick before i get to bed! Hope thats alright <33

    The light that shines so bright.

    With the silence around them they soon get lost in their own little world, it was just the two of them, like it had been a couple of weeks prior. The result of that day was shown through her barrel, that showed the early signs of swelling. It’s impossible to wipe the smile of her lips, her muzzle lightly presses against his. The velvet of their noses touch. Out of nowhere Gyps’ smile grows mischievous, a wide grin now adorning her lips, and without giving him any time to process her sudden change in expression, she playfully nips at his shoulder.

    Her wings unfold slightly as she jumps away from him, ready to start their little game. However, it is then that another appaloosa joins them. ”Uh, hi” she greets the stranger a bit flustered, hurrying herself back to Andras’ side again, hoping that she hadn’t made a too big of a fool out of herself. Gyps’ flustered state grows even more as the stranger apologises, where she had been the one that had behaved quite immaturely. After all, they were here on serious business, not to fool around.

    It is impossible to miss the purple spots that decorate Ruan’s hindquarters. Just like herself he had this odd touch of color, although his much more refined. Her navy blue mane and sky blue tail were hard to miss. Their wings were different though, hers complimented her coat, where his were pained in a magnificent pale color. She dips her head slightly, thankful for his warm welcome, before her gaze travels back to Andras. Her muzzle is lightly pressed against his neck for a moment. ”It’s nice to meet you Ruan. I’m Gyps and this is Andras. Romek has invited Andras, and through him me, to come and visit. And maybe to stay if we’d like too.” Perhaps it wasn’t her place to say it, but it wouldn’t only be Andras home, hers too.



    now don’t you understand…that I’m never changing who I am?
    The concept of home is fluid. Sometimes home is a place. And sometimes, just as it is with Gyps and Andras, or Reagan and Ruan, home is the eyes of someone who loves you. And Reagan’s home was between these tree trunks, in the heart of Ruan. With Jinju, Heda, and her little one baking in her ever rounding belly. Her family was her home, and when they moved on from this place, so would she.
    The myst calls to her and she awakens from their den. Stuck in her wolf’s body, her magic taken from her, she finds herself stuck in this form until the end of winter. And so, as the white wolf makes her way to where she knows Ruan to be, she smiles, her pink tongue protruding from her fangs. She pads her way through the trees, most of the snow having been caught by the conifers. What little pine straw and snow has fallen dampens the sound of her approach as she comes in view with a black and blue lady, her black beady eyes and ears ever present. However, as a wolf, unable to communicate with them until the season is over. Until her punishment has finished.
    She yips, and jumps on top of Ruan’s back, hoping that he will consent to be her voice, as their hearts are able to communicate without words—that last little bit of magic she is still able to produce. Speak for me, my love. You and Jinju alone know what has happened to me.

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