I've all but just forgotten-
-What the color of her eyes were
@[Tinsel] @[TheRussian] @[Berber] @[Call]
Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
The Devil and God are raging inside me { OPEN TEAM }
09-14-2016, 03:11 PM
![]() HELLBANE I've all but just forgotten- -What the color of her eyes were @[Tinsel] @[TheRussian] @[Berber] @[Call] ![]() MORTAL when its all the same That Mountain. How, why? Mortal shook his head sending vibrant green tendrils of hair across his face. How long had he been up there? He wondered this thought, almost speaking it out loud. The black manchild was not used to being uncertain, was not used to not knowing something or at least being able to find an answer. Everyone he asked on the way down hadn’t known either, it’s as if they had all conveniently had that little tidbit removed from their memory banks.you can ask for it by name Oh and best part, he had woke on the Mountainside alone. As if this was some sort of test, some sort of game. He scoffed, he was strong enough and more than capable to survive on his own. His Father had seen to that. However, he had family too, he wanted to know that they were okay- his siblings, his parents. Where the hell was everybody? Almost the best part. There was also the wings. No no, not the lovely bat wings he had been born with, no. These, these wings were not his, they were heavier- they were feathered. Inky black feathered wings like a bird, an overgrown bird. A scowl took his charcoal lips, he stomped across a forest path with an unusual grumpiness. Then the most welcome sight came into view, bay and green and intimately familiar. They had shared a womb after all and though he knew not where his brother had gone, somehow he knew he was okay. “Hellbane,” he called, picking up his pace as he made his way to his twin. “Take a little more than the end of the world to keep us down huh?” he joked, or tried to. Mortal had never really been good at it killdare x dacia html by call
09-15-2016, 01:07 PM
We're all drawn toward what's beautiful & broken
Fear pulled at Maus' heart strings as she watched her son bounce excitedly a few yards ahead of her. Her deep amber eyes darted around them as if she expected them to be attacked at any moment. "Hurry Mother! Hurry!" The small voice of the six month old pierces the normal forest sounds. "Slow down, Pitch! Don't get so far ahead!" the worried mother calls, noting absentmindedly how her sons voice shared her russian accent. After his recent stunt of sneaking away to find the Playground, Maus decided it was time to take the young boy exploring. The grulla mare discovered shortly after he was able to walk that he was born an avid adventurer. It terrified her, to be honest, especially since here in Beqanna they were considered the oddballs. Neither Maus nor her silver grulla colt had any sort of magic or special abilities. It didn't take the mousey minx long to find out that this place wasn't like anywhere else she'd been. "Come on! Mother!" the child calls impatiently. They hadn't even left the forest yet and he knew there were a lot of places to see. His lanky black pointed legs prance excitedly as he waits for his dam to catch up. He wanted to see everything and if she kept poking around they'd get no where. As his Mother draws within a yard of him he turns, taking off on the game trail they'd been following. "Let's race to the edge of the Forest!" He calls breathlessly as he darts down the path, throwing a few playful bucks into his gate. "No! Pitch, wait!" the grulla mare calls out, but watches in horror as her son disappears around a thick patch of underbrush. Maus feels her blood run cold as she watches his short bottle brush tail slip out of view. "Pitch!" her voice is stranded and swathed in fear. She opens her gate, her legs stretching forward to pull her body into a run. "Pitch, come back!" she yells for her child as she rounds the bushes he had disappeared behind. Her deep amber eyes search frantically for his silver grulla form and the sight instantly causes her to skid to a halt, a blanket of terror falling over her body. Pitch had been looking back to see if his mother was following him. Having not been paying attention he didn't see the small embankment he raced towards. As his small front hooves press down into what he expected to be the ground, a startled squeal escapes his lips. His heart plummets the way it does when your foot misses a step on the stairs and the momentum from his sprint casts him sprawling down the bank. Pitch tumpled the short distance, landing himself right between the two stallions.
09-16-2016, 09:07 AM
![]() MORTAL when its all the same The grouch gremlin eases away, spilling from his features as his mind clears. His bright green eyes clear, soften and take in his brother in whole. Not too roughed up, he looked okay yes, nothing major as far as injuries stood out. A sigh of relief passes his midnight lips as the tension in his muscles also fades away, and he is standing next to his sibling in a state of relaxation. He was feeling better now thank you very much, something about finding his twin and other half settled him.you can ask for it by name The color of warm chocolate settles on the obnoxious feathers against his back and Mortal looks away. He’d always been so sorry that his older brother had been born ungifted and he made a point to stay grounded whenever he could when with him. “They’re awful ugly,” he whispers, returning to look his twin in the face with ever an apology written against his irises. Only after he presses them in, tucks them closer to his back as if he can make them disappear. It isn’t long at all that they find themselves with company. First a young colt racing up to them with abandon. Where was the Mother? he thought, looking over the child to the path behind him. Surely there was someone responsible for the boy around or he hoped there was. Not that he didn’t like little kids, he just wasn’t exactly ready to parent any of them. What he could manage was a smile though, something to accompany his brother’s kind sentiment. Ahead of himself, yes indeed it would appear so. “Is your Ma coming, maybe your Da? Suppose you can wait for them with us,” Ugh, wait, wasn’t he just trying to avoid the care of a small child? But there is one more, a stallion whose voice is coarse, thick and tangled like his Father’s mane had been. He asks where they are and Hellbane is quick to answer, also providing names to the new comer. “No one seems to know much around here, asked all the way down that damn Mountain too.” His voice was gruff from clear frustration that no one had answers. “Some kind of wood though, don’t know whose,” he remarked, ever observant. “What’d you say your name was?” He returned his gaze to the stallion, of course he knew very well the other had never said his name. killdare x dacia html by call
09-21-2016, 04:41 PM
We're all drawn toward what's beautiful & broken
Maus watched the silver grulla colt tumble in slow motion. She saw the way his eyes widened with fear as he felt his feet landing on the nothingness that he expected to be the ground. The way his lanky legs flopped and splayed out as he skidded to halt between the two behemoths. If she hadn't known better, the grulla minx would have sworn the babies long legs had become knotted together durning his fall. Mostly though, to her sheer horror, Maus noticed the peculiarities of the two stallions he fell between. One of them was trimmed in a dark green, the other obviously bore a pair of jet black wings. She watches at what seems to be agonizingly slow pace, as the green pointed stud lowers his nose to greet the child. A memory pools within her mind causing her heart to thump fearfully against her chest. Even though she didn't know these two beasts, the only thing she sees is Lokii, trickster who had caused her irrational fear of anything even remotely magical. Even though grulla minx would have much rather run forward to herd her babe away from the two stallions, she mustard every fiber of self-control she possible could to force herself to walk calmly towards them. The last she thing needed was to start a fight with two magically inclined stallions (she, at this point doesn't know/realize that not everyone has a mental ability) that she'd have no way of winning. The distance seemed to take her years to cover but she reached the trio just as another stallion stepped up. Maus lets out a silent sigh of relief. At least this new stallion had no physical traits, that was a good thing, right? "I'm terribly sorry." she says as her chipped and battered hooves bring her body to a halt. "Sometimes he gets ahead of himself." she adds in her Russian accent as she turns her attention to the colt who still lay at the stallions feet. "Come child, come here." She says to the silver grulla foal, her eyes pleading with him to return to her side. Pitch had other ideas. He had seen oddly colored horses and horses that physical traits, but only from afar. His Mother had made sure to skirt around them just far enough where he couldn't really see them. Ever the poster child for that famous slogan, curiosity had him gripped in wide eyed fascination. "Mother! Look!" the child exclaims excitedly as he climbs to his feet. "They are different." He adds, his accent matching his mothers. Reaching his small blackened maw out he allows his velvety soft nose to gently touch the forest green knee of the stallion before him. "I want to be different like them." He says in a small awed voice. The words chilled Maus to the bone. "Pitch!" she says in a scolding tone. "Come here." her voice was stern in the way only a mothers could be. Ducking his small head downward, the silver grulla child obediently returns to her side, his ears half pinned in an apologetic way. "I can not apologize enough for my son." She says as she turns her attention back to the trio of stallions. "I'm Maus. This is Pitch." she adds. She wanted nothing more than to herd her son away from them and back to the safety of their little thicket but she wasn't about to provoke them.
09-22-2016, 06:56 AM
Surgery is overwhelmed. He spent most of his life - his fake childhood that extended unnaturally long - not allowed to speak. To be hidden. He was to calm the young children joining his mothers perverse herd of stolen children with his presence. See, another child? See? He could sweet talk the foals, lull them into a sense of security with a toothy smile and an easy manner. Every other time, though, he is silenced. Shut up. Quieted magically. Now, though, the fog is lifted and he is free to explore! To go! To do! He reaches against all the boundaries until at last he finds himself at the very edges of his previous home. The though both thrills and terrifies him. How much longer until the cord reaches its end and snaps him back? How much longer until his mother finds him and takes him for herself? "The disruption was needed," he says, to all and no one. No one asked him, but he says it because he means it. Deep down, superficially, whatever - he needed it. Magic robbed from the land (he had no idea that it could come back - what a rain on his parade) and it was perfect. "The magic was...out of control," he says, shaking his head. | ||
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